


Microsoft Excel

Excel is a spreadsheet application developed and distributed by Microsoft Corporation for computers using the Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X operating systems. It features graphing tools, chart wizards, calculations, formatting options, and pivot tables.

8,233 Questions

What are the benefits of inserting the date and a page number as opposed to typing the date?

If you put it in in the automated fashion, it will keep updating the date, so that every time you print it, it will have the date of that day. Sometimes you want to do that, whereas other times you want to always have the original date. That is when you would type it in.

With page numbers, they will automatically update as a document changes and put new page numbers in automatically as it gets bigger, saving you the need to do it.

How convert GMT into US time in Excel?

To convert GMT to US time in Excel, you can use the formula =A1-TIME(5,0,0) for Eastern time or =A1-TIME(8,0,0) for Pacific time, assuming the GMT time is in cell A1. This formula subtracts 5 hours for Eastern time or 8 hours for Pacific time to convert GMT to US time.

When the fill handle is used to copy a cell to adjacent cells it's called?

When the fill handle is used to copy a cell to adjacent cells, it is called autofill. Autofill is a feature in spreadsheet software that allows users to quickly fill cells with a series of values or patterns based on the existing data.

Where can one access a free Excel download?

Excel is a word processing software that is made by Microsoft, and it is available for Mac computers. There is no way to legally download it for Mac computers; one must purchase the software on a disc and install it manually. The software can be purchased from most electronics and computer stores.

When pasting a range of cells this cell needs to be selected in the paste area?

To paste a range of cells to a specific cell, select the target cell first and then paste the copied range. This will ensure that the copied cells are pasted starting from the selected target cell.

What is a function that automatically adds the values in the cells directly above or to the left of the active cell?

The function you are referring to is likely the SUM function in spreadsheet software like Excel or Google Sheets. This function allows you to add the values in a range of cells either vertically (above the active cell) or horizontally (to the left of the active cell) by specifying the range within the function.

What is the formula to calculate the value of cell J10?

What is the formula to calculate the value of cell J10?

What is the data displayed in a cell?

The data displayed in a cell refers to the information or value that is entered or calculated within that specific cell in a spreadsheet or table. This data can include numbers, text, dates, formulas, or other types of information relevant to the context of the spreadsheet.

Which formula can add the all the numeric values in a range of cells ignoring those which are not numeric and place the resulting a different cell?

You can use the SUMIF function to sum only the numeric values in a range of cells and place the result in a different cell. The formula would look something like this: =SUMIF(range,"<>"&"",range). This will sum all the numeric values in the specified range and ignore any non-numeric values.

How does the structure of microtubules allow them to apparently move from one location of a cell to another?

Microtubules have a dynamic structure with one end growing while the other end shrinks, allowing them to extend or shorten rapidly. Motor proteins like kinesin and dynein can walk along microtubules, carrying cargo from one location to another within the cell. This combination of dynamic assembly and motor protein activity enables the movement of microtubules throughout the cell.

What is a grid that contains cells in Excel?

A grid that contains cells in Excel is known as a worksheet. It is a tabular arrangement of rows and columns where data can be entered and manipulated. Each intersection of a row and column represents a cell where information can be inputted.

What is the format that underlines only the character in a cell not the entire cell?

To underline only the character in a cell, you can use the following format in Excel:

  1. Select the cell or range of cells.
  2. Right-click and choose "Format Cells."
  3. Go to the "Font" tab, check the "Underline" box, and select "Single Accounting" from the underline style options.
  4. This will underline only the characters within the cell, not the entire cell.

When copying or moving cells if data already exists in the destination cells Excel?

When copying cells in Excel to a destination where data already exists, you can choose to either replace the existing data with the copied data, keep the existing data and not copy over it, or merge the copied data with the existing data. When moving cells in Excel to a destination where data already exists, the original cells will be replaced by the moved cells.

The Percent style button on the Formatting toolbar is used to display a value determined by multiplying the cell entry by rounding the result to the nearest percent and adding a percent sign?

The Percent style button is used to convert a cell entry into a percentage format by multiplying the value by 100 and adding a percentage symbol. It essentially multiplies the value by 100 and displays it with a percentage sign.

What separates the cell from its surroundings and selects what can and can't enter?

The cell membrane separates the cell from its surroundings and controls what can enter and exit the cell through a selective barrier called the lipid bilayer. This barrier allows certain substances, such as nutrients and waste, to pass through while blocking others.

What each individuals within a population that have a unique combination of traits is called what?

Individuals within a population that have a unique combination of traits are known as genotypes. These genotypes are determined by the specific genetic makeup of each individual, which can contribute to differences in physical characteristics and behaviors within the population.

What is larger a cell that is 125 micrometers wide or a cell that is 0.2 millimeters wide?

A cell that is 0.2 millimeters wide.

A millimeter is equal to 1000 micrometers. Convert everything to millimeters, and the first cell will be 0.125 millimeters and the second cell will be 0.2 millimeters wide. The second cell is larger.

What do they use to see cells?

Scientists use microscopes to see cells. There are different types of microscopes such as light microscopes, electron microscopes, and fluorescence microscopes, each offering different levels of magnification and resolution to study cells in detail.

When a cell is deprived of oxygen its lysosomes tend to burst and release their contents into a cell what happens to the cell?

When lysosomes burst and release their contents into a cell, it can lead to the activation of enzymes that break down cellular components, causing cell damage and potentially leading to cell death. This process is known as lysosomal membrane permeabilization and can trigger cell destruction through apoptosis or necrosis.

The storage area of a cell is called blank?

The storage area of a cell is called the cytoplasm.

How the contents of a cell are protected from the cell's environment?

The cell membrane acts as a barrier to regulate the entry and exit of substances into and out of the cell. This selective permeability allows the cell to control its internal environment and protect its contents. Additionally, organelles such as the nucleus and lysosomes have membranes that further compartmentalize the cell and protect its contents.

When formulating a linear programming model on a spreadsheet the measure of performance is located in the target cell?

Yes, in a linear programming model on a spreadsheet, the measure of performance is typically located in the target cell, which is often the cell that you are trying to either maximize or minimize by changing the decision variables. The goal is to optimize the measure of performance by finding the best values for the decision variables based on the constraints of the model.

How do you change the active cell to F-4?

You can change the active cell in Excel to F-4 by either clicking on cell F-4 with your mouse or by using the arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate to cell F-4.