

Sig Sauer

The German representative of Swiss Arms AG, SIG Sauer GmbH was established in 1985 to distribute and import firearms into the US. To date, the company is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of firearms.

292 Questions

What is the value of a used but in excellent condition sig sauer 380acp all stainless steel with sig sauer plastic polymer 380 gun case and 2 magazines?

The value of a used Sig Sauer 380ACP in excellent condition with two magazines and a case typically ranges between $400 to $600, depending on the specific model, condition, and market demand. Conducting a thorough inspection and considering factors such as warranty, additional accessories, and any modifications may help determine a more accurate value.

What are the names of all the guns in the world?

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What is sauer kraut made of?

Sauerkraut is cabbage that is shredded, layered with salt and it sits until it begins to ferment.

Answer: RecipeYou can make kraut at home for canning.

Start with:

Two heads of cabbage.

Kosher Salt (Not pickling or curing salt, and never table salt)

A five gallon glass, or ceramic crock. A plastic five gallon bucket will work.

Remove and discard the outer leaves of the cabbage.

Wash and drain it, then cut the cabbages into halves and half again to quarter.

Remove the core.

Shred the cabbage (You can use a food processor for speed and efficientcy--and to save finger tips. A mandolin can work well for this also. If you do shred the cabbage by hand, use the small side of the shredder.

Mix the cabbage with a wooden spoon or very clean hands:

Ratio - Canning: 5 pounds of shredded cabbage to 4 tablespoons of Kosher salt.

Ratio - refigerating: 5 pounds of shredded cabbage to 3 tablespoons of Kosher salt.

Pack the cabbage into the clean, sterilized crock Press the caggage evenly and firmly into the bottom of the container so the juice covers it. Fill the utensil no fuller than 5 inches from the top.

*If the brine does not cover the cabbage, you can prepare more by mixing 1½ tablespoons of kosher salt in 1 quart of boiling water. Allow the new brine to cool to room temperaturebefore adding it to the cabbage in the container.

On top of the submerged cabbage, place a large food-grade storage bag filled with a weight (sterilized decorative glass rocks work well for this) on top of the cabbage to keep it submerged. You can use a plastic steamer basket (one meant for use in a microwave) between the cabbage and the bag-weight to keep the cabbage from floating. The secret is to keep the cabbage submerged and the air out. Air carries yeast and mold--these ruin sauerkraut.

Cover the container with plastic wrap, then cover the plastic wrap with a heavy towel or cloth and tie or rubber-band this tightly. This cover must remain until the kraut has fermented.

Place the container where the temperature will not rise above 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Fermentation starts within a day.

Follow this timing process:

For a 75° room, let the container rest for three weeks.

For a 70° room, let the container rest for four weeks.

For a 65° room, let the container rest for five weeks.

For a 60° room, let the container rest for six weeks.

Do not leave the container in a room over 75°. The kraut will not ferment properly, and your efforts (and investment) will be wasted.

After you have waited the appropriate time, taste your kraut. If you are canning it, it should be slightly more sour than you prefer. Some of this will fade after canning.

To can your kraut, simply sterilize 20 wide-mouth quart jars as you normally would. Since kraut is a higher acid food (and relatively heavily salted), you can use a hot bath canner--a pressure canner is not necessary.

Leave ¼ inch head-space in the jars. Keep the jars in the same place you stored the container for fermenting while they seal.

Some people add caraway or celery seed to each jar before canning to enhance the flavor. I prefer to do this after opening, depending on how I use the kraut.

Is sig saucer the best 380 automatic pistol?

There are so many variables about which Pistol is Best.

There are certain pistols and certain calibers that are better for some people and situations and other pistols and calibers that are better suited for other people and situations.

That said, Sig Sauer is well-respected manufacturer of firearms.

What services does Sig Alert offer?

There are many services offered by Sig Alert. Examples of services offered by Sig Alert include updated and detailed traffic reports and camera images.

What is a shortcoming for the Sig Sauer p229?

There are not many shortcomings for the Sig Sauer p229. It is a pistol that has been repeatedly tested by the United States government and is carried by many members of the United States armed forces and federal agencies.

What is the firing rate of SIG Sauer P226?

Being a semi-automatic pistol, the firing rate of an unmodified SIG Sauer P226 is dependent on the speed of the trigger finger of the user. Howewver, if you are referring to the firing rate as ascertained in the video game, Combat Arms, its in-game statistic for rate of fire is 45.

What is a sig sauer sp 2340 pistol worth?

A check of on line auctions will give you an idea if any have sold lately. Blue Book of Gun Values has information on what the various conditions might bring(100% to 50%) but, it is dated as soon as it is published. Check local gun shops and pawn shops also. Without a detailed description or photos, there is no real way to put a value on it.

What is the best 380 pistol on the market?

The best .380 pistol available on the market is subjective but some of the highest rated ones across user reviews are the Smith and Wesson, Walther, Sig Sauer, Bersa, and the Seecamp.

What is the manufacturing date of a sigarms p226 serial number ae24826?

You willl need to call SIG to verify, but, it is probably 2004.

How do you change springs in Beretta 21A?

You will need the owner's manual to walk you through the disassembly of the pistol. Springs are removed as part of the process. Re-assemble the pistol with the new springs. If you are not comfortable with detail stripping and re-assembling a pistol, have your gunsmith do it for you.

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