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Q: How much are the initial dues for joining the AAMA based on your state of residence?
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Sales tax will be added to the initial sticker price when purchasing a GMC vehicle from a GMC dealer. The sales tax rate for a GMC vehicle will be based on the customer's state of residence.

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Does anyone know how I can get in contact with the employment services?

Try looking in your local yellow pages for the number to employment services based on your state of residence. Then you can see if you can not only phone them but if they have a website.

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Depends on the laws for custody in the state of residence. Depends on the laws for custody in the state of residence.

What is the name of the governor's residence?

There are fifty states and commonwealths inthe United States of America; only a few have common names for the residence of their state's governer. A governer is thought of as the hightest elected official in the executive branch of the state government. In the State of Georgia, the governor's residence is called "the Governor's Mansion". In the States of North Dakota, Minnesota, Ohio, and probably others, the official residence is called "the Govenor's Residence". The residence of the Mayor of the City of New York, New York is "Gracie Mansion".

Who was president Lincoln's state of residence?

Lincoln's state of residence was Illinois. He was elected to Congress as a representative of Illinois. He was a member of the Illinois General Assembly. He is buried in Springfield, Illinois, his hometown.