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it is not going to go inside of the skin but it will draw blood at a close range. it for sure will leave a welt on the skin. i would make sure that you're friends have good protection.

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Q: Can an air-soft 400 fps pistol with 0.12 g BBS penetrate human skin?
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Not likely. Airsoft guns were designed not to penetrate skin.

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Under most circumstances, a .22 can easily penetrate human skin. There have been numerous fatal shootings with .22 cal firearms- and even a .22 pellet gun can penetrate skin.

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Yes. If it's an airsoft it will sting. If its a BB gun or pellet gun it can penetrate the skin and do damage to a person.

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Particles that can penetrate the human skin include small molecules like certain chemicals and toxins, as well as some pathogens like bacteria and viruses. In addition, tiny particles like nanoparticles have the potential to penetrate the skin barrier depending on their size and properties. Sweat and sebum can also carry certain substances through the skin.

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Alpha radiation can be stopped by a piece of paper, clothing, or human skin. It cannot penetrate the outer layers of the skin, but can be harmful if inhaled or ingested.

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yes, but that's why you wear clothes so it doesn't penetrate your skin. If you mean penetrate like go through your arm and rip it off, no. But they can leave some pretty bad bruises.

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no they are to small to penetrate through human skin.

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No. Most of them do not have teeth long enough to penetrate human skin, and those that do, have venom too mild to kill a human.

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It depends on what kind of skin you have. If you have sensitive skin, then yes, fish oil can penetrate your skin.

Are you consider arm and dangerous with a bb gun?

YES You can be. Remember it fires a projectile that can penetrate skin. BB guns, unlike airsoft toys, do not have an orange or red tip and look like a firearm.

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Not to humans. Their fangs can't even penetrate deep enough into human skin.

Does it hurt to get hit with an airsoft BB on bare skin?

if u wana know that bad go buy a 10 dollar pistol and shoot ur self stop crossin mexicans