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Q: An 8-bit byte10101111is to be encoded using Hamming code what is the result after encoding?
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A receiver receives the code 11001100111 When it uses the Hamming encoding method 2 the result is 0101 Correct the bit in error and identify the correct code?


This is another word for code and is a way to transform text in order to concel meaning?

In information security, another word for code or encoded text is ciphertext. Ciphertext is the end result of encoding of plain text.

Calculate hamming code between 1000110 and 1110100?

hamming code between 1000110 and 1110100 can be calculated by just exoring both codes with each other as follow: 1000110 1110100 ------------ 0110010 now by counting the ones in the result that gives 3 then hamming dictance = 3

How do you make a Caesar Cipher in C plus plus?

Caeser Cipher is a substitution cipher where the character set is shifted left or right by one or more characters. That is, with a left shift of 3, the letter D in the source text becomes a letter A in the encoded text. Given the ASCII character set has 127 characters, you can left or right shift by 64 characters. For characters that result in a negative encoding, you simply add 127 to the encoding. Example usage: #include<iostream> #include<exception> #include<cassert> char encode (int c, int shift) { if (c<0 c>127 shift<-64 shift>64) throw std::range_error("Encoding error"); int x = c - shift; if (x<0) x+= 127; if (x>127) x-=127; return (char) x; } char decode (int c, int shift) { if (c<0 c>127 shift<-64 shift>64) throw std::range_error("Encoding error"); int x = c + shift; if (x<0) x+= 127; if (x>127) x-=127; return (char) x; } int main() { std::string source {"Hello world!"}; std::string encoded {}; std::string decoded {}; for (auto c : source) { encoded += encode (c, 42); // shift left by 42 characters } assert (source != encoded); for (auto c : encoded) { decoded += decode (c, 42); // shift right by 42 characters } assert (source == decoded); }

Which tasks result in processing delays when the packets of an audio transmission are transmitted over a packet-switching network?

Compression Encoding

What is the difference between Coding and Encoding?

1. If you are writing few lines in any computational language in order to achieve certain result, this is called coding. It is understandable to anyone knowing that particular language. Encoding is basically finding an alternate way to represent data such as to make it easier to port across various platforms.e.g. Unicode, ASCII etc. Encoding sometimes in terms of electronics also means encrypting the data e.g. Hoffman encoding

Which Levels of processing theory suggests that longer lasting memory codes are the result of level of processing?

Levels of processing theory suggests tha there are three levels of processingShallow Processsing - Structural Encoding: where you emphasize the physical structure of the stimulus (i.e. caapitalization)Intermediate Processing - Phonemic Encoding: where you emphasize what the word sounds like (i.e. rhymes)Deep Processing - Semantic Encoding: where you understand the meaning of the stimulus (i.e. definition of)According to the levels of processing theory, the longer lasting memory codes are a result of Semandtic Encoding which is the deepst processing level and where you are required to understand the stimulus.

Why does your computer display question marks as a result of your translations instead of the correct Chinese characters?

Answer: "Why question marks appear instead of readable text". Try going into the "View" tab - then down to "Charcter encoding" - a list of possibilities shold show. Try various encoding systems till you find the one that gives you the preferred results. Shimsar

What is compression sentence?

Compression is the process of reducing the size of a file or data by encoding it in a more efficient way. This can result in faster transmission speeds, reduced storage space, and quicker loading times.

Do mutations always alter the encoded protein structure and function?

No. Since a mutation in the DNA may not necessarily result in a change to the encoded amino acid in the protein sequence, it is entirely possible. Further, the protein function will likely not change when an amino acid is replaced with one of similar chemical properties. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. This is the field that molecular evolutionary biologists study.

Can tin be hammed into a shape?

Tin can be molded into different shapes using specialized tools and techniques like metalworking. However, physically "hamming" tin into shape may result in deformation or damage to the material due to the force of the hammer. It is recommended to use proper metalworking tools for shaping tin.

Describe any circumstances under which an open-loop protocol eg a Hamming code might be preferable to the feedback-type protocols.?

If the propagation delay is very long, as in the case of a space probe on or near Mars or Venus, forward error correction is indicated. It is also appropriate, in a military situation in which the receiver does not want to disclose his location by transmitting. If the error rate is low enough that an errorcorrecting code is good enough, it may also be simpler. Finally, real-time systems cannot tolerate waiting for retransmissions.