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Q: By 2003 the media was concentrated in the hands of how many multinational corporations?
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To a remarkable degree media ownership in the US is?

concentrated among a few large corporations, giving them significant influence over public opinion and content dissemination. This concentration can limit diversity of voices and perspectives in the media landscape.

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Is the media the most powerful entity on earth?

The media plays a significant role in shaping opinions and influencing society, but there are other powerful entities such as governments, multinational corporations, and organized religions that also have a significant impact on the world. Power is distributed among various entities depending on the context and influence they wield in different spheres.

A major dynamic in the American media is that they are?

owned by private corporations.

What are the examples of globalization in the Philippines?

Examples of globalization in the Philippines include the integration of Filipino workers in the global labor market, the influence of multinational corporations on the local economy, and the spread of Western culture through media and technology. Globalization has led to increased trade, foreign investments, and cultural exchanges in the Philippines.

Job recruitment selection of Nestle multinational company in Pakistan also advertisement for the job and which media use and complete process for selection?

yes the nestle use media for their recruitment

What is the main source of revenue for media corporations?

The main source of revenue for media corporations is typically advertising. Media companies sell ad space to businesses looking to reach their target audience through various channels such as TV, radio, print, and digital platforms. Additionally, some media corporations may generate revenue through subscriptions, pay-per-view services, and content licensing.

What Japanese multinational electronics and media corporation headquartered in Conan Mina to Tokyo Japan?

who knows man

What Japanese multinational electronics and media corporation headquartered in Conan Minato Tokyo Japan?

Toshiba and Sony

What are the examples of cultural and economical neocolonialism?

Cultural neocolonialism can be seen in the dominance of Western media and cultural products in many countries, leading to the marginalization of local cultures. Economical neocolonialism is evident in the exploitation of cheaper labor and resources in developing countries by multinational corporations from developed countries, leading to economic dependency and unequal power dynamics.

What is the primary function of a media agency?

The primary function of a media agency is to act as a media relations and public relations front for a given company. Media agencies typically sell their services to multiple corporations to represent them, or help get them business.

True or false The term synergy describes the dynamic creative energy of media corporations such as Disney?
