What would cause shooting pains in stomach?
Shooting pains in the stomach can be caused by a variety of factors, including gastrointestinal issues such as gas, indigestion, or constipation. Other possible causes could include muscle spasms, inflammation of the stomach lining, or even more serious conditions such as ulcers or gallstones. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.
Why does atticus look like his stomach hurt when he proves his case against mayella?
Atticus looks like his stomach hurt when he proves his case against Mayella because he experiences a mix of emotions, including empathy for Mayella's situation and the realization that he has dismantled her false accusations. This emotional conflict may manifest physically as discomfort or tension in the stomach area. Additionally, the stress and pressure of the courtroom trial may have taken a toll on Atticus, causing physical symptoms such as stomach discomfort.
Does dry ice burn your skin or does it really freeze it?
Dry ice can cause frostbite on your skin if it comes into direct contact for an extended period of time. The extremely cold temperature of dry ice can freeze the skin and cause tissue damage. It is important to handle dry ice carefully and use protective gloves when touching it.
Do raw carrots make your stomach ache?
they are fresh carrots and i am 48 years old,i like raw carrots but they have always hurt my stomach. and you can also be licking tthem to much... the slaviva isnt good... unless your a pedo...
Can built up gas cause lower right abdominal pain?
Yes it is often described as a knife like sharp pain
What is the cause of bloody vomit accompanied by abdominal pain?
You may have a bleeding ulcer, which can be very serious. But it could also be something else, even more serious, so you need to get to a doctor immediately! This is not something to wait around on - get to a doctor NOW!
Does it mean you're sick if you stomach hurts for a week?
There is definitely something wrong if your stomach hurts for a week. It could be something simple, such as constipation. Try taking some Pepto-Bismol. If this does not help, you should see a doctor.
What plant can cure stomach ache?
Over the years many people have come up with natural remedies for stomach pain. Some of these include drinking tea with honey, or squeezing lemon into a cup of water.
What would cause stomach pains along with several bowel movements?
There are a variety of causes for this. Here is a list:
-You are constipated and the stool hasn't been fully passed out of the body. Constipation is the infrequent passage of hard stools.
-You have diarrhea and your intestines are still churning after the movement, however, it's not likely. This possibility is discounted if you weren't in pain before.
-You strained too hard, also a possible sign of constipation.
These are possible causes for singular occurrences, however, if this is a normal pattern for you, it could be severe IBS, Crohn's Disease, or ulcerative colitis. These are serious diseases so find a doctor if you have this symptom regularly, perhaps along with an abnormal stool change (suddenly becomes drier or more moist).
What causes pain when stomach is slightly pushed?
It depends on whether you mean the entire belly, called the abdomen, or the real stomach, which is a food sack inside you just under the ribs, in front.
In any event, this condition should be seen by a physician, as it could be something easily treated that would get much worse if not treated.
What should I do if my daughter has lower left side abdominal pains?
If you have pain in your inner left arm that radiates to the shoulder, associated with left jaw pain with a feeling of crushing pain on chest, heavy breathing and a general feeling of doom. These are precursors to a heart attack. call 911 immediately.
Headache stomach cramps period not due for 2weeks and lower back pain?
could be that youre ovulating
if you have a fever, or it hurts to pee, go see a doctor
Abdominal pain above belly button?
I have this constant dull uncomfortable sensation above my naval, it feels like I am bloated sometimes. I am not energetic like I used to be, although I am 89 but in good health otherwise.
I admit I don't exercise like I used to and also don't drink much water.
My GC has taken many blood samples and now will get mri and or ct and stool samples.
I hope I don't have the BIG "C"
Yes. And it can do much more than that. If it goes on untreated it results in death.
Is your stomach above or below the waist?
It is above your intestine but only by less than a quarter of an inch.
What is it if your stomach bulges out when doing situps?
This could be a hernia, a tear in the abdominal muscle wall. Seek medical attention promptly.
Why does a girls stomach hurt after doing crunches?
After doing sit-ups you may experience cramps in your stomach area. This happens when muscles are contracted and the intestines are compressed.
What can you eat to make your stomach small and your but big?
For more information about how to use cardio exercise, weight training, and 'fat burning' foods, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.
Why is your left side hurting?
If you are getting pain that starts off in your stomach and then slowly travels down to your right hand side of your body. It hurts when you touch it, or laugh, or walk. And you are getting abdomonial pains and feeling sick or being sick, it is most likely appendicitis. But it can be treated in time if you catch it early. if not then all the bacteria thats building up inside your apendix will burst and cause infection.