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The Tasmanian tiger, or Thylacine, lived in dry eucalyptus bushland of Tasmania, wetlands and grassland in a variety of climate types. Fossil evidence suggests that it may once have been widespread throughout the Australian mainland, and even the island of New Guinea, but no records exist to suggest its preferred climate types in those regions. The fact of where it was once found suggests it survived well from cool-temperate to warm-temperate to subtropical and tropical climates.

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Q: What was the weather like where a Tasmanian tiger lived?
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What did Abel Tasman think lived in Tasmania?

After one of his crewmen saw what looked like tiger tracks on sand when they came ashore, Abel Tasman believed that tigers lived there. These tracks were the tracks of a Thylacine, often incorrectly called the Tasmanian tiger. Tasmanian tigers are marsupials, not tigers.

What kind of relationships does the Tasmanian tiger have with other species?

The Tasmanian Tiger is related to the Tasmanian Devil. It had Kangaroo like features, too.

What does a tasmanian tiger look like?

It looks like a smaller version of the adult.

Are there really Tasmanian tigers?

Thylacine is the correct name for the Tasmanian tiger, although it was also called the Tasmanian wolf, due to its wolf-like features. The Tasmanian tiger was prevalent in Tasmania until European settlement, when farmers hunted it to extinction, fearing it was a threat to their livestock. The last known specimen of the Tasmanian Tiger, or Thylacine, died in the Hobart Zoo in September 1936.

What does a Tasmanian tiger baby look like?

It looks like a smaller version of the adult.

What does the tiger smell like?

normally described as 'pungent' The last Tasmanian Tiger (more properly known as the Thylacine) died in 1936. No descriptions exist regarding what they smelled like. Tasmanian tigers are often confused with Tasmanian devils, which are known to emit a foul odour in defence.

What sound did the Tasmanian tiger make?

Generally, Thylacines (as Tasmanian tigers were properly called) did not make any sound. They were heard, on occasion, to make a quick yipping sound. Tasmanian tigers were not tigers, so they did not make a tiger-like growl.

What is a Tasmanian wolf's environment like?

The Tasmanian wolf's correct name was Thylacine. This animal is now extinct. The habitat of the thylacine, also known as the Tasmanian tiger, was open bushland such as dry eucalypt forest or grasslands or even open wetlands. From the time of European settlement, the Thylacine, or Tasmanian Tiger, was only known on the Australian island state of Tasmania. However, fossil evidence from a long time ago indicates they once also lived on the Australian mainland and in New Guinea.

Is a Tasmanian tiger a tiger or a wolf?

The Tasmanian Tiger or Wolf was neither a tiger nor a wolf, but instead its own unique species of marsupial that is now extinct.The correct name for the Tasmanian Tiger is Thylacine. It was a carnivorous marsupial, or dasyurid, like the Tasmanian Devil, although recent research suggests it was most closely related to the numbat than the Tasmanian Devil.The Tasmanian Tiger, also known as the Tasmanian Wolf, was native to Tasmania, the southern island state of Australia. It was the largest carnivorous marsupial in the world before its believed extinction in 1936. The first disputed sighting of the Thylacine was by Dutch explorer Abel Tasman in 1642, although his description also matched that of the tiger quoll. The Tasmanian Tiger was only classified in 1808 and it was so named because of its distinctive striped backs. It was also called the Tasmanian Wolf because of its vague resemblance to a wolf and the unique howling noise it would make to communicate.

Extinct since 1936 the Tasmanian tiger wolf was neither a tiger nor a wolf What was it?

The correct name for the Tasmanian Tiger is Thylacine. It was a carnivorous marsupial, or dasyurid, like the Tasmanian Devil, although recent research suggests it was most closely related to the numbat than the Tasmanian Devil.The Tasmanian Tiger, also known as the Tasmanian Wolf, was native to Tasmania, the southern island state of Australia. It was the largest carnivorous marsupial in the world before its believed extinction in 1936. The first disputed sighting of the Thylacine was by Dutch explorer Abel Tasman in 1642, although his description also matched that of the tiger quoll. The Tasmanian Tiger was only classified in 1808 and it was so named because of its distinctive striped backs. It was also called the Tasmanian Wolf because of its vague resemblance to a wolf and the unique howling noise it would make to communicate.Therefore the Tasmanian Tiger or Wolf was in fact neither a tiger nor a wolf, but instead its own unique species of marsupial that is sadly now extinct.

What is the weather like where the Bengal tiger lives?

hot weather

What does a Tasmanian tigers sound like?

normally described as 'pungent' The last Tasmanian Tiger (more properly known as the Thylacine) died in 1936. No descriptions exist regarding what they smelled like. Tasmanian tigers are often confused with Tasmanian devils, which are known to emit a foul odour in defence.