

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky was released on April 18, 2009. It was created for the Nintendo DS.

597 Questions

How many levels are in the cave in the dojo in Pokemon sky?

Honey, there are seven levels in that cave in the dojo in Pokemon Sky. Don't get lost down there now, those Zubats can be a real pain in the butt. Just make sure you bring plenty of Pokeballs and some patience, you'll need it.

Who are the bosses in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky?

The bosses are: Koffing/Zubat, Drowzee, Uxie (Note: You are only battling an illusion Groudon conjured from Uxie), Manetric and his Electrike, Mespirit, Grovyle, Spiritomb, Kabutops and the Omastar Bros, Dusknior and his Sablye, Primal Dialga, The whole Guild, Carnivine, Grimer/Muk, Frostlass, Regierock/Regieice/Regiesteel, Regiegigias and some Hitmonlee/Brongzong, Gyrados, Palkia, Darkrai, The special episode bosses,And the legendaries/ Rare ones ( Exp. Manaphy and Phione).

How much HP does Dialga have in explorers of sky?

Palkia has a high hp of around 700 so you might want to have some reviver seeds with you and have your level above 60.

He is Also level 48 so over 50 and youhave a slight chance of winning

Edited by K.Harley

What is the wonder mail for a trap scarf in Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky?

This is it Beach cave 1 rescue weedle reward fire stone wonder mail -RH9M +JX4QR& @@H0T GFRSX #Q2NY46 3&6#2

How get blue gummi in explorers of sky?

In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, the blue gummi is mainly found in Marine Resort.

Where is aegis cave in mystery dungeon explorers of sky?

first u have to finish the main story. then later I'm pretty sure after u let Manaphy back to the sea u go to the guild and no one is on the floor with the job boards so u go to the bottom floor and Team Charm is there surrounded by the guild members they talk awhile to Wigglytuff then talk about Aegis Cave then ur partner will ask them if u can join them. then u team charm and the WHOLE guild go to Aegis Cave

How much health or hp does primal dialga have in Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky?

He has 600 hp try using endeavor he know Roar of Time (DANGER!!!!!),

Dragon Claw, Ancient power and Metal Claw

How much does Pokemon explorers of sky cost?

well im pretty sure it will be 70$ like every other ds game coz iv never seen a ds game more then 70$ theres no way its going to be 70$.it'll propbably be 20$-32$ mine costed 35$.i got it at target. there is NO way it can be $70 most games r not going to b $70..mine was like $40 dollars because of taxes mine was really around $35 dollars but including taxes it was aroundd $40

How do you get to level 100 fast on Pokemon explorers of sky?

The cheat code is that you should do the code 311298378 281938217 23748637472389 1287238298 3748374837 237824783748 9238923892839 it is right

How can you be a skitty in mystery dungeon explorers of sky?

If you want Skitty as a starter Pokemon: Male-Relaxed Felmale-Hasty Wondermail recruitment reward: 4-44 FJ4J +J6=

&007 47@S 616+ Info: Help Me! Waterfall Cave 5F ????(Recruit Cilent)

How do you get Giratina into original form in explorers of sky?

go to that mountain from shaymin village giratina is now origin! it wont be permanant but it only works on that mountain

Is it possible to recruit Arceus in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky?

It's quite simple really. AFTER you beat the game by killing primal dialga, and you recruit palkia and giratina( special missions), go to shaymin village(its around treasure town somewhere, but im not tellin ya!) go to the shaymin resturaunt and outside shaymin will be standing in front of a big craater made by a universal egg. he will give u the egg to keep and then 1 day after you get the egg, the shadow of arceus will appear in treasure town and it will ask for its egg back. Its your choice if you wanna keep the egg or risk your lifes and battle arceus.

if you need help or if you faint from battle, no worries cause team olimpians is on the job!team members:Apollo and Zeus.

Jonathan wuz here

Where do you find feebas in Pokemon explorers of sky?

you can find him and milotic in lake afar. you can gain access to it by wondermail.

you can find him and milotic in lake afar. you can gain access to it by wondermail.

How does riolu evolve in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of sky?

To become a Riolu, you must have a Sassy nature. Note that it is impossible to have a female Riolu, and you must choose the 'male' option at the end, otherwise you will become a Totodile.

I don't really know what some of the questions are but you can get the game's personality quiz FAQ's and the website is "" and then search Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky and you might find the cheats. If that doesn't work then look for it elsewhere.I'd check

How do you get latios and latias on Pokemon explorers of sky?

To get Latias in explorers of sky you need the place called sky fissure 10F & a thing called Secret stone plate or Enigma part in bag.

Also to get Lotios in explorers of sky you need sky fissure Deepest part B5F

How do you recruit golduck in explorers of sky?

well firstly the groudon in steam cave is FAKE!

the real groudon is when you complete the game and complete the dungeon "shimmar desert" at the end of the dungeon you fight groudon, defeat him and with a bit of luck you can recruit him.

you can onley unlock shimmar desert after you found sizor and obtaind secret rank.

then go to spinda café and talk to the Pokemon at the entrance there are seven of these dungeons.

How many floors are in the hidden island in explorers of sky?

There are 15 floors in the Hidden Land, and there are 8 in Hidden Highland. And after that you battle Dusknoir, but if you already have, it takes you to Temporal Tower.

When does Lucario learn aura sphere Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky?

you can teach him aura sphere by ging to PWT near driftveil city and talk to this girl and she could make Lucario learn aura sphere.