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Airsoft guns are legal in all states you might want to go to your local police office to get laws and clearence to use them. You have to be 18 or older to order one yourself but that really applies for everything you by. In the united states it has to have an orange tip. If your gun does not have one the retailor has to paint it onn by law

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13y ago
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14y ago

Airsoft guns are legal depending on where you live some states you can others you cant own one. I would check your local laws to find out. Also i know that you always have to have an orange tip on the end of the barrel of your gun or else it is illegal.

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13y ago

Hell no! Dont take an airsoft gun out in public! ANYWHERE! And on top of that, gun laws are very strict in California! I did this in a neighbourhood in Utah once, and we got the cops called on us! Apparently people are to stupid to know that if it has an orange tip on it, its not real, do not do this!

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15y ago

if they look real then yes ccanops may shoot you and if it is like not real looking then you

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13y ago

no, it is not legal to shoot someone with an air soft gun ANYWHERE. don't do it or you can be arrested

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14y ago

As long as they are playing on private property with the owner's consent it is not.

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11y ago

You can only use airsoft guns on your property, shooting at your property, or at fields or facilities designed for airsoft.

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14y ago

Yes, without permission.

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Q: Can children shoot air soft guns in California parks?
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Are Airsoft guns legal in parks?

no cuz they look like real guns and if a police comes by they might think you really have a gun and shoot you

Do guns shoot?

Yes, guns shoot bullets

Can kids shoot a gun?

Yes, children have the ability to shoot a gun. Also, gun manufacturers make child sized guns.

Where can children shoot real guns?

As soon as they can demonstrate a thorough knowledge of safe gun handling.

Should guns be aloud in parks?

sure, guns in parks could save your life.

What are the guns called that are used to shoot at planes?

The guns used in war to shoot down planes are called antiaircraft guns.

Who teaches the finch children how to shoot their air rifles?

In To Kill a Mockingbird, it was their Uncle Jack- Atticus was not interested in guns.

Is it legal to own and shoot a airsoft gun if your mom has daycare in California?

Yes. All laws state that only REAL guns are not allowed in daycare in California. No regulations are found for airsoft guns. There is only a limit of maximum of 400 fps.

What guns did they use in the War of 1812?

guns that shoot.

What are three sentences for the word shoot?

"Ah, shoot, I left my homework at home!"Guns shoot bullets. People shoot guns.

What do you get on to shoot guns?

a license

What shoot guns?

As a general rule, people shoot firearms.