The latitude and longitude coordinates for San Nicolas Island are approximately 33.2394° N, 119.4575° W.
The Island of the Blue Dolphins is fictional and does not correspond to a real location with specific longitude and latitude coordinates. It is based on the story of the Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island, which is part of the Channel Islands off the coast of California.
longitude and latitude location of San Pedro Sula, Honduras?
For Latitude 130! and Longitude 150!
The latitude and longitude for San Jose, US are approximately 37.3382° N, 121.8863° W.
37° North Latitude, 122° West Longitude
their is three interesting facts about San Nicolas island and those are that they have beautiful plants ,a really nice view,and history lives on that island.
San Nicolas Island is one of the Channel Islands of California. It is the most remote of the Channel Islands and covers approximately 22 square miles. San Nicolas Island is managed by the United States Navy and is not open to the public.
The latitude of San Francisco is approximately 37.7749° N, and the longitude is around 122.4194° W.
Some plants that grow on San Nicolas Island include giant coreopsis, island morning glory, San Nicolas Island buckwheat, and island mule-ears. These plants are adapted to the island's unique climate and conditions, contributing to the island's diverse ecosystem.
San Nicolas Island