


Warts are small growths on the skin often on the hands and feet. Warts are generally harmless but can be a nuisance and cause for embarrassment.

672 Questions

Can tagamet treat warts?

The podiatrist I just went to, after a failed laser removal at a general doctor, prescribed prescription Tagamet 2x day along with covering the area with topical acid covered with Duct Tape. I thought he was on crack when I left his office, yet it seems to be working so far. This has been quite the ordeal and I will be in heaven if I have finally found a cure.

Is a wart an example of a nodule?

No, a nodule is a lump under the skin. A wart is a growth on the surface of the skin.

The above answer is incorrect. A nodule is an example of a wart. My information was found in a school text book, Body Structures & Functions Tenth Edition


Solid and elevated; however, they extend deeper than papules into the the dermis or subcutaneous tissues, greater than 10 mm


Lipoma, erythema, cyst, wart

Can you take ramipril and st johns wart?

St Johns Wort has the same affect as 5HTP,they are both precursors of serotonin. Serotonin being the precursor to Melatonin. Keeping it simple if you take melatonin then start on a low dosage 1.5mg-3mg taking . Larger doses not being analogous to being more affective. Also if your body is low in Melatonin then it will work. If you find you take it and it doesn't have the desired affect with in a short time then your body has enough Melatonin and is not the reason you are experiencing sleep problems and you don't need it. Also some people report experiencing depression and dark moods with melatonin this possibly due to the body not requiring the extra melatonin. It may be better to try supplementing them separately to see which works best. Some people do well on only 5HTP. It is interesting to note that 5HTP-serotonin are produced during the day ready to be converted when darkness sets to be transformed into Melatonin. Also there is a very strong connection with Vitamin D deficiency and insomnia and depression. Vitamin D is the Sunshine hormone so that would also be worth looking into. A deficiency in the daytime hormones or their precursors can affect melatonin levels. Just take note of how you react to each one separately and base your judgment on that.

What is a wart in medical term?

condyloma or verruca is the medical term meaning wart

What should you do if you catch a wart and it bleeds?

If the wound won't stop bleeding, even after you disinfected it and put pressure on it, you may need to have a doctor or nurse practitioner look at it. There are many walk-in clinics these days, and a wound that continues to bleed needs to have a professional give it a look.

What do warts cause if you pop them?

No you can't pop warts and would be unwise to do so. You will break your skin open thus allowing infection in, which will then cause you more serious problems. If your not happy with a wart speak with your doctor to see about getting it removed. If you think your wart is popable then you should seek medical advice as it might be infected.

Does freezing off warts by a doctor work?

SHE BRAINS_HE BRAINS bigger_stronger_faster...are there really any differences between female brains and male brains?differences between the brains of men and women have generated considerable scientific and public interest . if there are differences in the way that men and women behave, then it is reasonable to suppose that their brains have something to do these behavioral differences. just what are these differences and where in the brain migt these differences be located?

What do you do if a wart gets ripped off your foot?

Warts are rough, black or brown mole-like growths caused by a virus. Corn caps are not going to help much. You need to get a skin wart removal done.

How do you remove this wart on your wrist?

smash it with a bible and pray it goes away

that is also a way but you would want it to go painlessly so go on this website and it will disappear overnight

i hope i have helped, thank you

Do warts hurt?

Once they have been frozen it will hurt for the next 3 or less days and then it will just be rock solid :(

How do you get rid of flat warts?

They hate rubbing takes a few weeks but if you dab the warts once or twice a day they will go away. For a very bad infection, it could take years but they will die. Peel the dead warts off the skin to the best of your ability and always follow up with the alcohol on the area. Stay focused, you are at war!

They give themselves away by itching (intensely) before they can be seen. Be sure to dab the itching area right away!

You can have thousands of warts on your hands and not know it as they hide under calluses. Pay attention and keep fighting. Be sure to put alcohol on your hands before going into the public areas or you will spread the infection to others. Wearing surgical gloves around the house will help keep the virus off door knobs etc. The virus will live forever on clothing. Spraying the inside of your clothing with alcohol will kill the virus. Washing white items in Clorox will do so also.

I have heard tea tree oil works....have yet to try that. I am winning my war but it is taking a long time as I had a very bad infection and did not know it.

If you have a bump on your forehead that is very noticeable and hard how can you get this bump to go away?

If you start feeling sharp pains in a month or two it's probably a harmless form of bone tumor. Harmless if you're a child, because this kind of tumor can become a threat if you're an adult. About your question-this tumor can be removed without surgery. but I'm probably wrong; this type of tumor most commonly occurs on the shoulders, the pelvis and the knees.

Can you treat warts when pregnant?

HPV doesn't have any treatment. Abnormal cells on the cervix caused by HPV usually aren't treated during pregnancy. Some treatments for genital warts are safe during pregnancy. Talk with your health care provicer to clarify your exact diagnosis and options for treatment.

How do you get rid of a wart on your finger fast?

*you could use your nails to get it off. *you can buy some finger nail polish remover at any store (Wal-Mart, Walgreens, ect.) then you use a cotton ball and put the nail polish remover on it then scrub it on your nails.

What are plantar warts?

These warts are typically small, hard, granulated lumps on the skin, and color may appear as white, pink, brown, gray or flesh colored. They can also feel thick, spongy, and scaly. There are actually three types of plantar warts: (a) single or isolated wart, (b) one wart, often called the mother, surrounded by a number of smaller warts, and (c) cluster of many warts grouped together. There are various ways how plantar warts can be treated. One can use natural remedies like garlic oil, lemon balm, and oregano oil, and apply them as topical treatment. There are also various otc medications for warts like Wartanol that can help eliminate warts from the roots. For severe cases of plantar warts, more aggressive treatments might be necessary. This include freezing, minor surgery, or laser treatment.