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Q: What ethnic groups are living on the marshall islands?
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Erika Cadena

What is a multiculturalism society?

A society where there are several cultures or ethnic groups living together.

What is Somoan?

Samoans are a Polynesian ethnic group living on the Samoan Islands.

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Are the marshall islands an MEDC or LEDC?

The Marshall Islands are considered a developing country and are classified as a Less Economically Developed Country (LEDC) due to challenges such as limited infrastructure, high dependence on external aid, and vulnerability to climate change impacts.

What major ethnic groups living in the state of Maryland?

Native Americans, European Americans and African Americans.

Do people live in the Amazon rain-forest?

Yes. There are hundreds of different ethnic groups living within the Amazon rainforest. Yes. There are hundreds of different ethnic groups living within the Amazon rainforest. yes there lots of different societies in the amazon rainforest

What are Thailand's racial or ethnic groups?

Thailand's population is predominantly made up of Thai people, with smaller ethnic minorities including Chinese, Malay, and indigenous groups such as Karen and Hmong. There is also a significant population of expatriates from various countries living in Thailand.

What is the name of the ethnic group living in the Himalayas?

There are several ethnic groups in these regions. There are the Bhote, Tibetans, Sherpa, Kashyap Gotra, Uttarakhand, Tharu, and others. Many of these groups are culturally intertwined.

What are the three main groups that inhabit the mainland of Papua New Guinea?

There are hundreds of ethnic groups living in Papua New Guinea. They can be generally categorized into three groups: coastal, inland, and islanders.

What are the benefits of living in a multicultural society?

We learn more about others cultures and have a better understanding of people of other ethnic groups.

Why do some ethnic groups in russia seek independence?

I have the S.S book called World studies Europe and Russia. you will find the answer there i think the answer is. Some ethnic groups were seeking more rights and some more independence because they were living in russia unwillingly.