


Trichy is the fourth largest city in Tamil Nadu. It is situated in the center of the state on the banks of the famous Kaveri river. Trichy is very famous for its temples like Srirangam, Thiruvanaikovil, Rockfort and Samayapuram.

187 Questions

What are all suitable trees to plant in tamilnadu?

Some suitable trees to plant in Tamil Nadu include neem, mango, banyan, peepal, tamarind, and gulmohar. These trees are well-adapted to the climate and soil conditions of the region and provide various benefits such as shade, fruit, and ecosystem support.

What do you know about our company?

check the company website and note important features of company..just note down.its latest report of itemes..and its powerful tool. ...

What resulted from Anna zenger's continuing to publish newspapers?

Anna Zenger continued to publish newspapers after her husband was arrested, which eventually led to her own arrest and imprisonment. However, her defiance inspired others in the community to take up the cause of press freedom, contributing to the eventual establishment of freedom of the press in the American colonies.

When will the results of Anna University Trichy Third Semester will be published?

Anna University 8th Semester May/June 2012 Results


Anna university question paper for computer practicals in unix for BE 1st in 2nd sem in 2010?

1.Define the term digital.

The term digital refers to any process that is accomplished using discrete units

2.What is meant by bit?

A binary digit is called bit

3.What is the best example of digital system? Digital computer is the best example of a digital system.

4.Define byte?

A group of 8 bits.

5.List the number systems?

i) Decimal Number system ii) Binary Number system iii) Octal Number system iv) Hexadecimal Number system

6.State the sequence of operator precedence in Boolean expression?

i) Parenthesis ii) AND iii) OR

7.What is the abbreviation of ASCII and EBCDIC code?

ASCII-American Standard Code for Information Interchange. EBCDIC-Extended Binary Coded Decimal Information Code.

8.What are the universal gates?


9.What are the different types of number complements?

i) r's Complement ii) (r-1)


s Complement. 10.Why complementing a number representation is needed? Complementing a number becomes as in digital computer for simplifying the subtraction operation and for logical manipulation complements are used. 11.How to represent a positive and negative sign in computers? Positive (+) sign by 0 Negative (-) sign by 1.

Top software companies in Coimbatore?

List of software company in Trichy,India

Securenext Software - Hire offshore web developers & software programmers Securenext software is an offshore outsourcing company running offshore software development centers in India, Trichy & Chennai and in Clovis, California, USA. You can contact through e-mail: or toll free: 800-511-5540

Shri Groups Technologies -- Shri Groups Technologies is a Software and web Development Company specializing in the business of providing the best services to its clients globally.

Shri Groups Technologies commits and delivers the best services to the clients - we bring substantial savings and highest quality software development capabilities.

We have achieved this based on extensive experience gathered over year of experience leading to a superior team of brilliant IT professionals, matured processes, seamless communication methodologies, and sound project management capabilities.

The availability and accessibility of our teams ensures full transparency, complete control and comfort of 24x7 accessibility of the team which is much higher than the team they have on their own office floor.

Shri Groups Technologies commits and delivers the best services to the clients - we bring substantial savings and highest quality software development capabilities. We have achieved this based on extensive experience gathered over year of experience leading to a superior team of brilliant IT professionals, matured processes, seamless communication methodologies, and sound project management capabilities.

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Trichy Anna university results for thierd semester?

We are in doubt in passing the examinations

why the hell do you want the result now?

Which city is better- trichy or madurai?

where you have your loved ones especially your family, friend and your contacts network build...... will make the place full of flowers..............

this is the general view...... madurai....... may be a better place...... i may be totally wrong...... its only my view......

Five women freedom fighter of tamilnadu?

Rani velu nachiyar of sivagangai, who was the queen of sivagangai was one of the women who took part in freedom struggle from tamilnadu.

When will the college reopens for trichy annauniversity after tamil elam?

Anna university affiliated colleges opens on 03.04.2013(Wednesday)

What will be the gold rate per gram by tomorrow?

Well, the price of yellow gold metal tomorrow it is impressible in the world market game go Up or Down ! Sincerely: See: Living Life Enterprises Presents .wix in The Best " ".

How can you go to mettupalayam from trichy?

You can go to OOTY from Mettupalayam by bus, train . By Train, Train starts at 6:50 AM and reaches OOTY by 01:00 PM. Fare ~12 Ruppees -- second class. Service available all day the year. By Bus, Bus service starts at 4:00 AM and for every 1 hour therafter until 11:00 PM. Fare ~ 20 Ruppees. Service available all day the year.

5th sem syllabus for ECE annauniversity?

cse 5 th sem exam timetable on 2008 regulation in the year 2011-2012

Polytechnic model question paper of 2nd year ece?

If you are a tamilnadu polytechnic student please visit contains educational content and model question for tamilnadu polytechnic students based on k-scheme syllabus

Which are the largest bus stands in tamilnadu?

1. Chennai (CMBT) - Koyambedu

2. Madurai (MIBT) - Mattuthavani

3. Madurai -periyar bus terminal

4. Tiruchy - Central (TCBT) Bus stand

5. Dindugal(DBS)

6. Erode Central (ECBT) - Swastik

7. Salem Central (NBS)

8. Tirunelveli (TMBT) - Veinthankulam

9. Vellore (NBS)

10.Trichy-chatram bus stand

11. Thanjavur (NBS)

12.Villupuram (NBS)

13.Coimbatore (CBT) - Gandhipuram

14.Coimbatore- ukadam bus stand

Who is the collector of trichy?

Chennai District Collector incharge K A Annamalai

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