

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a type of anxiety disorder that occurs after a traumatic event such as a natural disaster, war or assault.

262 Questions

Why would a teen girl shave her head?

In a society that places high value on the appearance our hair it seems like an odd thing to do doesn't it? It could be she is just expressing herself though. Hair grows back, so unless there are other symptoms of something else going on with her, she probably just wanted to shave her head. Shaved heads feel nice and cool, and if society was not so appearance centric I imagine many more females would shave their heads, especially if they knew how wonderful it feels.

What are the symtoms of ptsd?

PTSD patients re-experience an event over and over again in one of several ways. They may have frightening dreams or memories of the event or have flashbacks. They may become upset during the anniversary of the particular event.

The symptoms fall into three categories:

1. Re experiencing the event, which disturbs day-to-day activities: Flashbacks, recurrent memories of event, and physical reactions to stimuli that reminds patient of event are all part of this category.

2. Avoidance: Patients may feel emotionally "numb" or detached. They have a lack of interest in normal activities and have trouble expressing their moods. They will avoid anything that may remind them of the traumatic event. In extreme cases, many will feel as if they have no future.

3. Arousal: Difficulty concentrating and having a exaggerated startled response are often viewed in patients with PTSD. Many also become hyper-vigilant and become irritable or display outbursts of anger. Sleeping difficulties is not uncommon with PTSD patients. Some patients also experience feelings of guilt, anxiety, stress, and tension.

Physical Symptoms include dizziness, agitation, fainting, heart palpitations, fever, headache, and paleness.

How can you help someone with post traumatic stress disorder?

There is no way to "treat" PTSD. The best way you can help your friend is to seek professional help for them. They need to work through the trauma.

How can one retaliate against narcissistic lover?

Ignore him. I mean completely ignore him. They are good at reading even the slightest cues so you have to TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY REMOVE THEM FROM YOUR LIFE. This will cause in them a Narcissistic Injury and they will go into a rage so be sure you are safe. Also remember they LOVE revenge and backbiting to ruin your good name.

How has the occurrence of PTSD changed over time?

it changed because more and more people think that it is a joke and they get a lot of brain damage

How do you tell if someone has ptsd?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop following a traumatic event. Symptoms includes Avoiding reminders of the trauma, Increased anxiety and emotional arousal.

What can result from prolonged stress?

If stress is sustained for too long it will have adverse effects upon one's physical and emotional well-being. Things that can happen include adrenal exhaustion, weakened immune system, tendency to be susceptible to catching contagious illnesses, a weakening in the body's ability to fend off cancer, decrease in reproductive abilities, decrease in cognitive skills, exhaustion, exacerbation of existing health conditions, heart troubles, and eventually death if the source of the stress is not dealt with. This is one of the reasons it needs to be taken seriously: our bodies were not meant to sustain the emergency state of high preparedness (fight-or-flight) for long intervals of time! Something's gotta give.

What types of events are associated with post-traumatic stress disorder?

This disorder is common after a person assault, for examples rape, bombing, human-made disasters, earthquacks, ext. Symptoms may included flashbacks, nightmares, emotional numbness, sleeplessness, guilt, and problems with concentration.

Post - traumatic stress disorder used in a sentence?

Post-traumatic stress disorder is not capitalized, but PTSD is. Check any stylebook for verification... Chicago Manual of Style, etc.

How does post traumatic stress disorder differ from combat operational stress reactions?

PTSD has specific chronological requirements and symptom markers that must be satisfied in order to diagnose

Who can get PTSD?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a disorder that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event. It is natural to feel afraid during and after a traumatic situation. Fear triggers many split-second changes in the body to help defend against danger or to avoid it.

Symptoms: Nightmare; Anger

How many people are diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder?

well there's a 1/3 chance of it ocuring after a trauma so I guess it's 33.3etc%

What is the average time for a PTSD claim from the VA?

I have not been able to find any definitive stats on an average time. A lot depends on complexity of claim, how quickly supporting documents are provided, when appointments are scheduled, the region you live in, etc. I can say that my husband filed his claim back in December of 2009 and we're still waiting.

What are physical characteristics you should look for in soldiers with post traumatic stress disorder?

There are actually quite a few characteristics of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder ranging from mild to extreme. Some characteristics of the mild form include feeling jumpy, difficulty sleeping and difficulty concentrating. Some Characteristics of the extreme form include nightmares anddistressing flashbacks.

What phobia is the fear of deformed people?

The answer is teratophobia.

or dysmorphophobia; it's one of the two

Can you claim incapacity benefit for ptsd?

You would have to be examined by a qualified professional in order to be diagnosed with PTSD. With this diagnosis you may be referred to a psychiatrist who might prescribe medication or a psychologist who may have talk therapy sessiins with you or Biofeedback sessions where your mind and body has to be retrained to relax. I was diagnosed with PTSD after a bad car accident. I had to go through all of the things I just mentioned.

What influences the severity of post-traumatic stress disorder?

Whether the trauma was unexpected, the severity of the trauma, how chronic the trauma was (such as for victims of sexual abuse), and the person's readiness to embrace the recovery process.