

Oldsmobile Alero

The Oldsmobile Alero was a compact car produced by General Motors between 1999 and 2004. It was the last compact car of Oldsmobile and the last vehicle sold under this brand.

1,637 Questions

What car uses STP oil filter s3506?

Oh, dude, the STP S3506 oil filter is compatible with a variety of vehicles, like a bunch of cars and trucks from different manufacturers. It's like a universal oil filter that fits a range of models, so you don't have to stress about finding the exact one for your ride. Just pop that bad boy in and you're good to go.

Where is the block heater cord in a 2002 Oldsmobile alero?

I have an '04 Alero, and the cord was wrapped and tucked down near the fuse panel on the drivers side. 3 years after buying the car, I just found it! Perfect timing as the temperature is -20C.

Where is the radiator located on a 2004 Oldsmobile alero?

Ah, the radiator on a 2004 Oldsmobile Alero is located right at the front of the engine compartment, behind the grille. It's like the heart of the car, keeping everything cool and running smoothly. Just remember, when checking or working on the radiator, make sure the engine is cool to avoid any accidents.

Where is the gas filter on a Oldsmobile Cutlass 1990?

The gas filter on a 1990 Oldsmobile Cutlass is located along the fuel line, typically underneath the vehicle near the gas tank. It is designed to filter out impurities and debris from the fuel before it reaches the engine. To access and replace the gas filter, you may need to lift the vehicle and locate the filter along the fuel line.

How do you reset the low tire pressure light on a 1999 Oldsmobile Alero?

To reset the low tire pressure light on a 1999 Oldsmobile Alero, you will typically need to locate the reset button, which is usually located under the dashboard or near the steering wheel. With the ignition turned on but the engine off, press and hold the reset button until the light blinks or turns off. This should recalibrate the system and reset the low tire pressure light. If this method does not work, consult the vehicle's manual for specific instructions or consider visiting a mechanic for further assistance.

What could cause a 2001 Oldsmobile Alero GL to fluctuate in RPMs during light acceleration between the speeds of 40-55mph?

Fluctuating RPMs during light acceleration between 40-55mph in a 2001 Oldsmobile Alero GL could be caused by issues with the fuel delivery system such as a clogged fuel filter or faulty fuel injectors. It could also be due to a vacuum leak or a problem with the throttle position sensor. It is recommended to have a mechanic inspect and diagnose the issue for proper resolution.

1994 Buick lesabre security light flashs?

If the security light is flashing on your 1994 Buick LeSabre, it may indicate an issue with the vehicle's Passlock system. This system is designed to prevent the car from being started without the correct key. Try resetting the system by turning the key to the "On" position for 10 minutes until the light stops flashing, then try starting the car. If the issue persists, it may require servicing at a Buick dealership for further diagnosis and repair.

How do you get to the water pump 2002 alero V6?

To access the water pump in a 2002 Alero V6, you typically need to remove the serpentine belt, drain the coolant, disconnect the hoses and electrical connections, and then unbolt the water pump from the engine. It's recommended to consult a repair manual or seek the help of a professional mechanic for detailed instructions specific to your vehicle.

How do you add transmission fluid to a 2001 alero?

If it is an automatic there is a small red cap on the transmission itself under where the air filter box is. You will need a long funnel to not spill. You can check the level by running the engine and removing a small plug under the transmission. If the fluid is trickling out it is full, if it is pouring it is overfilled.

How do you put freon in a 2000 Oldsmobile alero?

Number one rule with refrigerant is, "If you have to add it, you have a leak." Auto refrigerant is sold in pressurized cans and, to my knowledge, requires certification to purchase and use. There will be a port with a cap on the line coming out of the top of the compressor. Screwing the can on will fill it, but overcharging will reduce the cooling power of the refrigerant.

You can buy it at any auto store. Even Walmart carries it. No need for a cert.

How do you replace brake light on 1981 caprice?

in my 1983 have to take off the screws inside the trunk against the wall closest to where you are standing when you open the trunk...there should be about four rubber screws...and if you stick your head inside and look into each corner closest to you...there should be about 3 metal screws on each side...take those off...and once all the srews have been should be able to slide off the whole piece that contains the rear tail lights and turning signals...replace them as you normal would by turning the bulbs to the left...pulling them out...and placing a new bulb inside..

How do you turn off the automatic headlights on a 2001 alero?

on the left side of the steering wheel there is a black circle with kind of like a knob, all you have to do is turn it all the way to the right. make sure you dont have the emergency brake on.

What is wrong with 1999 Alero makes a low groaning grinding noise from the front right when driving?

Sounds like it might be time to replace the front struts. They're like shock absorders, just more expensive. If the noise gets worse when you take a right hand turn, it could be the CV joint too.

What is the proper spark plug gapping for a 1996 mercury cougar V8 4.6L?

Check the Vehicle Emission Control Information ( VECI ) decal

located in the front of the engine compartment ( it will show the

type of spark plugs to use and the spark plug gap )

What would cause a 2002 Alero not to start not even a clicking sound when turning on the key?

First thing that I would do is check the battery. The clicking sound is the selenoid on the starter. Usually that means the starter is bad. Isn't very hard to replace. Hope this helped.

On a 98 Jetta GLX VR6 where is the camshaft positioning sensor located?

i just had that fixed on my 97 jetta trek ... it's located in the distributor, just buy a new distributor it's about $400 dollars tho.. unless u get a used 1 .. once u replace that it willl turn off your check engine light!