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when an i/o device is ready to do the process with cpu and the cpu not is not know the status of.. trhe i/o device,then i/o device sends a request to service it

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Q: How can interrupt be generated?
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What are interrupters?

An interrupt is a hardware-generated change of flow within the system. An interrupt handler deals with the cause of the interrupt. Control is then returned to the interrupted context An interrupt is a hardware-generated change of flow within the system. An interrupt handler deals with the cause of the interrupt. Control is then returned to the interrupted context

What is the use of interrupt vector?

An interrupt vector is the memory address of an interrupt handler, or an index into an array called an interrupt vector table or dispatch table. Interrupt vector tables contain the memory addresses of interrupt handlers. When an interrupt is generated, the processor saves its execution state via a context switch, and begins execution of the interrupt handler at the interrupt vector.

What is the purpose of interrupts in Operating System?

Answer: An interrupt is a hardware-generated change-of-flow within the system. An interrupt handler is summoned to deal with the cause of the interrupt; control is then returned to the interrupted context and instruction. A trap is a software-generated interrupt. An interrupt can be used to signal the completion of an I/O to obviate the need for device polling. A trap can be used to call operating system routines or to catch arithmetic errors.Type your answer here...

What is trap in operating system?

software generated interrupt caused either by an error or a user request.

What is interrupts and list classes of interrupts in operating system?

An interrupt is an event that alters the sequence in which the processor execute instructions. It is generated by hardware of computer system. Classes of interrupt:- IBM processor has six types of interrupts. * svc interrupt(supervisor call) *input/output interrupts *external interrupts *Restart interrupts *Program check interrupt *Machine check interrupts

Difference between software interrupt and hardware inerrupt?

Hardware Interrupt: Each CPU has External Interrupt lines(about 7). Other external devices line keyboard, Mouse, Other controllers can send signals to CPU asynchronously. Software Interrupt:is an interrupt generated with in a processor by executing an instruction . Software interrupt are often used to implemented system calls because they implemented a subroutine call with a CPU ring level change.


Interrupt signals initiated by programs are called software interrupts. A software interrupt is also called a trap or anexception. A signal informing a program that an event has occurred. When a program receives an interrupt signal, it takes a specified action (which can be to ignore the signal). Interrupt signals can cause a program to suspend itself temporarily to service the interrupt. Interrupt signals can come from a variety of sources. For example, every keystroke generates an interrupt signal. Interrupts can also be generated by other devices, such as a printer , to indicate that some event has occurred. PCs support 256 types of software interrupts and 15 hardware interrupts. Each type of software interrupt is associated with an interrupt handler -- a routine that takes control when the interrupt occurs. For example, when you press a key on your keyboard, this triggers a specific interrupt handler. The complete list of interrupts and associated interrupt handlers is stored in a table called the interrupt vector table , which resides in the first 1 K of addressable memory.

What is a trap instruction?

A trap instruction is a software interrupt. It's generated by an error or by a user program when it needs the operating system to perform an operation (a system call).

What is an maskable intErrupt?

interrupts in 8085 are basically classified into two types: 1.Maskable 2.Non maskable maskable interrupts are those which can be delayed.This is done by masking off the interrupts which are not required. Maskable interrupts are:RST 7.5,RST 6.5,RST 5.5 and INTR <decreasing order of priority>

What part of speech is interrupt?

"Interrupt" is a verb.

What is the difference between trap and interrupt?

Trap is actually a software generated interrupt caused either by an error (for example division by zero, invalid memory access etc.), or by an specific request by an operating system service generated by a user program. Trap is sometimes called Exception. The hardware or software can generate these interrupts. When the interrupt or trap occurs, the hardware therefore, transfer control to the operating system which first preserves the current state of the system by saving the current CPU registers contents and program counter's value. after this, the focus shifts to the determination of which type of interrupt has occured. For each type of interrupt, separate segmants of code in the operating system determine what action should be taken and thus the system keeps on functioning by executing coputational instruction, I/O instruction, torage instruction etc.

What are the differences between a trap and an interrupt?

Trap is actually a software generated interrupt caused either by an error (for example division by zero, invalid memory access etc.), or by an specific request by an operating system service generated by a user program. Trap is sometimes called Exception. The hardware or software can generate these interrupts. When the interrupt or trap occurs, the hardware therefore, transfer control to the operating system which first preserves the current state of the system by saving the current CPU registers contents and program counter's value. after this, the focus shifts to the determination of which type of interrupt has occured. For each type of interrupt, separate segmants of code in the operating system determine what action should be taken and thus the system keeps on functioning by executing coputational instruction, I/O instruction, torage instruction etc.