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The Thylacine was, of course, discovered by indigenous Australians centuries ago. This is known through ancient cave paintings.

In 1642 Abel Tasman became the first to make note of the Thylacine. He recorded that crewman Jacobszoon had found "footprints not ill-resembling the claws of a [tyger]" on the shores of Van Diemen's Land.

The first actual sighting occurred in 1772, when French ship the Mascarin arrived in Tasmania. Explorer Marc-Joseph Marion du Fresne claimed he saw a "tiger cat", but it is possible this was the spotted tiger quoll. Then, on 13 May 1792, French naturalist Jacques-Julien Houtou de Labillardière made what is considered to be the first definitive sighting of the Tasmanian tiger.

In April 1805 William Paterson, the Lieutenant Governor of Tasmania, sent a detailed description of the Thylacine for publication in the Sydney Gazette after an animal had been killed by dogs.

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Q: When and by whom was the first thylacine sighted?
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