How do you get timber on just dance 2014?
Oh, dude, getting timber on Just Dance 2014 is like, totally easy! You just gotta dance to the song "Timber" by Pitbull and Kesha, and like, follow the moves on the screen. If you nail those dance moves, you'll be choppin' down that timber in no time. Just remember to have fun and groove to the music, like, no one's watching!
How can I convert a .zip file to .gba on a chrome-book?
To convert a .zip file to a .gba file on a Chromebook, you will first need to extract the contents of the .zip file. This can be done by right-clicking on the .zip file and selecting "Extract" or using a file extractor app from the Chrome Web Store. Once the contents are extracted, you will need a Game Boy Advance emulator to run the .gba file. You can download a GBA emulator from the Chrome Web Store or a reputable website, then open the emulator and load the .gba file to start playing.
How do you reset touchmaster score on Nintendo ds?
Well, isn't that a happy little question. To reset your Touchmaster score on your Nintendo DS, you can usually find an option in the game settings or main menu that allows you to clear your saved data. Just look for a "Reset Scores" or "Delete Data" option, and you'll be able to start fresh with a clean canvas. Remember, it's all about happy little accidents and enjoying the process of creating something new.
How much grease is in original ruffles?
Original Ruffles potato chips contain approximately 10 grams of fat per 1 oz serving, with about 1.5 grams of saturated fat. Given that fat is a macronutrient that includes triglycerides, which are composed of fatty acids and glycerol, the amount of actual grease in Ruffles chips would be less than the total fat content. The grease content can vary slightly depending on factors such as the specific oil used in the cooking process.
As of my last update in January 2022, Nintendo was not dying; however, the long-term success of any company depends on various factors such as market trends, competition, and innovation. Nintendo has faced challenges in the past but has also shown resilience and adaptability. It continues to release successful products and remains a prominent player in the gaming industry.
What is the original Voltron set worth?
Depends on what version you have, its condition, whether or not it's still boxed, etc. As a general rule, the original 80's versions, even in the worst condition will fetch $50 to $75 for the whole set.
As far as the higher value ones, the Panosh Place plastic collection will go for the highest. This is because of the amount of toys they produced. The castle alone, even if not complete will go for $100 or more easily. A new in box castle will fetch anywhere between $300 to $500. Same with the figures and lions/vehicles. The loose toys can go for $100 for the set, with up to $300 for a set new in boxes. The figures usually don't go for very much, roughly $20 each, up to $50 if unopened in original packaging.
You can easily fetch over $1,000 if you had every Panosh Place item in its original packaging, and over $200 if you have the die cast Matchbox Voltron new in box. Hope this helps, and hang on to your Voltron collection, its value will only grow, as World Events Productions keeps pushing to get Voltron back to the mainstream like it was in 1984.
What does the word Nintendo from English translate to japanaese?
A: "Nintendo" means "leave luck to heaven"
Why did thay stop making super Nintendo games?
1. Mario is more popular
2. Mario got old, and boring. ( Yoshi is part of Mario stuff )
Who buys old Nintendo systems?
A lot of game stores buy old gaming systems from you. I know that Gamehaven and Gameworld have a lot of old gaming things brought in by people for sale. I always say that the best way to sell your old gaming system is to put it on Ebay yourself because all the stores are middle men.
Where can you find the Nintendo DS BIOS?
Copies of the Nintendo DS BIOS are not legally redistributable. You will need to use a homebrew program to dump it from your own DS.
When did Bionic Commando - Nintendo Entertainment System - happen?
Bionic Commando - Nintendo Entertainment System - was created on 1988-07-20.
What is the Nintendo email address?
Go here: There you can e-mail Nintendo.
When you have a Nintendo 3ds how do you chat with someone who has a Nintendo ds?
The Nintendo 3DS does not have PictoChat so you cannot chat with a person with a DS.
Can you still buy the super Nintendo entertainment system?
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) launched in 1983 until 1996�..Ebay has various
Google Shopping listed a couple different stores that sell them online.
Check your local Game Exchange or other game trading stores to see if them have consoles� they should at least have some games.
When did Super Dodge Ball - Nintendo Entertainment System - happen?
Super Dodge Ball - Nintendo Entertainment System - happened in 1988.
What are the most popular Nintendo games for the NES?
Some of the more popular games for the Super Nintendo are Super Mario World, Super Mario Kart,Donkey Kong Country and Super Mario All-Stars. There are plenty more and they are fairly cheap to buy. You can get them from Ebay or Game Stop.
Is it True or False that Nintendo was found in year 1900?
No, Nintendo was founded on September 23, 1889.
What games in Nintendo are similar to Zelda?
My Sims and Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility are two games I would recommend if you like the Animal Crossing genre.
How old do I have to be to volunteer at Nintendo of America?
If you are any younger, you will have to link your account to a parent email.