

Wedding Engagements

The pre-marriage period known as Engagement. Proper etiquette concerning this special time between dating and marriage is discussed here.

193 Questions

What is full form of wbcf written on invitation cards?

The full form of WBCF on invitation cards stands for "With Best Compliments and Felicitations." This phrase is commonly used to convey warm regards and good wishes to the recipient of the invitation. It is a formal way to express goodwill and appreciation towards the invitee.

Can an A positive girl can marry a B positive boy?

Yes, an A positive girl can marry a B positive boy. Blood type compatibility is not a factor that determines marriage eligibility. It is only relevant for potential blood transfusions and pregnancies in the future.

When 18 can your parents stop you from moving to Europe or anywhere else?

In most countries, parents have legal authority over their children until they reach the age of majority, which is typically 18. However, once you turn 18, you have the legal right to make your own decisions, including where you choose to live. If you're over 18, your parents cannot stop you from moving to Europe or any other location.

Is it legal to be engaged at 14 years old?

In most places, it is not legally binding to be engaged at 14 years old because the legal age to marry is usually higher. Additionally, at 14 years old, individuals may not have the capacity to fully understand the implications of engagement or marriage. It is important to prioritize education, personal development, and well-being at a young age.

Where can you get a custom book made?

You can get a custom book made through various online publishing websites, such as Blurb or Lulu, where you can create and design your book and have it printed. You can also work with local print shops or bookbinding services to create custom books tailored to your specifications.

How do you know when your fiance dont want to be with you anymore?

1.When their attention shifts from you,

2.They will not care anymore about what you do or not.

3.They stop sharing their ideas, plans or feelings with you.

  1. They avoid spending time with you.

  2. They stop calling or responding to your chat, for no relevant reasons

Can you give a Promise ring as an Engagement ring?

Yes as long as both parties view it as an engagement ring.

What should you look for when buying a diamond?

When shopping for a diamond, you should look for cut, color, clarity, carat weight, sparkle and fire.

The cut of a diamond, otherwise known as the shape, does not really affect the value of the diamond unless there are flaws in the cut. Whether you choose an emerald cut, a brilliant cut, a marquis cut or a pear cut is really up to your personal preferences.

The color of a diamond does affect its value. You should look for a colorless diamond if possible. Champagne diamonds, or diamonds that have a yellowish color are less valuable than diamonds that are clear or white.

The carat weight definitely affects the value of a stone. How much you spend on a diamond will be greatly determined by its carat weight. The average carat weight of an engagement ring is about 1-1.5 carats.

Sparkle and fire are also important characteristics and the more sparkle and fire a diamond has, the more a jeweler will be able to charge for it.

AdditionOne important aspect not mentioned in the above is the importance of a grading report and the lab from which the grading report is obtained. Unless you are a trained Gemologist working in a grading lab environment, there is no way to precisely tell the 4C's of a diamond. Small variations in clarity, color, cut and carat weight can make a huge difference in the end retail value. Protect yourself by purchasing a diamond that comes with a grading report from a well known, reputable lab like the Gemological Institute of America. There are many different labs that provide grading reports but very few are recognized around the world for quality and accuracy like GIA.


Take the time to educate yourself as to the qualities of a diamond, so that you know fully that the money you spend will buy you a diamond that will retain its value over time. In this order, look for the highest clarity, the top colour, the quality of the cut, then the carat weight.

Without endorsement, you can review the site, below, to learn more.

This suggestion seconds the GIA certificate, above, and you may also want to obtain a conflict-free certificate, which is today's best insurance against your funding terrorism by purchasing a blood diamond.

If, however, you'd prefer simply to buy 'bling', or 'flash', you can let those qualities be your guide.

How do you DIY wedding invitations?

If you feel you are very crafty and creative, or you feel, you would like to save some money on your invitations, do it yourself is the answer. Pick how you want your invitation to look - perhaps a flat card, which is printed on 1 side only, with a photo or image and the invitation details. If so, you can create your design in Microsoft word, or Adobe Photoshop.

Do I need a wishing well for my invitations?

Wishing wells are, only often found with wedding invitations. With other occasions, such as birthdays and christening's, it is considered rude to include such wording.

A wishing well is anything from 1 sentence, to a paragraph, explaining, that the bride and groom would prefer money over gifts. It can also be a rhyming poem, telling their guests, their house is already setup with furniture, linen and kitchenware and a gift of money would be more beneficial. Couples can also ask for, a donation towards their honeymoon.

The wishing well is either printed on the inside of an invitation card, or is a separate card, placed on top of the invitation, or inside an opening invitation, in the envelope.

Invitations can also be made with a pocket on one side, of a card, to hold the wishing well, RSVP and any other cards, such as a recommended accommodation card.

The wishing well is printed in the same format and stock as the invitation.

While it has always been considered rude to ask guests for money, wishing wells are becoming more acceptable and expected in recent years.

You can find different wishing wells, at Red Rose Invitations, St Clair NSW 2759

Why put engagement ring on the right hand finger?

In some Orthodox Christian, Roman Catholic and Protestant countries such as Bulgaria, Russia, Greece, Georgia, Ukraine, Poland, Austria, Hungary, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Spain, Venezuela, and India, the wedding ring is worn on the ring finger of the right hand.

In other countries, such as Ireland, Sweden, Italy, Slovenia, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Mexico, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the USA and the UK, it is generally worn on the ring finger of the left hand, although right hand wearing is becoming more common. In Brazil, the ring is worn on the right hand until the actual wedding day, when it's exchanged to the left hand.

The ring is more noticeable on the right hand due to the traditional shaking of right hands in greeting; however it may be better protected from wear in the majority right-handed wearers by being on the left.

Several traditions exist in traditional Jewish wedding ceremonies: most commonly today, the ring is placed on the index finger; but other traditions record placing it on the middle finger or the thumb.Today the ring usually is moved to the ring finger after the ceremony. Some Jewish grooms have adopted wearing a wedding ring.

A wedding ring is not a traditional part of the religious Muslim wedding; wedding rings are not included in most Islamic countries. However, if a wedding ring is worn in an Islamic country, it may be worn on either the left (such is the custom in Iran) or the right ring finger. As opposed to the wedding ring, use of a ring to denote betrothal or engagement is quite prevalent in Muslim countries, especially those in West and South Asia.

Rings are not traditional in an Indian wedding. However, in modern society it is becoming a practice to wear rings for engagements and not for actual marriage. Though the left hand is considered inauspicious for religious activities, a ring (not to be called wedding ring) is still worn on the left hand. Men generally wear the rings on the right hand and the women on the left hands.

In Sinhala and Tamil culture, the groom wears the wedding ring on his right hand and bride wears it on her left hand ring finger. This can be seen in countries like Sri Lanka where there is a richS inhala and Tamil cultural influence in the society.

Do you have to fill out papers to get engaged?

No. It is just a commitment to get married. Filling out papers only happens for marriage.

What is informal engagement?

An informal engagement is one in which the boy and the girl make each other wear the rings and accept each other to be engaged without holding a formal ceremony.

How old do you have to be to get engaged with out parent consent?

  • To get married without parents consent is 18 in most States in the United States as 18 is no longer a minor.

Can teens be married secretly?

  • No, teens under the age of 18 are minors and cannot be married secretly because a marriage certificate has to be filed with Vital Statistics. If the teens lie about their age and the person marrying them does not bother to check for proper ID, then the marriage can be annulled by the parents.

What are some good ways to propose to a girl at Disneyland on her bday?

There are many magical places in Disneyland. Pick her favorite place ( with a few questions you can find this out) and have one of the Disney characters deliver flowers to her ( call them to arrange it). Frankly, I would do this at night because Disneyland is magical at night with the little lights in the trees. In front of the castle would also be a good place to propose.