What laws govern airsoft guns?
'''Airsoft Guns - Laws and Regulations'''
The risks and consequences of Airsoft gun use have not gone
unnoticed by the law. Airsoft is considered illegal in various
countries such as Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore, and
some countries like Canada prohibit the importation of "replica"
Airsoft guns. However, federal importation laws in the United
States simply require that all Airsoft guns transported within or
imported into the country have barrels with a minimum 6mm wide
blaze orange tip, so as to avoid confusion with real firearms. Most
retailers of Airsoft guns have disclaimers stating that their
Airsoft guns are sold with an orange tip, and that it is illegal to
remove the orange tip.
Furthermore, individuals in the U.S. must be 18 years of age or
older to purchase an Airsoft gun. On the other hand, Airsoft guns
are not classified as firearms and are legal for use by all ages
under federal law. However, some municipalities and states place
restrictions on Airsoft guns. New York City, Washington, D.C.,
Chicago, San Francisco, and parts of Michigan outlaw Airsoft guns
Some countries have specific restrictions on Airsoft guns, such
as maximum muzzle velocity standards, restrictions on use of
trademarks of real firearms, and required use of 'unrealistic'
coloring to distinguish Airsoft guns from actual firearms.
Finally, states such as California have laws that make it a
crime to brandish a look-alike gun in public. Furthermore,
individuals using an Airsoft or replica gun to commit crimes will
invariably be treated as though they had used an actual