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Q: What is the national FFA structure top to bottom?
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combination of top-down & bottom up structure

What does the FFA reporter pin look like?

It is the FFA emblem, similar to a degree pin, but has a charm attached to the bottom that is in the shape of a shield with three stars across the top and vertical lines to symbolize stripes below the stars.

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They are 2 hinged creatures with 2 plates on top and bottom.

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They are 2 hinged creatures with 2 plates on top and bottom.

What is top-down structure?

Designing or analyzing something starting from its directly observable components (top level) progressively downward in increasing detail to the smallest/hidden components (bottom level) that actually make the structure function. Sometimes called a system decomposition. The opposite is bottom-up structure.

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What structure is the spinal cord attached to?

it depends what end it is if it is the top it is the head and if it is the bottom it is the tail bone.

Why was river ganga chosen as your national river?

because it runs from the top to bottom of india

Who is at the base of the federal bureaucracy's pyramid structure?

president at the top, cabinet departments in middle, agencies at bottom

Who is the base of the federal bureaucracy's pyramid structure?

president at the top, cabinet departments in middle, agencies at bottom

What is the determinant of organization structure?

The flow of authority that the organisation has. From top to bottom could create a tall structure and a downward flow of information. The number of departments could also assist in the structure of the organisation.