The pronouns that takes the place of the plural noun footballs are they as a subject, and them as an object. Examples:
The footballs in the bin are new. They were purchased over the summer so we would have them for the opening of the season.
Note: The word football as the noun for the game of football is an uncountable noun. The pronoun that takes the place of this use of the noun is it: When does football start, it is my favorite game.
The noun 'football', the game, is a non-count noun. The noun 'football', the ball, is a singular noun; the plural form is footballs.
The noun 'football' is a singular, countable noun as a word for the ball used to play the game. The plural noun is 'footballs'.The noun 'football' is an uncountable noun as a word for the game or sport; a type of aggregate noun, a word representing an indefinite number of elements or parts.
The plural form of the noun down is downs. This would include uses such as US football plays, or declines, but only rarely the use that means "feathers" (which is a mass noun).
The plural noun is halves.
The plural noun for path is paths. The plural noun for patch is patches.
The plural noun of general is generals. Generals is a regular plural noun.
No, Mice is a plural noun. Mouse is the singular noun.
No, it is a possessive noun. Mothers is a plural noun.
It is a plural noun.
The plural form for the noun lady is ladies.
The plural form of the noun newspaper newspapers.
The noun 'teeth' is the plural noun. The singular noun is 'tooth'.