


Zen Buddhism

A sect of Buddhism that focuses on sitting meditation and enlightenment through silence.

411 Questions

What religion does not allow followers to work on Fridays and Saturdays?

The religion that does not allow followers to work on Fridays is Islam, as Friday is considered a holy day for Muslims and they are encouraged to attend congregational prayers. The religion that does not allow followers to work on Saturdays is Judaism, as Saturday is the Sabbath day of rest and worship for Jewish people, in accordance with the Ten Commandments.

What is the sound of one hand clapping?

"What is the sound of one hand clapping?" is a traditional zen koan -- a question posed by a Zen master to a student.

It is meant to be pondered from within the routine of daily life until the answer opens the true heart of the question. All koans must be answered from within the realm of one's own personal experience, and thus be encountered in the journey of living rather than in the rationalizations of logical thought.

Accordingly, each koan has many answers, answers that will vary both in words and in the stirring of one's mind and emotions.

Even the wisest Zen teacher cannot tell you your own answer. You must find it for yourself, and not in your mind, and not in the comfort of a rational response. Once experienced, the answer is often a life changing experience, and needs no confirmation from anyone else.

Here are responses to the question from a variety of WikiAnswer users:

  • What is the sound of one hand clapping? To know, you must experience those aspects of your own life that create this very soundless sound (emotion) within your own being. People who have truly lived with a koan for an extended period of time come to experience the answer. In my own travels down this path with this particular question, there eventually came to be a certain opening of awareness, and a manifestation of the heart of compassion became tangible within. In my experience, the sound of one hand clapping is the emotion of loneliness deeply felt in an increasingly self centered pursuit of enlightenment Experiencing this "answer" turned me away from relative isolation and the self-centered desire to "know," and towards the world and the practice of metta.
  • The simpler answer- It depends on what the hand is clapping against! The yin and yang of it. The Gestalt. The figure and the ground. The container and the contents.
  • What is the sound of one hand clapping in your own life?
  • The sound of one hand clapping is silence. The silence refers to the essence of being which is nothingness.
  • What is the sound of one hand clapping? Who are you when your thinking is silenced? .
  • Our true nature is stillness. That stillness is the same everywhere in everything. But like he up there... concepts won't teach you anything.
  • The sound of one hand clapping is a tiny sound that can be barley heard by humans.
  • the hand is the human heart and the clapping is emotions the other hand represents the one that makes us whole thus the clapping of both hands is the power of two people's emotions and the hands touching each other is the connection between the two people
  • The sound of one hand clapping is a conversation with someone that never connects with them so you try again and again before realizing you are only talking to yourself - they don't get it. If you never realize that, you are just insane by definition and you will continue to be the one hand that connects with nothingness.
  • Using a sound recording device, clap with one hand. Play back the result

Are true of meditation in Buddhism?

Mediation is critical work on the path to enlightenment

Right concentration is reached through mediation

What is basho?

Basho is a traditional form of Japanese poetry that consists of a fixed number of syllables and typically focuses on nature and the changing seasons. It is a key form of Japanese literature and has influenced haiku poetry around the world. Matsuo Basho is one of the most famous poets associated with this style.

What is a Zen Master's poem called?

A Zen Master's poem is called a haiku. It is a form of traditional Japanese poetry consisting of three lines with a 5-7-5 syllable structure, often reflecting nature or the human experience in a concise and contemplative manner.

What is a zendo?

A zendo is a meditation hall or room used for Zen Buddhist practice. It is a dedicated space where practitioners gather for seated meditation (zazen) and other Zen rituals and ceremonies. The zendo typically has a simple and serene atmosphere to support focused meditation practice.

What practical steps could be taken to build a relationship with Muslim neighbors?

  1. Educate yourself about Islam: Take the initiative to learn about the beliefs, practices, and values of Islam. This will help you understand and appreciate your Muslim neighbors' perspectives and way of life.

  2. Interact and show respect: Be open and friendly when interacting with your Muslim neighbors. Show respect for their traditions, customs, and holidays. Engage in meaningful conversations, ask questions, and listen attentively to understand their experiences and viewpoints.

  3. Participate in community events: Attend community events and gatherings where you can meet and interact with your Muslim neighbors. This could include interfaith dialogues, cultural festivals, or volunteering together for a common cause. Building friendships and connections outside of your immediate neighborhood can also contribute to a more inclusive and diverse community.

What does 'zen' mean in Japanese?

This is a term for Japanese martial arts.

Zen ken without the hyphen refers to exercises for Japanese Swordsmanship or iaido practice. See also Zen Nippon Kendo Renmei Iaido. The word Zen is for Zen Buddhism and "Ken" is "fist" (for karate) or "sword"(for iaido).

See also the philosophy of Ken Zen Ichi, where fist/sword and the zen, meditative aspect of the movement, or the fight, become one (= ichi).

What is the eightfold path in Buddhism?

=== === 8 Noble Paths; Wisdom; 1. Right understanding. Knowledge of the self. 2. Right aspiration. Ethical conduct; 3. Right speech. 4. Right action. 5. Right vocation. Emotional balance; 6. Right effort. Elimination of evil state and development of good state. 7. Right mindfulness. 8. Right Concentration (Contemplation)

What language is the Buddhist holy book origanally written in?

The Buddhist holy book, the Tripitaka (also known as the Pali Canon), was originally written in Pali, an ancient Indian language. The Tripitaka contains the teachings of Buddha and is considered one of the earliest and most authoritative sources for Buddhist teachings.

Who were the important people that helped spread the religion?

Important people who helped spread religion include Prophet Muhammad for Islam, Apostle Paul for Christianity, Siddhartha Gautama for Buddhism, and Guru Nanak for Sikhism. These individuals played crucial roles in establishing the foundations of these respective religions and gaining followers through their teachings and leadership.

Is sacred texts shared or not shared by Hinduism and Buddhism?

Sacred texts are shared between Hinduism and Buddhism, with both religions revering texts such as the Vedas and Upanishads. However, each tradition also has its own distinct scriptures, such as the Bhagavad Gita for Hindus and the Tripitaka for Buddhists.

What is sacred in Buddhism?

In Buddhism, the concept of sacredness is often associated with objects, places, and teachings that hold significance in the spiritual practice, such as statues, temples, scriptures, and relics. Ultimately, the ultimate goal in Buddhism is to transcend attachment to any concept of sacredness and realize the ultimate truth of non-duality and impermanence.

Do Buddhas do yoga?

No. According to Hinduism, Yoga was brought to us by Krishna an Avatar of Vishnu. Yoga was first document by Patanjali. There is some debate as to when exactly Yoga is first mentioned, but it appears to me that it came after The Buddha. Many Yoga principals were probably around during the Buddha's time. Yoga and Buddhism are complimentary since the aim of both is stabilizing the mind; yoga doing this through the use of the body and the breath.

How does a Zen Buddhist meditate?

Zazen is sitting zen meditation there is also standing and walking zen meditation.

Meditation can be either "on" something where you think of the Buddha, a question, or any thing else This sometimes includes visualizing the Buddha in front of you. In zen meditation you think "on" nothing, remain alert to the world but not ineracting with it.

How many years did the Buddha sit in meditation?

The exaxt amount of days Buddha meditated under the fig tree for is unknown, as various Buddhist texts have conflicting opinions. However, the most widely accepted amount of days is 49 days - or 7 weeks. Then again, some texts say 6 days, and others say 6 years. An descendant of the tree remains today known as the Bodhi Tree.

Buddha left the palace at 29, soon after he seeks apprenticeship from two masters. Before he was declared 'the enlightened one', at the age of 36, Buddha actually meditated 49 days. It is the final step which would led to 'the enlightened one'. However it is not yet known whether did any of those time outside 49 days he actually contribute to the journey to being enlightened. you know what i mean, he learned from those masters the way to meditate, maybe from those learning did he already started the journey. Or thus maybe the real meditating began in the last 49 days you know. Do you see??

How is christian meditation different from Buddhist meditation?

It is different because it is Buddhist meditation not christian I Know it seems stupid but its true.

In most meditation techniques, there are two components - concentration and equanimity. The concentration element always has an object of focus. Buddhist mindfulness meditation practitioners focus on the breath. Christians focus on Christian prayers, thoughts of Jesus, images of Jesus, etc.

The object of focus is generally what differs from culture to culture. The similarity is that the practitioner becomes increasingly absorbed in the object of focus, relaxing into it and merging into it. Meditation is about absorption.

When thoughts come up, the practitioner often takes note that thoughts and emotions are occurring, without judgment. The thoughts are allowed to be like clouds moving through the sky. Afterward, the attention goes back to the object of focus. This is the equanimity element of meditation.

Different cultures have different objects of focus and different ways of centering themselves to prepare for meditation.

Some Christians claim that their approach is more special because they focus on something while "eastern" approaches require you to focus on nothing. This is a false claim. There is typically an object of focus in most traditions.

There is no best way to meditate. You just have to find what you are compatible with. If you're Christian, I would recommend using Christian symbolism and objects of focus such as a line of a prayer, the concept of Grace, a visualization of Jesus, etc.

For more info, you can Google "object of focus meditation tips". If you're Christian, you can Google "Christian meditation" or "contemplative Christianity".

What is the name of the place where Buddhist meditate?

The Buddha became enlightened meditating under the bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya, India.

When do Buddhists meditate?

To find inner peace and to meditate by doing mental and physical exersizes.

How does meditating help?

Every thought and emotion that presents itself to our consciousness and then passes away has a specific purpose and effect.

These thoughts are the result of either subconscious, conscious or superconscious desires that together form a general working psychological make-up of ever person on earth.

Just as every atom, molecule or cell in the human body has a specific function and can be studied scientifically so to can the mind be studied scientifically by analyzing the 'atomic structure of thoughts'!!!

Every thought or desire can be studied in the laboratory of the mind by using the tools of Introspection, Discrimination and intellectual scrutiny.

Through practices of Concentration one learns to weigh the relative utility of one's thoughts and emotions and promote only those that are deemed beneficial to one's spiritual progress.

Through, what is commonly known as Meditation, the mind is gradually brought under conscious control.

When the mind is able to readily obey your mental directives and the aspirant has developed a strong Will and ability to concentrate he or she is then ready to begin practising Yoga Proper!!!

The results of Meditation or the practice of Yogic Mental discipline includes: Increased Concentration, Mental Clarity, Greater Peace, Less Stress, Greater Will-Power and so on.

What is the purpose of meditation for Buddhists?

Many people (Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike) begin to meditate because a gentle longing arises in them: a longing to know the answer to a few basic questions: who am I, is there something beyond the 3-dimensional world, what is life ultimately about?

This longing propels a person into meditation, because mystics from all traditions down through the ages have promised that if you meditate, you will begin to get a glimpse into the answers to these questions.

When did Buddhism started?

560 - 490 BCE
Historians have differing opinions on the precise date of the Buddha's birth but it was around the year 500BCE. He was born into a noble family in Lumbini, an area that today lies in the South of Nepal.

Why is Buddhism so popular?

Buddhism is so popular because it is more scientifc and practical than other religions.

Why did zen buddhism become popular in japan?

Zen Buddhism became popular in Japan because the people in Japan wanted to keep their own religion but also wanted to use Buddhism so they blended them together and created Zen Buddhism.