The French word "pied" translates to "foot" in English.
The word "foot" in French is spelled "pied."
The French word for a hand is 'une main' (fem.).
le ballon de foot
foot refers to "football" in french (both words are used)
ball comes to mind
ball of foot means a ball has a foot stuck. to it so there is a diffrens beetween foot ball and ball foot. foot ball is a game with a ball. but ball of foot is when the foot is stuck to the ball! get it?
to play football is jouer au foot, jouer au football in French. To play football - Jouer au foot ball in french
im pretty sure its foot-ball.
"pied" is the French word for foot.
Piedmont, (also a French word), coming from pied (foot) and mont (mount).