


Scorpions are characterized by large claws and an erect tail which can be venomous. Ask questions about this arthropod here.

1,236 Questions

How do you cure a scorpion bite on the Oregon trail?

The Oregon Trail during the 1800s could be a very dangerous place. Scorpion stings were common and were treated in a few different ways. Most often, an incision was made at the sting site and the poison was allowed to drain from the wound or sucked out, depending on the severity of the sting.
It would probably be treated with incision and drainage to remove the venom; elevation, symptomatic management, rest, bleeding along with application of a herbal poultice...

Character sketch of mother in the poem night of the scorpion?

the mother in this poem shows the epitome of selfless love.the atitude of a typical Indian mother has been shown in this poem

Question answer for night of the scorpion?

The Night of the Scorpion is basically a poem that is full of confusion and tension. In this poem, Nissim Ezekiel, the poet, tells about the time his mother was bitten by a scorpion. Ten hours of continuous rain had made the scorpion seek shelter under a sack of rice. The scorpion stung the mother, and he went out in the rain again. The peasants came to help the mother, and like typical villagers, they were superstitious, and they chanted the name of God. From the point of view of the child, it seemed that the peasants were like swarms of flies, and he could see scorpion shadows everywhere (the child was frightened and so obviously the memory of the scorpion haunts him). They prayed that the mother's sins of the previous birth be burned away, that her sufferings may decrease in the next birth. They prayed that the sum of evil may balance against the sum of good become diminished because of the pain she suffers. The poison would purify her flesh of desire and her spirit of ambition. They sat around while the mother groaned and twisted on the mat in pain. The child's father, who was not a superstitious person and thought logically, tried every curse and blessing, herbs and hybrids to cure his wife. The desperation and intensity of the situation changed the father to a rather superstitious person (he tried curses and blessings). He poured a bit of paraffin and set the bitten toe alight. The holy man performed his rites and tried to tame the poison with an incantation. After twenty hours it lost its sting. The mother, after all she has gone through, only thanks God that the scorpion bit her and not her children. The last three lines of the poem expresses the selfless love of a mother for her children

What is the scorpion flies classification?

Oh, dude, the scorpion fly is classified under the order Mecoptera. It's like they're part of this cool insect club with long beaks and weird tail things that make them look like tiny scorpions. So, yeah, they're basically the insect version of a mixed breed dog - a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and a whole lot of confusing people.

What is 7 levels of classification of scorpion?

The seven levels of classification for a scorpion, following the traditional Linnaean taxonomy system, are Kingdom (Animalia), Phylum (Arthropoda), Class (Arachnida), Order (Scorpiones), Family (various families such as Buthidae or Scorpionidae), Genus (specific genus name like Centruroides or Heterometrus), and Species (specific species name like Centruroides sculpturatus or Heterometrus longimanus). This hierarchical classification system helps scientists categorize and understand the relationships between different organisms based on their shared characteristics.

Will an army ant die if it carries an ant infected by fungi?

It is possible for an army ant to die if it carries an ant infected by certain fungi, such as the parasitic fungus Ophiocordyceps unilateralis. Once infected, the fungus manipulates the ant's behavior, forcing it to leave its colony and attach itself to a leaf or other high point before ultimately killing it.

What does a scorpian look like?

A scorpion is typically dark brown or black in color, with a pair of grasping claws, eight legs, a segmented body, and a distinctive segmented tail that curves over its back. The tail ends in a venomous stinger that the scorpion uses for defense and hunting.

If the number of chromosomes in the skin cell of an organism is 28 what is the number of chromosomes in the organism's cells?

depends on the organism, but (i think) it should be half the normal number of chromosomes in a normal cell, because the gametes (egg and sperm) are haploid cells, meaning they have half the number because when they fuse together in fertilisation they need to have the correct amount of chromosomes so that they can duplicate and grow into an embryo.

How do you get a taser?

To get a taser, you typically need to purchase one from a licensed dealer or through online retailers. You may also need to meet certain legal requirements, such as being of a certain age or passing a background check, depending on the laws in your area. It's important to familiarize yourself with the regulations regarding tasers in your jurisdiction before obtaining one.

What happens when you taser a scorpian?

Tasering a scorpion can kill it due to the high voltage shock disrupting its nervous system. It is not recommended to use a taser on scorpions as there are more effective and humane ways to deal with them.

Do scorpions have a brain?

Yes, scorpions have a rudimentary brain called a nerve cluster or ganglion. This nerve cluster is located in their cephalothorax and helps them process sensory information and control their movements.

What is the biggest scorpion?

The largest scorpion species is the Emperor scorpion (Pandinus imperator), which can grow up to 8 inches (20 cm) in length. They are native to rainforests of West Africa and are popular as pets due to their impressive size and relatively docile nature.

Do scorpions have any enemies?

Yes, there are all kinds of animals that eat them. Scorpions are not without their own enemies. Many scorpions eat other kinds of scorpions and some are cannibalistic. Centipedes are a major enemy of scorpions, and some birds and mammals (shrews and monkeys, for example) have learned to avoid the sting and love eating scorpions.

How long does a scorpion live?

Scorpions typically live for 2-6 years, depending on the species and environmental factors like food availability and habitat conditions. Some species have been known to live up to 25 years in captivity.

What is a scorpion?

1st of all, a scorpion can be... -A very dangerous animal, that can poision a person by stinging them. -A Cheerleading stunt, where you pull your leg over your head, It can be very difficult.

What domain is the scorpion in?

The scorpion is an arthropod, and all arthropods belong to the taxonomic domain of Eukarya.Eukarya covers all organisms in the Kingdom Animalia, as well as the Kingdoms Plantae, Fungi and Protista.

What is the scientific name of a black scorpion?

The scientific name of a black scorpion is usually "Androctonus australis."

What is the scientific name for a bark scorpion?

The scientific name for a bark scorpion is Centruroides spp., with different species within the genus having specific names depending on their region.

What is the scientific name for a large clawed scorpion?

The scientific name for a large clawed scorpion is Pandinus imperator.