


Quran (Koran)

This section of WikiAnswers is for question concerning Islam's Holy book, the Qur'an.

3,037 Questions

What does ayah mean in English?

Ah, an "ayah" is a beautiful word that comes from Arabic and is used to refer to a verse in the Quran. It's like a little nugget of wisdom and guidance, like a tiny painting with big meaning. Embrace the beauty of language, my friend, and let it fill your heart with peace and inspiration.

How many times lailaha illallah appears in holy quran?

Asalam o alykum, it came two times in HOLY QURAN, sura MUHAMMAD and sura YUNUS, jazak ALLAH.

In which surah of QURAAN PAAK names of 18 prophets in 3 consequtive ayats are mentioned?

Oh, dude, that's an easy one! The names of 18 prophets are mentioned in three consecutive verses in Surah Al-An'am, verses 83-85. It's like a prophet party up in there! So, if you're looking for a quick prophet fix, just flip to those verses and you're good to go.

What is the date of end of the world according to quran?

Only ALLAH subhanahe tallah knows verily there are some predictions by Prophet MOAHAMAMD SALAHO ALAHAY WASALM time, sun, glaciers, sea every natural thing will die or gone for every , Now sun is beating down every years, knowledge has been lifted, Arab become the most vulgar nation,

Which surah in the Quran has two sajdas?

The surah in the Quran that contains two sajdahs (prostrations) is Surah Sad (Surah 38). These sajdahs occur at the end of verse 24 and verse 47. Sajdah is a form of worship where a Muslim prostrates to Allah as an act of submission and humility. It is recommended to perform the sajdah when reciting these verses during prayer or while reading the Quran.

How many Suras in the Qur'an start with alhamdulillah?

Well honey, there are 38 Suras in the Qur'an that start with "Alhamdulillah." So, if you're looking to spread some gratitude, you've got plenty of verses to choose from. Just remember to say "thank you" to me later for this fun fact!

Which surah begins with alif laam meem saad?

The surah that begins with "alif laam meem saad" is Surah Sad (Surah 38) in the Quran. These are known as "muqatta'at" or disjointed letters, the meanings of which are not fully understood but are believed to be a unique feature of the Quran. These letters appear at the beginning of certain chapters and serve as a mystery or challenge to the readers.

What is the IQ of the Holy Prophet Muhammad?

Oh, dude, I'm not here to stir up any controversies. But technically speaking, IQ tests weren't around back in the day of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, so we can't really slap a number on that. Plus, intelligence is so much more than just a score on a test, you know? Like, let's focus on spreading kindness and understanding instead of worrying about IQ points.

Who is known as the sayyidul quran?

The title "Sayyidul Quran" is an honorific Arabic term that translates to "Master of the Quran." It is often used to refer to the Prophet Muhammad in Islamic tradition, highlighting his role as the primary recipient and conveyer of the teachings of the Quran. This title underscores the Prophet's deep understanding, reverence, and embodiment of the Quranic message, making him the foremost authority on its interpretation and application.

How many times the ayah alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen repeated in quran?

The phrase "Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen" is repeated in the Quran 5 times. It is mentioned in Surah Al-Fatihah (1:2), Surah Al-An'am (6:45), Surah Jonah (10:10), Surah Saba (34:1), and Surah Fatir (35:1). This phrase translates to "Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds" in English.

What is an English translation of Surat al-Fatiha?

Ah, Surat al-Fatiha is a beautiful chapter from the Quran. In English, it is often translated as "The Opening" or "The Opener." Just like how a painting begins with a single brushstroke, this chapter is like a gentle brush of guidance and blessings to start our journey through the Quran.

What is a Muslim church called?

A Muslim "church" is normally called in English a "mosque". It is the anglicized form of the Arabic term "masjid", which literally means "place of prostration" and a term used by Muslims just as the Jews use the term "temple" or "synagogue" and Christians use the term "church". Primarily "masjid" is used in the Quran, i.e. Islamic scripture, to mean any place of worship dedicated to God including churches, temples and synagogues.

How many times the word ya ayyuhannas repeated in quran?

Alhumdolillah as far as I checked it is 13 times. May Allah forgive me for all my mistakes and shortcomings.


How old would Moses be if he were still alive?

Oh, dude, if Moses were still kickin' it today, he'd be like super old, man. According to the Bible, he lived to be 120 years old, so if he miraculously dodged the whole mortality thing, he'd be like, what, over 3,000 years old now? But hey, that's just me doing some quick math with a side of sarcasm.

Are fig rolls halal?

Oh, dude, are fig rolls halal? Well, technically, if they're made with halal ingredients and follow Islamic dietary laws, then yeah, they should be halal. But like, always double-check the label or ask the manufacturer if you're unsure. Can't have any rogue non-halal figs sneaking into your snack time, right?

Do Muslims have to learn the Qur'an off by heart?

Well, honey, it's not a requirement for all Muslims to memorize the entire Qur'an, but it is highly encouraged for those who are able to do so. Many Muslims around the world do choose to memorize the Qur'an as a way of deepening their understanding and connection to their faith. So, while it's not mandatory, it's definitely a commendable feat for those who take on the challenge.

Which surahs in the quran start with ha meem?

Surah Ghafir, Surah Fussilat, Surah Shuraa, Surah Zukhruf, Surah Dukhan, Surah Jathiyah and Surah Ahqaf.

Warfare according to the Quran?

Warfare according to the Quran is addressed in several verses that emphasize the principles of justice, proportionality, and self-defense. The Quran permits defensive warfare as a means of protecting oneself and the community from aggression, while also emphasizing the importance of avoiding harm to non-combatants and respecting the rules of engagement. It also encourages seeking peaceful resolutions and reconciliation whenever possible, promoting the idea of striving for peace and justice in all circumstances.

What is shortest surah in quran?

The shortest surah in the Quran is Surah Al-Kawthar, which consists of only three verses. It is the 108th chapter of the Quran and is recited frequently in daily prayers by Muslims around the world. The surah emphasizes the abundance of blessings and goodness bestowed upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) by Allah.

What were those worships and prayers that were ordered by Allah to the community of Bani Israeel and which were continued by the Muslim Ummah also?

The worships and prayers ordered by Allah to the community of Bani Israeel and continued by the Muslim Ummah include the five daily prayers (Salah), fasting during the month of Ramadan (Sawm), giving charity (Zakat), and performing the pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) for those who are able. These acts of worship are fundamental pillars of Islam and serve to strengthen the connection between the individual and Allah, as well as foster a sense of community and unity among believers. They are considered essential obligations for all Muslims to fulfill in order to demonstrate their faith and devotion to Allah.

Why do Muslims think there better than everyone else?

Oh, dude, it's not that Muslims think they're better than everyone else. That's like saying all Canadians love maple syrup or all Americans eat burgers every day. It's just a stereotype, man. People are people, no matter what their beliefs are.

What are the Names of katibeen e wahi?

1. Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddeeq Raziallahu Anhu

2. Hazrat Umar e Farooq Raziallahu Anhu

3. Hazrat Usman e Ghani Raziallahu Anhu

4. Hazrat Ali Raziallahu Anhu

5. Hazrat Zayd Bin Thabit (Sabit) Raziallahu Anhu

6. Hazrat Abdallah Bin Mas'ood Raziallahu Anhu

7. Hazrat Zubair Bin Al-Awm Raziallahu Anhu

8. Hazrat Khaild Bin Sayeed Raziallahu Anhu

9. Hazrat Hanzla Bin Rabee Raziallahu Anhu

10. Hazrat Khaled Bin Waleed Raziallahu Anhu

11. Hazrat Abdallah Bin Rawaha Raziallahu Anhu

12. Hazrat Muhammad Bin Musallamah Raziallahu Anhu

13. Hazrat Abdallah Bin Abdallah Raziallahu Anhu

14. Hazrat Mughairah Bin Sha'ba Raziallahu Anhu

15. Hazrat Abdallah Bin Amar Bin Aas Raziallahu Anhu

16. Hazrat Muaawiyah Raziallahu Anhu

17. Hazrat Jahm Bin Al-ssalt Raziallahu Anhu

18. Hazrat Muaeqeeb Bin Abi Fatimah Raziallahu Anhu

19. Hazrat Abdallah Bin Arqam Raziallahu Anhu

20. Hazrat Thabit Bin Qais Bin Shamas Raziallahu Anhu

21. Hazrat Huzaifa Bin Yamaan Raziallahu Anhu

22. Hazrat Amir Bin Faheerah Raziallahu Anhu

23. Hazrat Abdallah Bin Abi Al-sarh Raziallahu Anhu

24. Hazrat Sayeed Bin Jubair Raziallahu Anhu

25. Hazrat Sharahbeel Bin Hasnah Raziallahu Anhu

26. Hazrat Abaan Bin Sayeed Raziallahu Anhu