


Literature and Language

Literature includes written works of an imaginative, journalistic or scholarly nature. Language is a system of spoken and written symbols by means of which people can communicate with each other. We invite you to ask and answer questions about languages and literature; including pronunciation, grammar, definitions, examples, acronyms, abbreviations, etc.

500 Questions

What is the general understanding of the term propaganda?

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Asked by Wiki User

Propaganda is information, often biased or misleading, disseminated to shape public opinion and promote a particular agenda or ideology. It is used to manipulate perceptions, beliefs, and behaviors of individuals or groups in order to further a specific cause or agenda.

What language is vestibule from?

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Asked by Wiki User

The word "vestibule" is from Latin and originally referred to a passage leading to a building's interior. It is commonly used today to describe an entrance hall or lobby.

How do you pronounce 'privacy'?

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Asked by Wiki User

The word "privacy" is pronounced "PRY-vuh-see."

What is the language Alaska?

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Asked by Wiki User

The official language of Alaska is English. However, there are also indigenous languages spoken by Alaska Native peoples such as Iñupiaq, Siberian Yupik, Central Alaskan Yup'ik, and others.

What was the language of the StAugustine?

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Asked by Wiki User

Do you mean St Augustine of Hippo? He spoke mostly Latin. When he was a student learning Greek, his teacher was emotionally abusive and beat his students. As a result, Augustine decided never to learn Greek. He later changed his mind and studied some Greek, but he never spoke it well.'

So his primary language was Latin.

Which modern languages come from the Semitic language family?

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Asked by Wiki User

The following modern languages all come from the Semitic language family:

  1. Amharic
  2. Arabic
  3. Aramaic
  4. Assyrian
  5. Hebrew
  6. Maltese
  7. Tigrinya

Where does the idiom Piece of cake come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

The idiom "piece of cake" originated in the mid-19th century, initially as "piece of gâteau," from the French word for cake. It is used to refer to a task or activity that is very easy or simple to accomplish, likening it to the ease of eating a piece of cake.

What is the context clue for Meticulously?

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Asked by Wiki User

The context clue for "meticulously" might be "He cleaned his room meticulously, making sure to dust every corner and organize his belongings with precision." In this sentence, "meticulously" indicates that the person cleaned with great attention to detail and care.

What are the four languages that are part of the Latin language family?

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Asked by Wiki User

The four languages that are part of the Latin language family are Italian, Spanish, French, and Portuguese. These languages evolved from Vulgar Latin, which was spoken in the Roman Empire. They share similarities in vocabulary, grammar, and syntax due to their common origin.

What is meaning of 'hello'?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Hello" is a common greeting used to acknowledge someone's presence or to initiate a conversation. It is a way of showing politeness and extending a friendly welcome to others.

What makes the chinse language so different from other languages?

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Asked by Wiki User

Chinese is different from other languages in several ways, such as being tonal with four main tones, using logographic characters instead of an alphabet, and having a different grammatical structure with no verb conjugations or tenses. Additionally, Chinese does not use plural forms for nouns and lacks articles like "a" or "the" found in many Western languages.

What is a good thesis statement about contraceptives?

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Asked by Wiki User

A strong thesis statement on contraceptives could be: "Contraceptives play a crucial role in empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their reproductive health, contributing to overall well-being, gender equality, and family planning initiatives worldwide."

Who emphasised by Senses are the gateways of knowledge?

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Asked by Wiki User

Aristotle emphasized that senses are the gateways of knowledge, as they are the primary means through which we perceive and understand the world around us. He believed that our senses provide the foundation for all knowledge and are essential for acquiring information about the external world.

That's what he wants to do.'what' what is it here in grammar?

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Asked by Wiki User

In this sentence, 'what' is a conjunctive pronoun. The sentence may be divided into two clauses (word groups with both a subject and verb). The first clause is "That's" or "that is", and the second is "what he wants to do." In the second clause, "what" functions as both a conjunction to join the two clauses anda relative pronoun.

Let's think of the sentence this way: That(thing) is what (the thing that)he wants to do. By adding in the implied meaning of the pronouns 'that' and 'what' we can see their relationship.

What languages are spoken by the Arabs?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Arabs predominantly speak Arabic, which includes various regional dialects. Some Arabs may also speak other languages such as English, French, or Spanish due to historical colonial influences or migration patterns.

What is the relationship between mythology and literature?

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Asked by OnurAkcay

Mythology often serves as a foundation for literature by providing themes, characters, and stories that authors draw upon to create their works. Literature frequently reinterprets and adapts mythological narratives, adding layers of meaning and exploring their relevance to contemporary society. Both mythology and literature use storytelling to convey important cultural values, beliefs, and ideologies.

What type of transition are used in a process paragraph?

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Asked by RubiIbarra

Transitions used in a process paragraph typically involve chronological or sequential markers to show the order of steps or stages in the process. Words and phrases like "first," "next," "then," and "finally" are commonly used to guide the reader through the steps in a clear and logical manner. Additionally, transitional words such as "meanwhile," "in the meantime," and "simultaneously" can be used to show concurrent or simultaneous actions within the process.

Why is the word human contained in the term humanism?

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Asked by Wiki User

The word "human" is contained in the term "humanism" because humanism places a strong emphasis on human potential, dignity, and agency. It promotes the idea that humans can shape their own lives and contribute positively to society, focusing on human values, experiences, and reasoning.

Can an Argument be Noid?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, an argument cannot be void. An argument can be weak, flawed, or unconvincing, but it still retains its basic structure and content. A void argument would imply that there is no argument at all.

Why study Latin literature?

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Asked by Wiki User

Studying Latin literature can provide a deeper understanding of the foundations of Western culture and language, as many English words have Latin roots. It also offers insights into the ancient world, classical mythology, and the development of literary forms. Additionally, reading Latin texts can help improve critical thinking and language skills.

Any good ideas for a propaganda poster you have to make no advertisements?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Unity in Diversity" could be the theme of your poster, showcasing different people coming together for a common cause without using any text. Use vibrant colors, symbols of peace, and images of people of different backgrounds joining forces to convey a powerful message of unity without resorting to overt advertising.

What is nomad thought?

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Asked by Randomordinary

Nomad thought is a concept introduced by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in their work. It refers to a way of thinking that emphasizes nomadic and decentralized patterns of thought, rejecting fixed structures and hierarchies. It encourages thinking that is fluid, dynamic, and constantly evolving.

Where in argument would you be most likely to find values and concerns shared between you and your opposition?

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Asked by Wiki User

Values and concerns shared between you and your opposition are most likely to be found in the introduction or conclusion of an argument, where overarching principles or common ground are often addressed. This is where both sides may express their shared goals, beliefs, or desired outcomes, even if they differ on how to achieve them.

Which linking word or phrase could be used to signal that more information is being introduced?

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Asked by Wiki User

One linking word or phrase that could be used to signal that more information is being introduced is "furthermore." This word indicates that an additional point or detail will be provided to support the previous information.