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Siri is just a program that uses a computer-made voice.

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Alek Batz

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2y ago
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7y ago

Since she is not a real person, she looks like whatever you imagine her to be!

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What is better an iPhone 4os with siri or iPod?

The iPhone with siri because it will look things up for you with siri and can make phone calls

What is an iPod App that is like Siri?

Try Evi! It is just like Siri. You can either write or speak to it. But it is a little slow. It is only $0.99 in the app store. Best Siri competitor ever!!!!!

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Are there any apps like siri?


When was Siri Siri Muvva created?

Siri Siri Muvva was created in 1978.

What is the duration of Siri Siri Muvva?

The duration of Siri Siri Muvva is 2.4 hours.

What if your iPhone siri doesnt tell you what your text message is?

Then you have a auto -typed Siri that is in a form of not working and you need to check your settings or l'd look it up on YouTube and you should to

Who is siri?

A guy on the iPhone 4S and iPhone 5. Hold down the home button to get him. Ask him any questioon you like. SIRI IS AWESOME!

What are the ratings and certificates for Siri Siri Muvva - 1978?

Siri Siri Muvva - 1978 is rated/received certificates of: India:U

How do you activate siri?

To make sure siri is on, go to settings > general > Siri > On. Once Siri is on, she can be activated by holding down the home button. Once a command or question is spoken, it will be processed Siri will respond.

What is the birth name of Siri Nilsen?

Siri Nilsen's birth name is Nilsen, Siri.

Will iPhone 5 have siri?

yes it has Siri