Microsoft made the software, IBM made the hardware.
Yes - it requires the PowerPc chip from IBM. See related link for more hardware information.
IBM = International Business Machines, a computer hardware, software and services company.
Software company
IBM are the initials for the International Business Machines, a computer hardware, software and services company.
Bill Gates made a deeal with IBM to license the DOS (disk oprerating system) on every computer IBM. IBM thought that the money was in the hardware. But as profit margins fell on the hardware it turned out that Gates made the right choice. Pretty soon he had the rights to sell the operating system on every IBM compatible computer.
The question is too nonspecific to answer reliably, but IBM makes a Hardware Management Console. See this FAQ, "What is a Hardware Management Console?", on IBM's web site
IBM provides support for all products. If the hardware is under warranty, IBM will provide driver support free of charge, otherwise, they offer this service for a fee.
Access the web sites of the hardware manufacturers like IBM and Hewlett Packard and obtain the latest information regarding hardware releases for laptops. preparea table comparing cost,speed & capacity for each product across manufacturers.
International Business is basically a hardware company.
The original IBM PC, also known as the 5150, was was introduced on August 12, 1981.