

How many people die from airsoft?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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14y ago

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pretty much alot of people worldwide own airsoft guns, think about it this way, 1 of of every 6 person in the united states owns an airsoft gun i don't know about Europe because i don't live there>

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14y ago

Only one person has ever died from it. That was because someone diliberately shot a man, with an automatic rifle, in the neck and head!

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Where do people use airsoft guns?

At airsoft fields, or in backyards.

Where can airsoft accessories be purchased?

There are many locations where airsoft accessories can be purchased. They can be found at Airsplat, Airsoft GI, Airsoft Megastore and through Amazon.

Are air riffles alowwed in airsoft?

No; their ammunition is too big and dangerous to be shot at people. Only airsoft guns are allowed in airsoft.

Is there a such thing as a airsoft field?

Yes, there are many places that are either exclusive airsoft fields or have an airsoft day at paintball fields.

How many airsoft guns sold in us 2009?

Because there is no registration for airsoft guns there is no record of how many were sold.

How do you get a airsoft gun from classic armycom?

Classic Army is a major airsoft gun manufacturer. They don't sell straight to the consumer, but rather through airsoft distributors. Airsoft Extreme is the top airsoft shop in the US for Classic Army airsoft guns, but they are also available at many other airsoft shops.

What do you bring to an airsoft game?

You shoot people.

Where can one purchase airsoft vests?

Airsoft vests can be bought from many retailers either online or in-store. These retailers include Amazon, Airsoft Megastore, eBay, Airsoft Station, and Ultimate Paintball.

How many people play air soft?

There is no exact number of people who play airsoft worldwide, but it is estimated to have millions of enthusiasts globally. The popularity of airsoft has been increasing steadily over the years, with dedicated communities and events in various countries.

Are Airsoft guns illegal for people on probation in Oregon?

NO.Why would the cops just give an airsoft gun to someone in jail?

Where can you get Tokyo marui airsoft guns in Toronto?

The internet. There are many online Airsoft stores that sell Tokyo Marui guns.

How do you be a good airsoft player?

it all depends on what role you play so you need to tell people what role you play (i.e. how do you be a good airsoft sniper)