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Some do, some don't. Older flat panel displays use a flat shaped florescent lamp. Newer flat panel displays use white LED's which use less current and produce less heat. This has the effect of extending battery life on portable devices. LEDS are also less susceptible to shock damage.

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Q: Do flat panel monitors use LED technology?
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4 What technology do most flat panel displays use?


Identify two types of flat panel monitors and explain their differences?

Two examples of flat panel monitors are Light-emitting diode display (LED) and Liquid-crystal display (LCD). LCD monitors light the entire backside of the LCD panel using a cold compact florescent light while LED monitors use its own light to provide the backlight. LED lights more energy efficient than the cold compact florescent light used by LCD.

Does Panasonic have an led tv?

On current market, only Samsung is selling LED TVs ------------------------------------------------- Correction, Sharp also has LED Backlit Flat Panel HDTV's. Further correction, majority of desktop flat panel monitors for computers are now coming out in LED tech; LCD is the past.

What is the difference between a flat panel monitor and a flat panel LCD?

Same thing except LCD TVs are televisions by themselves while LCD monitors can serve as either a television OR a computer monitor.

Are LED and LCD monitors considered legacy technology?


What is the acronym used to describe the technology used in newer flat screen computer monitors?

Being unclear what you might be referring to it could be: LCD, LED, LCD-LED, OLED, etc.

Is the technology for flat panel plasma televisions fast changing?

Yes. Flat panel plasma TV's are changing fast. Now there are LCD's and LED's. LED's have better imagery. As always, HD programs have the best color. To add, 3D and blu-ray have come out.

What is the type of monitor currently being used on today's computers?

Flat, LED screen monitors.

What Monitors the boot process and reports errors usually as coded numbers on a small LED panel?

A "POST card."

What is the difference between crt monitor and flat pannel monitors?

flat panel monitors are lighter,smaller then and in some aspects maybe cheaper then crt monitors they produce images either by using the four technologies available plasma,lcd,led and led backlit. crt monitors are the oldest form of technology that use a cathode ray tube to create the images crt screens have been widely replaced because of the advantages of flat panel technology and their capabilities to display 1080p video crt monitors are still around because they are very reliable and arguably have better colour quality the best to tell the difference between a crt and a flat panel monitor is to look at its design if its flat its a flat panel monitor if its big and bulky in a cube shape then its a crt monitor

Using LED Monitors to Save on Electricity Costs?

The older style of computer monitors used technology that seems like it comes out of the stone age when compared with the LED monitors out today. Not only does this mean that the lower end technology is less attractive, but it also means that these outdated monitors use up way too much electricity for what you get out of them. When you upgrade to using LED monitors, you're not only getting a significantly better picture, but you're also completely slashing your electricity bill in the process. Also, finding LED monitors for cheap is not difficult, especially if you buy them in bulk to use for large computer networks or security setups.

What technology used for computer monitor?

Few of the technologies used in Computer Monitors are CRT, LCD, LED, OLED & PLASMA.