

Real Housewives Reality Series

The Real Housewives reality series is a collection of Bravo reality shows about housewives in Orange County, New York City, New Jersey and Atlanta.

221 Questions

Is Diana roque Ellis going to be on the real lives of the Beverly Hills housewives?

It has been announced on some media sources that Diana Roque Ellis has been selected to replace either Camille Grammer or Taylor Armstrong on the show. Other media outlets are saying that this news is a rumor that Bravo has generated so as to generate mystery and suspense for the show.

Did Gretchen get any money when Jeff died from the show Housewifes of Orange county?

No, Gretchen did not cash in, because she was not legally married / common law yet. Also the children were in line as survivors, so they distributed his money. She did get to keep the ring though, and that was work $65k, plus the pink motorcycle, etc...she is not hurting for $. Actually, that's not true...if he had a will he could leave it all to Gretchen. I know this because, personally, I'm one of my relationiships with a woman I had her put me in her will when she thought she was ill. Well, she WANTED to. But anyway, I would have gotten the majority of it because that was her request. Wills can protect fiancees, same sex couples, etc. So she may have gotten quite a bit.