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Roughing the passer, defensive pass interference, offsides

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Q: What are 3 penalties in flag football?
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flag football flag football

What are three differences between flang football and tackle football?

1) In flag football, padding and helmets are not used. 2) In tackle football in order to bring down a ball carrier you have to tackle him and his knee has to touch the ground. Where as in flag football only the flag has to be pulled off in order to bring the ball carrier to a stop. 3) Offensive and Defensive lineman are not usually used in flag football.

How is class flag football different from nfl?

There is no tackle in flag football

What are the best flag football defenses?

the best flag of football is liverpool

How are downs marked in flag football?

How are downs marked in flag football?

Why do they have penalties?

Penalties ensure that players (and sometimes coaches) have a clean and safe football game.

What is a down in flag football?

Flag football is similar to American football is almost every way except the tackling. For example, a down in flag football is the same as it is in American football - ten yards.

Where was flag football invented?

Flag Football was invented in the year 1999 with someone

Are there any flag football workouts?

flag football, r u kidding?

What is the down in football that has the most penalties?


What is the difference between Air Force Flag Football and traditional flag football?

In traditional flag football like traditional football there are no forward laterals. In Air Force Flag Football you can pass the ball both backwards and forwards as much as you want. Think of it like ultimate frisbee with a football.