How do you go to the meeting place in Megaman battle network 2?
first go to the mansion in netopia then head over to the wall.the meeting area is under the strange looking thing on the wall to the right of the statue
How many health points does Megaman have in his health bar in the Megaman games on the NES?
Well, honey, in the original Megaman games on the NES, our blue hero starts off with a measly 28 health points. But don't you worry, he can power up and increase that number by collecting those precious energy tanks. Just keep an eye on that health bar and avoid those pesky enemies trying to take him down!
Where to find Sword y in megaman 3 blue?
Sword Y chips are in green mysterydata in the ACDC and possibly Sci-Lab areas. If you trawl these areas long enough, jacking out and back in every time you finish a sweep, you'll find one eventually.
How do you find 140 sfrags in mbn5 team protoman?
Well, honey, to find 140 sfrags in MBN5 Team Protoman, you gotta put on your detective hat and start scrounging around the Cyberworld like your life depends on it. Search every nook and cranny, talk to every NPC, and be prepared to battle your way through some tough enemies. It's gonna take some grit and determination, but if you're up for the challenge, those sfrags will be yours in no time.
How do you get the area undersea volcano in Megaman zx advent?
To access the area undersea volcano in Megaman ZX Advent, you need to progress through the game's main story until you reach the area called "Oceanic Highway." By defeating Biometal Model H, you will gain the ability to cross the Oceanic Highway and reach the undersea volcano area.
Where is Black hole 3 in Megaman Starforce 3?
Black Hole 3 does not exist in Megaman Starforce 3. In the game, there are only Black Hole 1 and Black Hole 2 which can be accessed through the BrotherBand feature by linking with another player. These locations offer challenges and rewards for players to enjoy.
How do you find the red key on Megaman blue moon?
The red key in Megaman Blue Moon can be found in the square with the four horns around it. You have to go to the left side of the map and go up the path to the warp to Undernet.
How do you get rank 3 in Megaman 3?
After getting Rank 7, Chaud e-mails you saying that you have a message on the ACDC BBS. Check it. You'll learn that Rank 3 is looking for you and will meet in Undernet 4. To get to Undernet 4 you need to go through Undernet 2. Talk to the navi at the top and he'll let you in. Take the warp point to the green level, then the blue level. DON'T go to Undernet 5. Warp around the blue level till you reach the slope, go down, and enter the cutscene. After fighting Gutsman beta, you receive Rank 3.
How do mod tools do in Megaman Battle Network 3 Blue?
When loading programs, press Run. If (when) an error pops up, (with a letter and number, like A1 or H2), press select and enter the appropriate code. Gamesites will label the strange symbols 1, 2, and 3 from left to right. If an error doesn't pop up, press select anyway to enter an EX code. Some programs installed via EX codes (Airshoes, Fastgauge, Antidamage, etc.) will cause bugs, while others won't.
How do you get the EX Skills in Megaman Zero 4?
Wassup ok get as much skills as you can then beat the game and do it over also get an A or S rank on a mission then just beat a boss with the ex skill like the first four bosses, copy x, then the last group of four bosses sadly omega zero wont give you any skills
What is the next megaman game after megaman zx advent?
MegaMan Zx is its own mini series under the megaman franchise. So MegaMan Zx Advent is the conclusion of the mini series. But if i had to take a guess at the chronological order, I'd say that would be the farthest ahead in the timeline.
How 2 get Hub style in megaman bn 3 blue?
Hub style is not available in MMBN 3 White or Blue. There is a Hubbatch program for the NaviCust in Secret Area 3 behind a gigantic monolith (15 battles), which is as close as you'll get. The Hub style is eliminated after MMBN 2.
What are the 17 secret chips in Megaman 6 cybeast gregar in US version?
spoutman groundman dustman tomahawkman tenguman v1 exe spand other 2 but you only get them in Japanese version
Can you get a sword in Megaman legends?
No, all the weapons are guns. Some increase your melee damage due to having spikes or blades attached, there are however no pure melee weapons and no associated skill (a melee kill counts towards the proficiency level of whatever weapon is held at the time).
How can you beat beastman in Megaman battle network 3 blue?
First, in order to fight him, you need to go into the secret area. You get here by going down the elevator by the hot springs, than jacking in. Examine the big hole and you will enter the secret area. Make your way to area three, and go on the small path. you will see something that looks like a blue square. this is a bugfrag trader. You must use the trader 300 times, than you will hear a rumble/roar. (In order to fight him though, you must have beaten Senrade). Anyway, leave, ( as in jack out) and than jack back in. go back to the trader, and than you will fight him. A good stragety is to have grass style, and make your starter chip a grass stage. also, put a lot of metagells/area grabs. try to get him on one space, and go next to him (in the very back). THIS WAY HE CAN'T HIT YOU! mega chips that you should in your folder are salamander, fouain, bolt,giga-blade, and meterors(you should have meterors if you beat the game. Get it by jacking into the statue on hades island, and than following the warp point and trade it for bug frags. Get salamander, fouain, bolt,giga-blade by using the number trader) 33157825 GaiaBlde * 65497812 Salamndr * 88543997 fountan * 54390805 bolt *) And also have northern wind. Anyway, back to having him cornered. make sure you have you all these chips on the cust screen. Use northern wind, take away his aura. Than, make the proj advance Master style ( salmader, fountian, bolt, giga balde)than, before he reganes his aura, also use meteors ( he is in one space, so they all will hit him, does about 1,000 damage) BANG, HE IS DEAD! They talk, bla bla bla, get his chip,ect. IMPORTANT: YOU NEED TO USE HOLE AND HAVE THE HOLE OPEN, AND THAN YOU CAN USE HIS CHIP, UNLESS YOU GET THE PROGRAM DARK LINCENCE (OBTAINED BY MAXING OUT BUG STYLE) iF YOU READ THIS, AND IT HELPS, COMMENT
Roll was first seen in the original Megaman in 1987, so she's 26 years old.
In Megaman battle network 5 were do you fight bass v1?
He's in Nebula Area. You have to collect all the normal and megachips, and then defeat the DS navis in the final area between a certain time. Beat them too slowly, and you'll fight Nebula Gray Alpha (you fight him the first time you get there no matter what; future times are Nebby G Beta), too quickly and you fight dark Mega. If you get it just right, and you've already fought Nebby G Alpha, Bass will appear and challenge Mega. Beat him, jack out, jack back in, and go back to the place again, and then if you search the area eventually you will run into a random battle with Bass Omega. Kill him to get the Bass emblem which will allow you to fight Nebby G Omega (back at the Darkchip factory where you fought the original).