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No, Bill Gates did not attempt to buy IBM. As a publicly held and traded corporation, IBM is not a company that an individual could "buy" and take private. What "Wild" Bill did do was negotiate deals with them to the mutual benefit of both IBM and Microsoft. Both companies earned billions in profits by working together, by collaborating and taking advantage of each other's strengths and expertise.

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Q: Did Bill Gates ever attempt to buy IBM?
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Did Bill Gates work for IBM?


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When did Bill Gates start working for IBM?

Never. He was a founder of Microsoft.

When did Bill Gates work for IBM and what was his position?

Bill Gates never worked for IBM. He was the founder of Microsoft. But, Mircrosoft and IBM licensed MS-DOS for IBM's new IBM PC-AT. They then began working to develop, OS/2 a more advanced operating system. But Microsoft had different plans and IBM finished OS/2 by itself.

What did Bill Gates develop for IBM?

He developed the operating system for IBM's personal computers. It was called MS-DOS.

How did Bill Gates earn his money?

Bill Gates made a deeal with IBM to license the DOS (disk oprerating system) on every computer IBM. IBM thought that the money was in the hardware. But as profit margins fell on the hardware it turned out that Gates made the right choice. Pretty soon he had the rights to sell the operating system on every IBM compatible computer.

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Bill Gates didn't create PC's. That was IBM.

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Did bill gates invented Microsoft?

Bill Gates was the founder of Microsoft. It began as a small software company but worked with IBM at the beginning of the 1980s to develop the operating system for the IBM PC. The operating system was called "PC DOS" when supplied by IBM but Microsoft also marketed a completely compatible version known as "MS DOS". This was the operating system that was used on almost every IBM PC clone and so triggered the growth of Microsoft into the global market leader for operating systems.

Did bill gates sell the idea to ibm before he owned the writes to it?

i am pretty sure its a yes.

What device did bill gates create for computers?

Bill Gates and his company that didn't have a name at the time created DOS (disk operating system) for IBM. Actually they bought DOS from another company and made changes to it so it would work with the IBM PC

What events helped bill gates earn his first million?

Developing MS DOS for IBM and keeping the rights to it.