The best key to play A Tisket A Tasket is G. The other chords are G7, Cm, C, and D.
The song "A tisket A tasket" went around in her head.
a gienger in a basket
"A Tisket, A Tasket"
A-Tisket A-Tasket
michael jackson
look on the internet and find a ticket a tasket
Ella Fitzgerald was known for her song, "A Tisket, A Tasket."
Yes the song A tisket A tasket was famous, I would say the most famous. She is AWESOME!! GO ELLA FITZGERALD JAZZ JAZZ JAZZ
Ride 'em Cowboy
basket,tasket you can try theese but what i do is take evry letter and put it in front of "asket."
Ella became famous with her 1938 recording of A Tisket a Tasket. She was 21.