


Named in 1955, Taekwondo is the national Martial Art and sport of Korea, and is very popular worldwide. It was developed through a blend of ancient Korean fighting skills that emphasized kicking, and traditional culture, with both Chinese and Japanese influences. Taekwondo competition is now an official Olympic event.

504 Questions

Which is the strongest kick in Tae Kwon Do?

The strongest kick in Tae Kwon Do is generally considered to be the back kick (dwi chagi). It is a powerful and fast kick that generates a lot of force by using the momentum of the body and rotation of the hips. The back kick is commonly used in sparring and self-defense situations due to its effectiveness in generating power and speed.

What makes Tae Kwon Do unique?

Tae Kwon Do is unique for its emphasis on high kicks, dynamic and powerful strikes, and fluid movements. It also includes an emphasis on self-discipline, respect, and integrity, making it a holistic practice that focuses on both physical and mental development. Additionally, Tae Kwon Do has distinctive patterns of movement known as forms or patterns that are essential for students to learn and practice.

How can you block an attack without thinking?

By practicing defensive techniques repetitively, the body can naturally react without explicit thought when faced with an attack. Muscle memory developed through training allows for faster and more instinctive responses in self-defense situations. Engaging in regular self-defense training can help condition the body to react quickly and effectively without needing conscious thought.

Does Tae Kwon Do need to be capitalized?

Yes, Tae Kwon Do should be capitalized as it is a proper noun referring to a specific martial art.

How you can learn taekwondo?

You can learn Taekwondo by finding a reputable school or instructor in your area and enrolling in classes. Practice regularly, focus on mastering the basic techniques, participate in sparring sessions, and aim to test for the different belt levels as you progress in skill and knowledge. Dedication, discipline, and perseverance are key to mastering Taekwondo.

What is the difference between student and disciple in the martial arts?

In martial arts, a student is someone who is learning techniques and knowledge from an instructor, while a disciple is someone who not only learns but also follows the teachings and philosophy of their martial arts master with respect and dedication. Disciples often have a deeper commitment to their training and to embodying the values of the martial art.

What is the difference between brown and red belts?

In taekwondo, the difference between a brown belt and a red belt is about six months of study; although this will vary from school to school.

In karate, the difference between a brown belt and a red belt is much more significant.

What are the belts of tae kwon do?

It depends on the school or Taekwondo organization. Chung do kwan is white , yellow , gold, orange, green, purple, blue, red, brown, brown/black stripe, then black

How do you do a 540 kick in Tae Kwon Do?

First you join a Taekwondo dojang. Then you learn the basic kicks from your instructor, and when your instructor feels you are ready, he or she will teach the 540 kick to you.

The basic description of the kick is that it is a jump-spin hook kick where you rotate 180 backward on one leg (pivoting on your front foot), and jump with an added 360 degrees while fully in the air, and perform a spinning hook kick. If you need any more explanation than that, then you are not ready to learn this kick.

Who in sport would have a higher duty of care?

The question of who has a "higher duty of care" sounds like an issue for legal advice, in which case a licensed attorney might be the best source. The following answer is not legal advice, but a general statement about the responsibility of Taekwondo officials.

Ultimately, everything that occurs during a Taekwondo event is the responsibility of those who host the event, with the tournament host, and/or director at the head of that chain. Within any particular ring, and during a match, the center referee is in charge of match management, and the one who is primarily responsible for enforcing the rules of safety.

What is Tae Kwon Do Grandmaster?

Short Answer: A Taekwondo Grandmaster is a teacher of the Masters in a Taekwondo organization.

Detailed Answer:

The English term "Grandmaster" is basically the equivalent of the Korean term "Kwanjang" which means the head of an organization, like the dean of a university. In the Korean language, the suffix "nim" is added to titles to create an honorific form used when a junior is speaking to, or about a senior. Thus, the term is commonly spoken as "Kwanjangnim" (pronounced: Kwahn jahng nim)

In the years just before Taekwondo was named, there was one officially recognized Kwan (school) of Martial Art run in Korea by a Korean. College Professor Won Kuk Lee (also written as Yi, Won Kuk) obtained permission from the occupying government of Japan to open what he called the Chung Do Kwan (school of the Blue Wave) were he taught a unique method based on his life long study of the Korean version of Chinese hand fighting he called Tang Soo Do (also written as tangsudo), and Japanese Shotokan Karate which he learned from famed Karate Master Gichen Funakoshi, and some influence from the Korean kicking method of Tae kyon.

After the liberation of Korea in 1945, many students of the Chung Do Kwan opened Annex schools under various names. The head instructor of an individual school is typically known as a sabeom (honorific "sabeomnim") which means teacher, or Master. Each of the Masters have their original teacher that they learn from, and that person is known as the Kwanjangnim, or teacher of the Masters.

In modern times, any high ranking Dan (adult Black Belt) might choose to sever connections with his or her original teacher, and form their own organization, or do so with the permission of their Grandmaster, thus becoming a Grandmaster in their own right. Many modern organizations grant titles of Masters to 4th or 5th Degree Black Belts (adults only) while others reserve that title for 6th degree and above. Some use different titles for each level of Master including Associate Master, Senior Master, Chief Master, and even Professor. Usually, the title of Grandmaster is reserved for 8th or 9th Dan, and must be conferred upon the candidate by an established, and recognized 9th Degree Grandmaster. Some organizations go by the philosophy that there is only one Grandmaster within an organization, and that is the one highest ranking Master, usually a 9th Dan.

What are all of the taekwondo form names?

It depends on the school of taekwondo; for example, the WTF forms are named after things such as strength, understanding, etc., whereas the ITF forms are named after Korean historical figures and events.

Do you do flips in Tae Kwon Do?

If by "flips" you mean back flips, then that would be gymnastics and some Taekwondo practitioners have incorporated those moves into what is commonly called "extreme Taekwondo."

If by "flips" you mean throws such as are done in judo and jujutsu, then yes, we do use those as part of Taekwondo's curriculum. Keep in mind that when Taekwondo was formed as a complete Martial Art in the 1950's, many of the Kwan (school) founders had backgrounds in yudo/judo, hapkido/Aikido, and other influences that combined to make Taekwondo a complete system of self defense. We do not put an emphasis on flips and throws like is done in Judo, but they are a viable option that is supposed to be included in a complete Taekwondo curriculum.

How did Tae Kwon Do get its name?

The name "taekwondo" was either submitted by Choi Hong Hi, or Song Duk Son of Chung Do Kwan and was accepted on April 11, 1955.

How do you use sword in Tae Kwon Do?

While Taekwondo is primarily an unarmed Martial Art, there are many weapons, both traditional and modern, that are often integrated into the training for the purpose of well-rounded self defense, and traditional experience. A student can learn how to fight against weapons, as well as use them for self defense (although less common in modern times). Tournament competition is also a consideration when choosing to study Martial Art weapons.

In Korea and around the world, some of the terms and names of organizations are registered trademarks, but the art of the sword in Korea is known as Gumdo. The traditional methods of sword fighting are organized in a modern curriculum such as the Haedong Gumdo (also Haidong Kumdo). While some literature, and videos are available, a serious student would be best to find a Taekwondo Master who is certified to teach the sword through a recognized Haedong Gumdo association.

Who are the officiating officials in Tae Kwon Do?

If you are asking about tournament officials, the number one priority is safety. After that, officials, such as referees, are charged with the duty of enforcing the rules of the tournament to ensure fair play, and match outcome consistent with the skills of the competitors. The official is also responsible for helping to create a smooth, and efficiently run event that is fun, and enjoyable for all.

Depending on their assignment, officials might have the duty of helping competitors and coaches be where they are supposed to be, check ID badges, keep accurate records, keep time, transfer documents, and escort groups of competitors on and off the competition floor. At the conclusion of a division's matches, some officials may have the duty of presenting awards either in the ring, or at an awards platform. Some officials make announcements over a PA system, including announcing the winners in each division.

Finally, it is the duty of all officials to look, speak, and act professionally at all times. Their appearance should be neat and clean and wearing appropriate attire. Their posture when standing or sitting should be proper and show signs of alert attention to their judging duties. The official should watch what they say, and should never talk in a negative fashion about any competitor, instructor, coach, or another official. According to World Taekwondo Federation, and Olympic rules, tournament officials are forbidden from discussing the outcome of a match with anyone except with appropriate tournament officials in connection with the performance of their duties (IE: judges consultations, or arbitration due to protest). Officials should refrain from ever indicating that a competitor was cheated, or the outcome of a match was wrong. Negative comments are damaging to the spirit of competition. Legitimately identified errors must be handled through proper channels, and properly filed protests.

How do you do Tae Kwon Do white belt pattern?

Rhee Taekwon-Do is a martial art school in Australia and New Zealand teaching the Korean martial art of taekwondo. Chong Chul Rhee, one of the original masters of taekwondo, founded the school in the mid-1960s.

Rhee Taekwon-Do is widely publicized as being Australia's first and biggest taekwondo school. It is an independent martial art organization. It was once affiliated to the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF), but has had no relation to the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF)

The blue belt pattern is called CHUNG-GUN. It is named after the patriot Ahn Chung-Gun who assassinated Hiro-Bumi Ito, the first Japanese governor-general of Korea, known as the man who played the leading part in the Korea- Japan merger. There are 32 movements in this pattern to represent Mr. Ahn's age when he was executed at Lui-Shung prison (1910).

Begin: "B" ready stance starting at [X] facing North

  1. Move left foot West forming LFF back stance while executing inverse knife-hand block with left inner forearm.
  2. Stationary. Facing West, pull left hand to knife-hand down block while executing high-section front kick with left foot.
  3. Landing in LFF back stance, move right foot West forming RFF back stance while executing upward block with right palm.
  4. Move right foot East (turning clockwise 180 degrees) forming RFF back stance while executing inverse knife-hand block with right inner forearm.
  5. Stationary. Facing East, pull left hand to knife-hand down block while executing high-section front kick with right foot.
  6. Landing in RFF back stance, move left foot East forming LFF back stance while executing upward block with left palm.
  7. Move left foot North (turning counter-clockwise 90 degrees) forming LFF back stance while executing middle-section double knife-hand guarding block.
  8. Shift left foot North forming LFF front stance while executing upper elbow attack with right elbow.
  9. Move right foot North forming RFF back stance while executing middle-section double knife-hand guarding block.
  10. Shift right foot North forming RFF front stance while executing upper elbow attack with left elbow.
  11. Move left foot North forming LFF front stance while executing high-section double punch with both fists.
  12. Move right foot North, forming RFF front stance while executing middle-section double punch with both fists (palms pointing up).
  13. Move left foot South (turning counter-clockwise 180 degrees) forming LFF front stance while executing high-section X block.
  14. Move left foot East (turning 90 degrees) forming LFF back stance while executing back fist with left hand.
  15. Shift left foot East forming LFF front stance while pulling left fist to right shoulder.
  16. Stationary. Facing East, execute reverse high-section punch with right fist.
  17. Move left foot to right foot (touching), then right foot to West forming RFF back stance while executing back fist with right hand facing West.
  18. Shift right foot West forming RFF front stance while pulling right fist to left shoulder.
  19. Stationary. Facing West, execute reverse high-section punch with left fist.
  20. Move right foot to left foot (touching), left foot South forming LFF front stance while executing face attack.
  21. Shift left foot South, forming LFF back stance while executing middle-section side punch with left fist.
  22. Facing South, execute middle-section side kick with right foot.
  23. Landing in RFF front stance while executing face attack.
  24. Shift right foot South forming RFF back stance while executing middle-section side punch with right fist.
  25. Facing South, execute middle-section side kick with left foot.
  26. Landing in LFF back stance while executing fighting stance.
  27. Shift left foot South forming LFF low-section front stance while executing pressing block (slow).
  28. Move right foot South forming RFF back stance while executing fighting stance.
  29. Shift right foot South forming RFF low-section front stance while executing pressing block (slow)
  30. Move left foot to right foot (touching) facing East while horizontal right fist & left fist is by the waist (slow).
  31. Move right foot East forming RFF back stance while executing stick block.
  32. Move right foot to left foot (touching) then left foot West forming

Helpful illustrations are available at:

How do you do the basic movement form in tae kwon do?

Basic Form Number One was created for school which have more than 8 grades below black belt. There are 8 tae guk forms to learn before black belt. If your school has more than 8 belts before black belt, then they may have added some "basic forms" to teach in preparation for the first belt test. At one contibutor's school, Basic Form Number One consists of low blocks and middle punches all in walking stance. It included both front foot turns and back foot turns.

What are the punches of taekwondo?

The names of each of the following kicks might be different at your school, and each instructor or Taekwondo organization might list different numbers of basic or advanced kicks, and teach them at different rank levels. The answer to this question will vary from school to school, therefore you should ask your instructor if they require a specific answer for test purposes.

In Korean terminology, the word for kick is "Chagi" 차기

Basic Kicks: The basic kicks use either the front leg (nearest the target), or the back leg (further from the target) in the case where stance prior to kicking is not parallel to the target. Front leg kicks may be performed stationary on the rear foot position, or by stepping the rear foot up near the front foot before kicking. In most applications, both front leg and back leg kicks may be modified to cover more distance by sliding the rear foot along the floor as you kick. It is part of the basic training of Taekwondo to learn the various foot positions, and optional striking tools (ball, instep, bottom of heel, back of heel, inner arch, or outer blade) for each kick, as well as the motions of chambering the kick, the path that the foot follows, and the muscles and joints that are involved in the mechanics of the kick.

1. Stomp Kick - 짓밟다 차기 - Jitpalpda Chagi ("Jee(t) - pal(p) - dah")

2. Front Kick - 앞차기 - Ap Chagi ("ahp - chah - gee")

3. Turning Kick - 돌려 차기 - Dolryeo Chagi ("dol - ree-yuh - chah - gee")

>(aka: "roundhouse kick" - turning refers to hips, not turning backwards)

>(note: the roundhouse kick has many variations, including a diagonal kick on an incline)

4. Downward Kick - 내려 차기 - Naeryeo Chagi ("nae - ree-yuh - chah - gee")

>(aka: "axe kick")

5. Crescent Kick 반달 차기 - Bandal Chagi ("bahn - dahl - chah - gee")

>(Inward Crescent Kick - 반달 안차기 - Bandal An Chagi ("ahn")

>(Outward Crescent Kick - 반달 바깥 차기 - Bandal Bakkat Chagi ("bah - kkaht")

6. Side Kick - 옆차기 - Yeop Chagi ("yuhp - chah - gee")

7. Hook Kick - 후려 차기 Huryeo Chagi ("hoo - ree-yuh - chah - gee")

8. Back Kick - 뒷차기 - Dwit Chagi ("dwee(t) - Chah - gee")

>(aka: mule kick)

9. Twist Kick - 비틀로 차기 - Biteulro Chagi ("Bee - teul - ro - chah - gee")

Advanced applications:

Skipping Kicks

Spinning or backwards turning Kicks

Jumping Kicks

Jump-Spin Kicks

Flying Kicks

Note: Some of the basic kicks are not typically used with every advanced application. For example, the front kick is not typically applied as a spinning kick. Also, the kick known as a "wheel" or "spin heel" kick uses a locked knee to complete a 360 degree circular whipping motion that is only able to be done as a spin kick, and not a basic movement.

Is Taekwondo hard?

The hardest part of taekwondo will be different for each person.

The skill in the pattern, you could just go through the motions, however if is not done correctly...whats the point?

Getting in the car is the hardest part. It's so much easier to just stay at home on the couch.

Why is discipline emphasized so much in taekwondo?

"Discipline" comes from the Latin disciplina, meaning "instruction given to a learner"

Taekwondo is an educational system. When a student learns from a teacher, they are gaining knowledge and skills in a specific discipline.

"Discipline" also holds other meanings pertaining to behavior, order and control:

1. training to ensure proper behavior: the practice or methods of teaching and enforcing acceptable patterns of behavior

2. order and control: a controlled orderly state, especially in a class of schoolchildren

3. calm controlled behavior: the ability to behave in a controlled and calm way even in a difficult or stressful situation

4. conscious control over lifestyle: mental self-control used in directing or changing behavior, learning something, or training for something

(Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation.)

While teaching most any subject, there needs to be a certain amount of cooperative behavior in the classroom environment to encourage successful learning, and accurate transmission of the lessons. There also needs to be a reasonable amount of order to the structure of the curriculum to help students understand the material, and retain the information. The student needs to begin at a starting point of basic information and rudimentary skills, and grasp each set of related material before progressing to the next level.

Also, Taekwondo is an art of self defense which promotes non-violence, and harmony with nature, and others in a society. Developing well-disciplined personal behavior traits helps students to avoid unnecessary conflict. It is likewise important for the skilled Martial Artist to remain calm and controlled when dealing with a hostile or violent situation, especially when there is a great deal of commotion and stress present that might otherwise cause clouded judgment, knee-jerk responses, over reaction, or less than ideal choices of behavior. A calm, controlled, well disciplined mind better equipped to handle difficult situations, and is less likely to make an error in judgment, or be manipulated by others into actions resulting from poor choices.

Finally, Taekwondo is a way of life that teaches the artof appreciating the value of all living things, the way of harmony through ideal action, and the path of right behavior through a set of tenets, moral and ethical codes of conduct. To ignore these things would upset the balance and harmony of nature, and create problems rather than avoiding unnecessary conflict, or resolving conflict peacefully whenever possible. Those who live by the sword, might likely die by the sword. Wear the sword as a deterrent, and use the sword justly, and wisely, only when it is necessary to protect the innocent, and restore the peace.

Therefore, Taekwondo is a discipline, that requires self discipline to protect and preserve life, maintain a peaceful and harmonious existence, and to pass along this knowledge accurately and completely to each subsequent generation.

Where do you mostly practice Tae Kwon Do?

Taekwondo has become extremely popular in several places around the world. Perhaps the largest popularity is among the people of its birth country. Since Koreans identify the Martial Art as part of their national cultural identity, and historical evolution which helped them survive many feudal eras, Taekwondo has been adopted as their national Martial Art as well as national sport.

However, it is easy for a nation to take for granted something that is readily available, and already a part of their culture. Therefore, students in many foreign countries have looked upon all Martial Art training as something special, and even mystical. Learning segments of a new language, culture, philosophy, and history of fighting skills has made Taekwondo equally popular outside of Korea.

Since the early 1960's, Taekwondo has flourished in the United States, and become one of the most common forms of self defense training, replacing many the Judo, Karate, and Kung Fu schools of past decades.

Canada has a large Taekwondo following as well as the United Kingdom. Taekwondo is also very popular in Australia. It is difficult to say where it is "most popular" since you can find very dedicated, loyal, and skillful practitioners all around the world. Certainly Korea, the US, Canada, and the UK are all very close in their popularity and practice of Taekwondo.

When do we kihap in taekwondo?

Different students study taekwondo for different reasons. The most popular reasons for studying taekwondo are as follows:

  • improve physical fitness
  • increase attention and focus
  • learn self-defense techniques
  • build self-confidence

How do the athletes in taekwondo train?

Aside from taking regular classes, and learning the core curriculum and requirements to promote in rank and gain a solid foundation and understanding of the art, athletes train many additional hours under the guidance of a coach. The coach might be certified by a sport governing body, and might be their own Master, or one of the Black Belt Instructors or Assistant Instructors at their dojang (school).

Athletes first learn the techniques and skills used in competition, the learn the rules and regulations for what is permitted, prohibited, and used as criteria for scoring points. Some athletes focus on Poomsae (forms), while others spend more time on Gyorugi (sparring). Either way, they need the constant guidance and supervision of an experienced instructor/coach, and the indomitable spirit, perseverance, drive and will-power to train many hours every day.

Successful Taekwondo competitors work to maintain a healthy body through a proper diet, regular exercise for endurance and muscle tone, stretching for flexibility, and avoiding negative habits such as smoking, alcohol, drugs, or anything to excess or extreme that could have a negative or adverse affect on their performance or ability to participate in competitions.

The student practices individual kicks for speed, accuracy, timing, and deception. The work on kicking focus targets for speed, accuracy and control, and hit heavy bags and break boards for power, accuracy and control. The wear protective padding to avoid injury and unnecessary delays in training while sparring with partners to improve distancing, rhythm, timing, and coordination of both defensive and offensive attacks or counter-attacks. Once preliminary training is under way, one of the best methods for improving skills and gaining experience is to enter as many competitions as possible, starting with small tournaments, and working their way up to national, international and world championships.

There will likely be many losses in the early stages and along the way, but this is where the student should learn and gain valuable experience while keeping a positive attitude, and not becoming emotionally upset over being penalized, or a loss of a point, a match, or a championship. Using video is a good way to study your performance, and learn from your mistakes while focusing on what works. Videos should not be used to harp on perceived biased or poor judging, or make excuses as to why you lost. Pick yourself up, dust yourself, put a smile on your face, shake hands and bow to your opponent, the referee and the opponent's coach with earnest respect - - then go back to training with a renewed focus on improvement.