What is the ER diagram of gram panchayat system?
An Entity-Relationship (ER) diagram of a gram panchayat system would include entities such as 'Panchayat', 'Village', 'Member', 'Meeting', 'Budget', 'Project', and 'Complaint'. Relationships between these entities would be represented by lines connecting them, indicating how they are related to each other (e.g., a 'Member' belongs to a 'Panchayat', a 'Project' is funded by a 'Budget', etc.). Attributes of each entity would be listed within the entity box, providing additional details about each entity (e.g., 'Member' may have attributes like name, address, contact information, etc.).
Disadvantages of file management system?
We may say its disadvantages are:
1. Unauthorized user can find your files easily.
2. Hacker can take advantage your computer file system if it is not password protected or encrypted.
What is student guidance system?
Oh, dude, a student guidance system is basically like a GPS for your academic life. It's a tool or program that helps students navigate through their educational journey by providing advice, support, and resources to help them make informed decisions about their studies and future career paths. So, it's like having a personal academic coach, but in digital form.
How to Normalization in arcgis?
In ArcGIS, normalization is typically achieved by using the Field Calculator to calculate normalized values based on a chosen formula or method. You can create a new field and populate it with normalized values by dividing the original values by a chosen factor (e.g., the sum of all values in the field) to scale the values between 0 and 1.
How do you insert an image into MySQL using a BLOB?
There is a pretty solid tutorial here http://www.mysqltutorial.org/php-mysql-blob/ if you are using PDO. Without seeing your database table structure, it is hard to know what the propoer approach would be for your situation
What is decomposition in database management system?
We can explain the given information using smaller amount of dats's by using decomposition. also, we can get separate details.
How is a database view different from tables?
A database view is a dynamic table compared to the 'fixed' ones.
A view contains a select statement, which dynamically updates the table everytime the view is looked at and the data has changed. Since these queries are compiled they will be faster than normal queries.
Table A:
ID, Integer
FullName, String
Table B:
AID, Integer
Address, String
You would like to find the address for each person.
Instead of making a long select each time you want a specific address for a specific person. You could make a select, that joins the data, make it into a view, and then use the View afterwards. Like:
SELECT a.id, a.fullname, b.address FROM a, b WHERE a.id = b.aid;
This will be your view, tView. Now the data:
SELECT * FROM tView WHERE fullname = 'John Randomness'.
How do you backup and restore mySQL Database using PHP scripts?
You have to create two scripts, one for export and one for import. Data you get from database don't have to be in specific format, as long as you store whole information at all times.
You will have to make an export script, that basically SELECTs all the data of all tables you want to backup. Those data can be stored for example in a TXT file. It is very important that you save all the information about a data (e.g. from which table these data come from, what is the data context, and so on).
When you need to import data to a new database, you can read a TXT file, create a database structure using SQL function CREATE TABLE and then import read data using SQL command INSERT.
It's considered the best solution to encapsulate export and import features into functions.
It depends on the database software. General syntax is:
create table TABLENAME define columns (data type, not null)
What is the correct way to connect to a MySQL database?
Simple way to connect to mysql server using PHP..
$hostname = 'localhost';
$username = 'root';
$password = 'anypassword';
//Connecting to mysql server..
$connect = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password);
die('Connection Failed'. mysql_error());
//Selecting the database..
$select = mysql_select_db('any_database_name');
die('Database not Selected'. mysql_error());
What is the easiest way to learn Espanol?
Go to Mexican speaking restaurants as often as possible. Watch as many shows and movies in Spanish as you can, also the children show Dora The Explorer is a great way for some people to learn the language. Some teachers believe that the best way to learn any language is to give a spelling test of some sort every other day, but that is actually the worst way to learn. Te best way is to learn the language is by taking a test at the end of every week.
What are the diffeneces between a files processing system and a Data base management system?
What is database server and how they works?
A database is a collection of tables in which large quantities of data (information) can be stored. The question and answer you are looking at right now are both stored in a database, for example.
Databases are used by applications (like websites) to store and retrieve data.
How does Apache MySQL and PHP work together?
Let me answer from less 'technicall' point of view.
Apache is the HTTP server. It gets the HTTP requests and answers with the HTML code. PHP is used to generate this HTML dynamically on server side. MySQL is used by PHP for getting the data.
Once the Apache HTTP server gets the request for the page with php (or php3, php4, phtml or whatever is configured in Apache's config file), it calls PHP interpreter to generate HTML. Then this HTML is returned to the client - internet browser which sent HTTP request.
PHP has got an access to MySQL DB via several APIs. This simply means, that you can just call some function in PHP script to select, import update or delete some data in a table of DB. You can also maintain the DB, create, delete new tables a.s.o. There is a lot of functions for that ;)
What is the difference between a simple query and a complex query?
A simple search is one based on a single term or criterion.
ER Diagram for a railway management system?
there are three entities involved station railway and passengers railway has station nd attributes of railway are railway no. railway name railway type and railway seats and station attributes are waiting room,office,canteen,station id
What is total participation in database management?
Participation (or optionality) concerns the involvement of entities i a relationship. Participation is about exceptions to the rule. An entity's participation is optional if there is a least one instance of an entity which does not participate in the relationship. An entity participation is mandatory if all instances of an entity must participate in the relationship.
In VHDL, entity is the keyword for defining a new object. In SGML and its derived markup languages HTML and XML, an entity is a named body of data associated with a document. Once defined, an entity can be referenced any number of times within the document, via entity references. An entity typically consists of a sequence of one or more characters, either encapsulated within a declaration of the entity's existence, or encoded and stored externally in a text file. Such entities and their references are comparable to macros and include files in programming languages. However, entities don't necessarily have to contain parseable text; they may also be binary files that are included in a document only by reference, with the entity name as the value of an ENTITY-type attribute.
An entity is something that has a distinct, separate existence, though it need not be a material existence. In particular, abstractions and legal fictions are usually regarded as entities. In general, there is also no presumption that an entity is animate. Entities are used in system developmental models that display communications and internal processing of, say, documents compared to order processing.
An entity could be viewed as a set containing subsets. In philosophy, such sets are said to be abstract objects.
Sometimes, the word entity is used in a general sense of a being, whether or not the referent has material existence; e.g., is often referred to as an entity with no corporeal form, such as a language. It is also often used to refer to ghosts and other spirits. Taken further, entity sometimes refers to existence or being itself. For example, the former U.S. diplomat George F. Kennan once said that "the policy of the government of the United States is to seek . . . to preserve Chinese territorial and administrative entity.
An entity is a legally recognized and formally structured grouping of people focused on some common cause or objective.
Here are some examples of entities:
an SIL branch