

Watson Crick Franklin and Wilkins

James Watson, Francis Crick, Rosalind Franklin, and Maurice Wilkins are credited with discovering the structure of DNA in 1953. Watson, Crick, and Franklin shared the 1962 Nobel Price in Medicine; however, Franklin had passed away so Wilkins co-accepted the award for Franklin.

636 Questions

Is James Watson dead?

As of my last knowledge, James Watson, the co-discoverer of the structure of DNA, is still alive. Born on April 6, 1928, he is currently 93 years old. However, please verify this information through a reliable and up-to-date source as the status of individuals can change.

What was James Watson opinion on the national government passing High tariffs?

James Watson, a renowned biologist and co-discoverer of the structure of DNA, is not known to have expressed a specific opinion on national government passing high tariffs. His expertise lies in the field of genetics and molecular biology, rather than economics or political science. It is important to consider the context and relevance of an individual's expertise when evaluating their opinions on various topics.

Did Watson and Crick go about their research in an ethical way?

Oh, dude, Watson and Crick? Yeah, they totally nailed it with that DNA double helix discovery, right? But like, ethical? I mean, they might've borrowed a few ideas here and there, but hey, who hasn't, am I right? Like, as long as they didn't straight-up steal someone's lunch money, I'd say they were pretty ethical... for scientists, at least.

Who were James waston and fransis crick?

James Watson and Francis Crick were scientists who, along with Maurice Wilkins, were credited with discovering the double helix structure of DNA in 1953. This discovery revolutionized the field of genetics and molecular biology. Watson and Crick were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1962 for their groundbreaking work.

Why was James Watson considered a sexist?

James Watson's sexist remarks and attitudes became well-known through interviews and public statements. He made statements that were demeaning towards women in science, suggesting that they were inherently less capable than men. These remarks brought widespread criticism and contributed to him being viewed as a sexist figure.

Who developed the first known system of classifying living things?

The first known system of classifying living things was developed by Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish biologist, in the 18th century. He created a system called binomial nomenclature, which is still used today to give each organism a unique two-part scientific name.

What is Francis Crick's brothers name?

Francis Crick's brother's name is A.W.F. Edwards. He was a statistician and geneticist who worked closely with Crick on population genetics.

When was photo 51 taken?

The famous photo was taken by graduate student Raymond Gosling under the supervision of Rosalind Franklin in 1952. It was published in 1953. It was later given to Watson and Crick, for whom it was crucial in their development of the shape of the DNA molecule.

What were Wilkins and Franklins contributions to the DNA molecule?

Wilkins contributed to the discovery of the DNA molecule by producing high-quality X-ray diffraction images, which were crucial in identifying the structure of DNA. Franklin's work on X-ray diffraction data also helped in determining the helical structure of DNA and contributed to the understanding of its molecular structure along with Watson and Crick.

Is there a place named after James Watson?

Yes, there is a building named the James D. Watson Building at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York, named after the co-discoverer of the structure of DNA, James Watson.

Explain how are the double helix model of DNA built on the research of Rosalind Franklin?

The double helix model of DNA proposed by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953 was built on the research data on DNA's structure obtained by Rosalind Franklin. Franklin's X-ray diffraction images provided crucial evidence that DNA molecule is helical in shape and possesses a repetitive structure. Watson and Crick utilized her research findings to develop their own model of DNA's structure.

Who were the three scientist that discovered that the transmittable molecule was DNA and in what year?

The scientists who discovered that the transmittable molecule was DNA were James Watson, Francis Crick, and Rosalind Franklin, and it occurred in 1953. Watson and Crick are credited with proposing the double helix structure of DNA based on the X-ray diffraction images taken by Franklin.

What is the significance of Franklin and Wilkins' X-ray diffraction photographs regarding DNA structure?

Franklin and Wilkins' X-ray diffraction photographs provided crucial evidence that DNA has a helical structure with a regular repeating pattern. These images were instrumental in discovering the double helix structure of DNA, as they revealed key features such as the helical nature and the distance between the chains. Their work greatly influenced Watson and Crick in their development of the model for the structure of DNA.

Who described nucleotides before Watson and Crick?

I was doing this question for my year 12 biology practical assignments...

German biochemist Johann Friedrich Meicher found nucleic acids were made of a sugar, phosphoric acid and several nitrogen-containing bases. Later it was found that the sugar in nucleic acid can be ribose or deoxyribose (DNA and RNA)

Russian scientist Pheobus Levene discovered the order of the nucleotide components (phosphate - sugar - base). He did this by breaking down nucleic acid in yeast.

there are many other people as well like Rosalind Franklin or Maurice Wilkins

Hope this helped

Why was the discovering of the DNA structure important?

The discovery of the DNA structure by Watson and Crick in 1953 was important because it helped reveal the mechanism of heredity and provided a foundation for understanding how genetic information is stored, replicated, and passed on to subsequent generations. This discovery laid the groundwork for advancements in molecular biology, genetics, and biotechnology.

Where does James Dewey Watson live?

Before resigning from the CSH Laboratory in 2007, he lived in Cold Springs Harbor, New York. Since he and his family had been in that city for over 30 years, it is possible that he is still living there.

What is the pattern in the DNA structure?

The pattern in the DNA structure is known as the double helix, where two strands of DNA are coiled around each other in a twisted ladder-like structure. These strands are composed of nucleotides that form base pairs (adenine with thymine, and cytosine with guanine) connected by hydrogen bonds. This pattern allows for the accurate replication of DNA during cell division.

How is the appearance of your DNA similar or dissimilar to what you have learned about DNA structure?

My DNA appears as a double helix, just like the structure I have learned about. The double helix is made up of two intertwining strands that contain genetic information in the form of sequences of nucleotide bases (adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine). This structure allows for the storage and transmission of genetic information during cell division and protein synthesis.

Where is James Watson living?

As of current information, James Watson resides in Long Island, New York.

How did Watson and Crick's DNA structure supported Chargaff's rules?

Watson and Crick's DNA structure supported Chargaff's rules by showing that the base pairs are complementary and form specific hydrogen bonds (A with T and G with C), consistent with Chargaff's observation. This structure provided a molecular explanation for Chargaff's rule that the amount of adenine equals the amount of thymine and the amount of guanine equals the amount of cytosine in DNA.

What was Francis crick's field of study?

Francis Crick was a British molecular biologist who is best known for his role in discovering the structure of DNA. He was a prominent figure in the field of molecular biology and made significant contributions to our understanding of genetics and the central dogma of molecular biology.

How did Francis Frick and James Watson try to understand the structure of DNA?

Francis Crick and James Watson used existing data and research, particularly X-ray diffraction images of DNA by Rosalind Franklin, to build models of the DNA molecule. They proposed the double helix structure of DNA in 1953, which revolutionized our understanding of genetics and heredity. Their model explained how genetic information is stored and replicated in living organisms.

Why is James fannin famous?

James Fannin is famous for his role in the Texas Revolution as a commander of the Texian forces during the Battle of Coleto Creek and the Goliad Massacre in 1836. He and his men were executed by the Mexican army under General Santa Anna, making Fannin a martyr figure in Texas history.

Who discovered transformation was by DNA?

The discovery that transformation was mediated by DNA was made by Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty in 1944 with their experiments on pneumococcus bacteria. They showed that DNA was the substance responsible for genetic transformation, contradicting the previously held belief that proteins were the carriers of genetic information.