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In Canada any "gun" that shoots a projectile at 500 FPS or more is considered a firearm.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 11y ago

it is not legal in Canada and id considered a real firearm.But if you have a licence it is legal

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Q: Is an airsoft gun that shoots over 500 fps legal in Canada?
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Are airsoft guns legal in DublinCA?

Your local police can assist you. By California law it is illegal to have any airsoft guns other than ones that are clear or neon colored out in public. Over in Pleasanton it is illegal to shoot an airsoft gun (or any type of gun that shoots any type of projectile for that matter). In Dublin, minors are not allowed to posses or discharge airsoft guns unless given permission from their parents, but no one is allowed to have or shoot an airsoft gun in a public park. Otherwise ownership should be legal (consult your local law enforcement for a correct and current answer, I cannot be held responsible if anyone breaks the law because of this answer)

What is the legal fps of an airsoft gun in the uk?

well where I live in Canada if a airsoft/co2 BB gun goes over 500fps you must register it as a lethal weapon so I assume it is 500fps for you too.

Can a 16 year old use a airsoft gun in Canada?

As long as you have someone over the age of 18 supervising or is playing with you.

Is it legal to take an airsoft gun over seas in your luggage?

Yes it iS legal but a cruise might not allow it and if I'm wrong you are not allowed to use this statement against me in a court of law

What is the maximum street legal horsepower In Canada?

In Canada it is 500hp. Anything over that is technically illegal. But nowadays alot of cars come factory tuned over 500hp, so those are legal.

Why is airsoft for ages 18 and over?

Because in the US 18 is the legal age for being an adult. Seeing as how it would be easy to inflict pain with an airsoft gun, it needs to be regulated and kept out of the hands of younger people who may misuse them.

What is a legal age a child can be left home alone over night in Canada?


Do they use airsoft guns in movies?

yes. I love airsoft guns and have studied them for a little over five years and when i watch movie i can tell when they are airsoft and when they are real.

If someone in my neighborhood shot at me with an airsoft gun and they didn't now I had one and I pulled my airsoft gun out and shot back would I get in legal trouble for that?

I THINK you can do that because it is a fun game, as long as you have someone supervising over the age of 18, go for it He meant shot back at them in self defense.

How can you tell how powerful a bb gun is?

look on the box for the fps anything over 330 is strong for a rifle. but handguns are good anything over 250fps.This above information is fine for an Airsoft gun but for a non airsoft BB gun the FPS is different. A BB gun that shoots 460 FPS is considered strong and a BB rifle that shoots 600 FPS is considered strong. A pellet rifle that shoots a .177 caliber pellet at 1200 FPS is considered strong. Pellet guns and pellet Rifle are capable of producing faster speeds and more impact than BB guns and Rifles. Like Airsoft the FPS will be on the box or on the web page.The only way to tell is to get a chronographer and shoot at lest 10 shots through it and get the numbers, high, low, and the average. Now you'll have a better idea of how powerful the gun is. Speculation isn't very scientific, or accurate.

Is it legal to ship tobacco to Canada?

Yes. 15kg per person on the premises over the age of 18.

Will your airsoft charger break if you over charge it?

no, but it will damage the battery.