


Vikings were Scandinavian or Norse pirates, etchants, warriors and explorers who explored, traded, raided and settled in many areas of Europe and the North Atlantic from the 8th to 11th century.

2,333 Questions

What does raiding the coffer mean?

"Raiding the coffer" typically refers to the act of depleting or exhaustively using up a source of funds or resources, often in a greedy or excessive manner. The term originates from the idea of looting or pillaging a treasury or strongbox. In a broader sense, it can also refer to misusing or misappropriating funds or assets for personal gain or unauthorized purposes.

What simile would you use to describe a viking warrior?

A simile to describe a Viking warrior could be "as fierce as a raging storm at sea." This comparison highlights the warrior's strength, power, and relentless nature in battle, similar to the unpredictable and forceful nature of a storm at sea. The simile conveys the image of a warrior who is formidable, fearless, and unstoppable in combat, much like the intensity of a storm.

When did vikings exist?

The Viking Age is generally considered to have taken place between the late 8th century to the late 11th century, spanning from around 793 to 1066 AD. This period marked the expansion of Norse seafarers and traders from their Scandinavian homelands across Europe and beyond, leaving a significant impact on history and culture. Viking activities included raids, trading, exploration, and settlement in various regions, shaping the medieval world in significant ways.

Why did viking longboats travel fast?

On average, a Viking longship went about 5-10 knots (5.5 - 11 mph). Under very favorable conditions, they could reach 15 knots (17 mph).

What is viking ball?

Oh honey, Viking ball sounds like some wild game those Norse warriors played back in the day. But let me tell you, there's no such thing as Viking ball. They were too busy pillaging and raiding to worry about sports. So, put on your helmet and grab your sword, 'cause it's time to conquer the day!

What is the causes of vikings left behind detailed records of their voyages?

The primary reason the Vikings left behind detailed records of their voyages was to ensure successful navigation and exploration of new territories. These records served as important navigational guides for future journeys, helping them retrace their steps and avoid getting lost at sea. Additionally, documenting their voyages allowed the Vikings to establish trade routes, expand their influence, and assert their dominance in the regions they visited.

Who is number 76 on the Vikings?

Oh, dude, number 76 on the Vikings is Brian O'Neill. He's an offensive tackle, you know, the big dude who protects the quarterback. So, if you see a massive guy with the number 76 on his jersey, that's your man. Like, he's the one making sure the QB doesn't get squashed like a pancake.

What is Leif Erickson's favorite color?

As a historical figure, Leif Erikson's favorite color is not documented or known. Leif Erikson was a Norse explorer who is believed to have been the first European to set foot in North America, around the year 1000. The details of his personal preferences, such as favorite color, are not recorded in historical accounts.

How did invasions by the angles Saxons magyars and Vikings influence the development of Europe?

The invasions by the Angles, Saxons, Magyars, and Vikings during the early medieval period had significant impacts on the development of Europe. These invasions led to the decline of the Roman Empire and the fragmentation of political power in Europe. Additionally, they contributed to the spread of Christianity and the formation of new kingdoms and states. The interactions between these invading groups and the existing European societies also led to cultural exchange and the blending of different traditions and practices.

Where did Leif Ericsson travel to?

The Norsemen, often called Vikings.

Does having red hair mean you're a descendant from vikings?

Not necessarily. While red hair is more commonly found in populations with Northern European ancestry, it is not exclusive to descendants of Vikings. The gene for red hair can be found in various populations around the world.

How did the vikings navigate by the sun and stars?

Vikings used a tool called a sun compass, which helped them determine the direction of the sun even when it was hidden by clouds. They navigated by the stars using constellations such as the North Star to help them find their way. Additionally, they were skilled at observing natural signs like wind patterns and bird migrations to aid in navigation.

What are some well-known consumer advocacy groups?

Some well-known consumer advocacy groups include Consumer Reports, Public Citizen, and the National Consumers League. These organizations work to protect consumer rights, promote consumer safety, and provide education and information to help consumers make informed decisions.

What did viking 2 discover?

Viking 2, a space probe sent to Mars, discovered evidence of water-ice in the Martian soil and photographed the planet's surface with its cameras. It also conducted experiments to search for signs of life in the Martian soil, but results were inconclusive.

How many meters are the viking boat?

Most Viking longships ranged from 20 to 30 meters in length. This allowed them to navigate both open waters and shallow rivers for their raids and explorations.

Why did the vikings give Greenland and Iceland there names?

The Vikings named Greenland to attract settlers by making it sound more appealing than it was. Iceland was named to deter potential invaders from settling there, in an attempt to keep it largely uninhabited for themselves.

What did a viking dowry consist of?

A Viking marriage was a contract arrangement between families, as it was in other areas of medieval Europe. Although, a woman's consent wasn't necessary, it was understood a disapproving bride would result in 'unmitigated diaster', whish could cause theendof life or limbto the groom. Three payments were made prior to the ceremony. Two by the groom. One for guardianship for the bride. One to insure her virginity. The third payment was a dowry paid to the groom by the bride's father. Weddings were held on Fridays, sacred to the goddess Frigga. Wedding celebrations often lasted all week.Autumn was a popular seasonafter the harvestwhen plenty of food was available. Honey for mead which the couple drank together was collected during the summer months. Enough mead was gathered for a month-long period known as the 'honey-moon.' The wedding ceremony was the last occasion a woman would ever be allowed to wear her hair loose. Following an exchange of swords, the couple exchanged rings. The groom entrusted a sword to the bride for the birth of their first son. Doorways were believed to be portals to other worlds and spirits were thought to gather around them. It was a bad omen for the bride to trip crossing over the threshold is why the groom carried her over. The next morning the groom presents his bride with the Morning Gift-Keys to the various locks of his house.

What happens if you don't know you are pregnant then you miscarry then you don't get a d and c?

If you miscarry without realizing you are pregnant and don't have a D&C (dilation and curettage), your body will typically expel the pregnancy tissue naturally. This process can vary in terms of timing and the amount of bleeding, but in many cases, the body is able to complete the miscarriage without medical intervention. However, it's important to seek medical advice if you have concerns about the miscarriage process or if you experience severe pain or heavy bleeding.