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Animals loose their homes in the rainforest because most trees(which are being cut down) are home to many animals. So, they loose thier homes and sometimes die.

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Q: Why do animals in the rainforest lose their homes?
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Why is deforetation a bad idea?

Because the trees provide us with oxygen, the animals lose their homes and the native rainforest tribes also lose their homes.

What is the value of the rainforest of latin America?

For the animals To have Homes;)

What rpoblems do animals have living in the rainforest?

loosing there homes from the rainforest being cut down

If the Amazon rainforest disappears what animals will you lose?

You'll lose all the animals that live in it and near it (I assume)

What can you find in the rainforest?

you can find lots on animals and plants but these animals are endangered their homes are getting damaged!

How many animals homes are lost from cutting down rainforest?

Poachers kill 40-60% of animals in the rainforest. 9,021 animals are killed each day on average due to deforestation.

What are the effects of the deforestration?

Animals lose their homes meaning they have to find a new home/ or they lose food because certain animals have lost their homes thus causing animals to become endangered or extinctions.

How are animals affected from cutting down trees?

The animals lose their habitat. If you cut down a tree in the rainforest, for example, a toucan , may lose its home.

Why does clear cutting have an impact on animals?

because they lose their homes

What will result in small populations?

animals will lose there lives and homes

Why is the Amazon Rainforest important?

because it helps animals live and is homes to alot of animals. If it wasn't important all animals will die and turn into bones.

Do animals die because of deforestation?

yes because they lose their homes