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The Thylacine, also known as the Tasmanian Tiger and Tasmanian Wolf, became extinct during the 20th century. The last known specimen died in the Hobart Zoo on the 7th of September, 1936.

There is highly disputed evidence that a very small number may yet still exist in the Tasmanian wilderness, but nobody has seen, photographed or trapped one..
Note that this creature was not related to tigers or wolves: it was a marsupial.

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Q: What is another name for the extinct animal known as the thylacine?
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What Tasmanian animal is now extinct?

The Thylacine, also known as the Tasmanian tiger, has been extinct since 1936.

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An animal cannot be both extinct and endangered. The Tasmanian tiger, more correctly known as the Thylacine, is extinct.

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Being extinct, there is little known about the life cycle of the Thylacine, also known variously as the Tasmanian Tiger and the Tasmanian wolf. This animal was a marsupial. Prior to its extinction, the Thylacine was known to have a gestation period of one month. The young spent another 3-4 months continuing their development in the pouch before being transferred to a den. There, they were taught to hunt.

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"Tasmanian wolf" was the misleading name for the now-extinct marsupial known as the Thylacine or Tasmanian tiger. The Thylacine was essentially a solitary animal, so it did not share its home.

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Yes. The last known Thylacine died in 1936. There have been no confirmed sightings since then.

Why is the thylacine dangerous?

The Thylacine, also known as the Tasmanian tiger, was never endangered, as the various conservation status levels were not in force before it became extinct. It was moved to "extinct" status as a result of being hunted as a possible threat to livestock in Tasmania following European settlement. The last known Tasmanian Tiger died in the Hobart Zoo in 1936.

What is another name for the Tasmanian wolf and when did it become extinct?

The proper name for the tasmanian wolf if Thylacine. It was also known as a Tasmanian tiger. The Thylacine was niether a wolf nor a tiger, but a marsupial. The last known specimen died in 1936.

Which of these big cats are extinct Puma Bengal Tiger Lynx Thylacine?

That would be the Thylacine, also known as the Tasmanian tiger.

What is the life cycle of the Tasmanian tiger?

Being extinct, the Tasmanian Tiger, more properly known as the Thylacine, does not have a viable life cycle. This animal was a marsupial. Prior to its extinction, the Thylacine had a gestation period of one month, and the young spent another 3-4 months continuing their development in the pouch.

What is the life cycle of a Tasmanian tiger?

Being extinct, the Tasmanian Tiger, more properly known as the Thylacine, does not have a viable life cycle. This animal was a marsupial. Prior to its extinction, the Thylacine had a gestation period of one month, and the young spent another 3-4 months continuing their development in the pouch.

Are the extinct animal called the Thylacine still alive?

No. The Thylacine, also known as the Tasmanian tiger, was never endangered, as the various conservation status levels were not in force before it became extinct. It was moved to "extinct" status as a result of being hunted as a possible threat to livestock in Tasmania following European settlement. The last known Tasmanian Tiger died in the Hobart Zoo in 1936.

When did the tassie tigers get extinct?

The Tasmanian tiger, more correctly known as the Thylacine, has been extinct since 1936.