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Q: How many people live in the marshall islands?
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How many islands can you live on in the Marshall islands?

dorian gil reyes lives on that island

How many live in islands?

two people live in the Galapagos Islands.

Why do people live on islands?

People choose to live on islands for many reasons. People like the slower life of an island. Many also like to live on islands for the scenery and peacefulness.

How many people live on the marshall island Kwajalein?

About 1,650 people.

How many islands do people live on?


How many electoral votes do the Marshall Islands receive?

The Marshall Islands and other U.S. territories do not have any electoral votes.

How many square miles is marshal island?

Marshall Islands (Republic of the Marshall Islands) - 69.8 square miles.

Are the marshall islands an MEDC or LEDC?

The Marshall Islands are considered a developing country and are classified as a Less Economically Developed Country (LEDC) due to challenges such as limited infrastructure, high dependence on external aid, and vulnerability to climate change impacts.

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How many schools are in the marshall islands?

The Marshall Islands are made up of 34 islands. Specifically, they consist of 29 coral atolls (which encircle a lagoon) and 5 coral islands (without a lagoon).