

Real Housewives Reality Series

The Real Housewives reality series is a collection of Bravo reality shows about housewives in Orange County, New York City, New Jersey and Atlanta.

221 Questions

What is kandi last name from real housewives of atlanta?

Kandi is a very popular R&B singer from the 1990's. She was apart of the group Escape with Tiny (who is married to T.I ), the other girl I don't remember her name.

What did Daniel try to do to dina on housewives?

Danielle from The Real Housewives of New Jersey threatened Dina that she would contact child protective services in order to take away Dina's children. This occurred in season 2 of the popular Bravo reality show series.

Where does Ally Zarin attend school?

provide the details regarding either the school for Ally Zarin or for any of the children associated with any Real Housewives reality television show.

provide personal contact information for celebrities and noncelebrities alike.

Did Jeff from the real housewives of the oc die?

Yes, unfortunately, he passed away in September, just after the season wrapped. He and Gretchen did not marry prior to his passing.

Could my husband be gay?

Some men discover their sexuality or come out very late into their lives. And during this time, they may or may not be married or involved romantically in a heterosexual relationship. It is hence quite possible for a married man to be gay.

The best course to take is to be the loving wife, and sit him down for a reassuring conversation. Support him, if he admits that he is in fact gay or bisexual. Ask him what he wants.

Otherwise, let him know clearly why you had a doubt.

I am assuming that his disinterest in you might have lead you to think so. There is obviously a problem. Talk it out, share your fears and apprehensions and listen intently to what he has to say. Then decide what is best for your marriage, together. The longer this goes undiscussed, the more stress it will cause.