

Jehovah's Witnesses

Jehovah’s Witnesses is a religious group founded in the United States and formed by Pastor Charles Taze Russell in 1870. Its non-Trinitarian belief distinguishes it from mainstream Christianity. The group is famous for their door-to-door preaching.

2,032 Questions

Do johovah witness have traditional weddings?

Yes, Jehovah's Witnesses do have traditional weddings. However, their weddings may differ in some aspects from mainstream cultural or religious traditions, as they prioritize following their own religious beliefs and principles. For example, they may choose to incorporate scriptures from the Bible into their wedding ceremony and emphasize the importance of spiritual unity and commitment.

Is it true that Jehovah's Witnesses shouldn't associate with non-witnesses?

While Jehovah's Witnesses are encouraged to limit their association with non-Witnesses in order to maintain their religious beliefs and avoid negative influences, they do not completely avoid contact with non-Witnesses. They are encouraged to interact politely and respectfully with people outside their faith while prioritizing relationships with fellow Jehovah's Witnesses.

Why do jehova witnesses get married so young?

Jehovah's Witnesses generally emphasize the importance of finding a life partner who shares their religious beliefs and values. Additionally, they view marriage as a sacred union and often prioritize getting married at an early age to maintain moral integrity and avoid premarital sex. However, it ultimately varies from individual to individual, and not all Jehovah's Witnesses choose to marry young.

Why do Jehovah witnesses' believe Jesus ascended to heaven in 1939?

Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus' ascension to heaven occurred invisibly in 33 C.E., as described in the Bible. They do not believe that Jesus ascended to heaven again in 1939 or any other specific date. The reference to 1939 may be associated with a significant event in the history of Jehovah's Witnesses, but it does not relate to Jesus' ascension.

What sacred buildings do jehova witnesses have?

Jehovah's Witnesses do not have specific sacred buildings like churches or temples. Instead, they gather in Kingdom Halls, which are simple meeting places used for worship, study, and congregational meetings. These buildings are often plain and functional, focusing on practicality rather than ornate religious symbolism.

What is a jehovahs witness district assembly?

A Jehovah's Witness District Assembly is a large gathering of Jehovah's Witnesses from various congregations in a specific geographic area. It is typically held over a weekend and includes spiritual programs, educational talks, and discussions centered around the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses. These assemblies provide an opportunity for members to strengthen their faith, receive guidance, and build community with fellow believers.

Jehovah's Witness dating guidelines?

Jehovah's Witnesses are encouraged to date with the intention of marriage. They avoid casual dating and prioritize finding a partner who shares their beliefs and values. Physical intimacy outside of marriage is strongly discouraged, and individuals are encouraged to maintain personal boundaries and uphold high moral standards while dating.

How could a Jehovah witness know they could take communion?

Jehovah's Witnesses do not partake in traditional Christian communion because they believe it is only meant for a limited number of individuals who are chosen by God to go to heaven. They see partaking in communion as a symbol of being part of the heavenly class, and only a small fraction of their membership is considered part of this group. Other Jehovah's Witnesses attend the communion service, but they do so as observers rather than participants.

Where did Jehovah spend eternity?

Jehovah, a term often used to refer to God in Christian theology, is believed to exist beyond the constraints of time and space. Therefore, it is not accurate to say that Jehovah spends eternity in a specific place. Instead, God is considered to be omnipresent, meaning that He is present everywhere at all times.

What does 'faith' mean to a Jehovah's Witness?

To a Jehovah's Witness, 'faith' means having complete trust in Jehovah God and following his teachings as outlined in the Bible. They believe that faith involves not only believing in God but also living in accordance with his principles and actively sharing their beliefs with others. Faith is seen as the foundation of their relationship with God and shapes their entire way of life.

When was the name Jehovah' s witnesses is used?

The name "Jehovah's Witnesses" was first used in the 1930s. Previously, the group was known as the International Bible Students Association. They adopted the name to emphasize their belief in Jehovah as the true name of God and their role as active witnesses of his teachings.

Why can't Jehovah's Witnesses attend school assemblies?

Most schools are closed on holidays. Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate holidays with pagan origins so some parents may chose to keep their children at home on specific days if they feel the class activities will be centered on such celebrations and no alternatives offered.

Can Jehovah's Witnesses buy girl scout cookies?


If a Jehovah's Witness chose not to buy GS cookies, it was a decision they made on their own. There is not an organization policy on this.

Many of the things that individual witnesses do, or do not do, is governed by that individual person's conscience. We have a term within our organization that we use: "conscience matters." These are matters that do not have a direct biblical mandate.

The individual who decided against the purchase of Girl Scout cookies may have felt that to do so would be supporting an organization that promotes nationalism. Jehovah's Witnesses all over the world, no matter what country they live in, choose to remain neutral in matters pertaining to nationalism, which often is the cause of warfare.

Jesus said at Mark 12:17: "Pay back Caesar's things to Caesar, but God's things to God." So we pay all our taxes, and obey the laws and respect the authorities, but our devotion and heartfelt allegiance goes only to God and His kingdom. This person may have felt that by supporting Girl Scouts they may compromise to some extent their neutrality as far as human political endeavors are concerned, and take away from their allegiance to God's Kingdom.

Jehovah's Witnesses are free moral agents. Jehovah's Witnesses try to consider what effect our actions may have on our relationship with our creator and the effect it might have on the consciences of those around us, even in seemingly small matters such as the support of the Girl Scouts organization. Individually, each of us make choices based on the knowledge that we have at the time. Evidently this person decided that to purchase the cookies may have violated their conscience based on the information and knowledge that he or she has at the time.


There is nothing about the Girl Scouts Organization that would prevent a Jehovah's Witness from buying cookies. This has nothing to do with nationalism or otherwise but it is possible that they had a religious or holiday theme that the Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate.

Or, more likely it was for a reason like anyone else might have. For instance, maybe they were on a diet, maybe they are diabetic and can't eat sweets, maybe their own daughter is selling the same cookies for her troop or maybe they didn't have the money at the time.


There is no article in Watchtower forbidding the purchase of Girl Scout cookies. Like the first Brother/Sister said: it is a personal choice and falls into the "grey" area where there is no biblical mandate either forbidding or endorsing the idea.

What is the telephone number of Malaysia jehovah's witnesses branch office?

Phone numbers for Branch offices are not made available; not even to rank & file members. (Questions are not answered via phone, nor email; only via postal mail.)

If you include your phone or email, you may receive a reply via that avenue.

If people have a question they can ask a local elder in their own congregation or in their own city. (Perhaps you could also ask a circuit overseer when he visits their congregation, which is generally 2ce a year.)

If they still feel they need to contact a branch office, a LINK is provided below for those countries that have a branch office.

Was Richard dimples fields a Jehovah's witness at one time?

The Fact that it says he was at one time must mean that “he was at one time”! The Fact it says he left implies that he was one before he left.

Do Jehovahs give blood?

Yes for blood tests but not for any transfusion purposes.

Watchtower 15th June 1978 page 30 says

''Would it be wrong to submit to a blood test?

Based on their knowledge of the Scriptures, most of Jehovah's Witnesses, if not all, do not object to such tests. The small quantity of blood removed from the body is not eaten or injected into someone else. It is merely examined or tested before being disposed of.''
Jehovah's witness have no objection to giving blood samples for medical analysis.

They do not however give blood to be used for medical purposes (rather than simply analysed) in accord with what they see as a divine mandate (Acts 15:28)

What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe about organ transplantation?

Only if our conscience allows it. The reason some do not is because,

between November 1967 and March 1980 we couldn't have anything to do with such practices.

This was because our magazine The Watchtower stated on pages 702-704 of the 15th November 1967 issue that

''sustaining one's life by means of the body or part of the body of another human........would be cannibalism, a practice abhorrent to all civilized people.''

''When men of science suggest removing the [diseased] organ and replacing it directly with an organ from another human, this is simply a shortcut. Those who submit to such operations are thus living off the flesh of another human. That is cannibalistic.''

Then on page 31 15th March 1980 The Watchtower stated

''Regarding the transplantation of human tissue or bone from one human to another, this is a matter for conscientious decision by each one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Some Christians, might feel that taking into their bodies any tissue or body part from another human is cannibalistic.........

It is a matter for personal decision. The congregation judicial committee would not take disciplinary action if someone accepted an organ transplant.''

Is blood transfusion-accepted in Jehovah's witness?

AnswerIn most cases, he/she will live. It's what happens after the JW patient recovers is the big question. Will he thank Science or condemn the Doctors?

Addition on 30 Dec 2009

If someone in the congregation hears about it, he/she will report the offence to the elders of the local congregation and the offender will be asked to appear before the elders. Whether he/she appears or not, a committee of elders will determine if the act of accepting blood was a willful act by the offender. It will in that case lead to the offender being disfellowshipped and consequently shunned by all other Jehovah's Witnesses, be they family or friends.

Do Jehovah's Witnesses believe in chemotherapy?

Yes we take care of ourselves with reasonable medical treatments. Luke the Bible writer of Acts of the Apostles was a Physician! He wrote under inspiration as stated:

(Acts 15:28, 29) "28 For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you except these necessary things: 29 to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from what is strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!""

Are Jehovah's Witnesses allowed to smoke?

Most religions have certain things they don't want you to do. Some don't want you to eat certain types of foods, some don't want you to smoke or drink alcohol and some don't want you to have caffiene. Usually it's things that someone who started the religion way back when thought was bad for you and your body. Remember, your body is a temple............


Just to be clear, Jehovah's Witnesses don't smoke mainly because it is harmful to the body.

To the best of their ability, Jehovah's Witnesses don't do things to their bodies that will cause harm. More than the reason that "the body is a temple" but that it's a gift from God. It's disrespectful to the giver of a gift to treat it poorly.

As for alcohol and caffeine: Balance (as in not overindulging, and addiction), a person's own conscience, and the desire not to offend those who choose to abstain (choosing not to drink around such people), govern a JW's consumption of alcohol and caffeine.

In addition: Servants of Jehovah do not partake in smoking because of the scriptural basis found at 2 Corinthians 7:1, which states, "Therefore, since we have these promises, beloved ones, let us cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in God's fear." Here we see that we need to live a life that does not include being involved in activities that would intentionally defile our bodies. Smoking is quite detrimental as brought out in many medical reports. Therefore we would not want to smoke cigarettes or anything of the sort, because we would be defiling our bodies, which would not be living in accordance with Bible principal.

Can a Jehovah's witness Dr prescribe a blood transfusion?

Witnesses are not allowed to have transfusions of

whole blood,

red cells,

white cells,

plasma or


Transfusions of any of the component parts of these are allowed.

Witnesses are not allowed to donate their own blood for storage for later use.

For informative videos and articles on the subject, go to link below

Do Jehovah's Witness believe in abortions or birth control?

Jehovah's Witnesses have no prohibition against the use of birth control. They would, however, object to a method of birth control that resulted in the destruction of an already fertilzed egg since they believe life begins at conception and that this would violate a respect for the sanctity of life.
If they so desire. The Awake magazine, printed by Jehovah's Witnesses, of 22nd February 1993 says

''Does the Bible condemn birth control? No, it does not. The choice is left with the couple. If a married couple decides to practice birth control, their choice of contraceptives is a personal matter. However, the method of birth control a Christian couple chooses should be governed by a respect for the sanctity of life. Since the Bible indicates that a person's life begins at conception, Christians would avoid contraceptive methods that abort, or end the life of, the developing child.''

Why do Jehovah's witnesses not allow blood transfusions?

Many places in the Hebrew scriptures (Old Testament) humans are told not to eat blood, God forbids eating meat without first draining the blood, and Acts 15:20,29 states that we are to "....abstain from blood....."

If your doctor tells you that you are to abstain from alcohol or dairy products, lest you should die, would you consider injecting alcohol or dairy products into your veins? Of course not. You would avoid those products all together in all forms. Therefore, JW's do not accept blood in ANY form - whether in meat or anti-venoms, or transfusions of their own or anyone else's blood. To "abstain from" literally means to "voluntarily hold oneself back from." The subject of Jehovah's Witnesses and blood transfusions has been a subject of much misunderstanding on the part of non-witnesses.

JW's do not accept blood transfusions based on the Bible's command to "abstain from blood."(Acts 15:29) However, we DO accept transfusions of NON-blood substitutes.

Hospitals around the world are recognizing that non-blood medical treatment is safer than using human blood. More and more hospitals are becoming entirely "bloodless" because of the many HEALTH RISKS from using real blood, such as, tissue rejection and infection from hepatitis, aids, and hundreds of other blood borne diseases. "A growing number of hospitals are offering alternative 'bloodless' surgery," reported The Wall Street Journal. "Originally developed to accommodate Jehovah's Witnesses," states the journal, "the practice has gone mainstream, with many hospitals promoting their bloodless-surgery programs to the general public."

Even people who are not JW's are claiming to be such just to keep from receiving blood transfusions, claims The Winnipeg Sun of Canada. That newspaper says, "A growing number of hospital patients afraid of catching AIDS or developing other blood related problems are posing as Jehovah's Witnesses," states the article. "Church elders have discovered more than a dozen impostors while doing their hospital rounds." One woman said she pretended to be a Witness so that she would not have to fight with the doctors over the treatment. "The reason I refuse blood is not religious," she said. "When you take someone else's blood there's no guarantee that you'll be any healthier. It could make you sick or even dead." One impostor was discovered by a chaplain who saw the man sitting in bed smoking a cigar. The man sheepishly admitted that he wasn't a Witness. "I just don't want a blood transfusion," he said. "I'm a doctor."

Along with hospitals, now thousands of doctors worldwide are practicing non-blood medical treatment, not just for Witness patients, but as their preferred method for ALL patients.

The dangers from blood transfusions are so great that the reference work Dailey's Notes on Blood says: "Some physicians maintain that allogenic blood [blood from another human] is a DANGEROUS DRUG and that its use would be banned if it were evaluated by the same standards as other drugs."

Our position though, is governed by the Bible and our resolve to obey our creator who tells us to "abstain from blood." Our position is not "complicated". Simply put, we do not accept whole blood or any of it's four main parts, plasma, white blood cells, red blood cells, or platelets. But, there are hundreds of blood fractions that an individual's conscience may allow them to accept. An individual may view small fractions of blood components as not being blood, in the same way that a fraction of a cake such as sugar, is not the cake itself. I personally do not find that complicated, and I know of no other Witness who finds that complicated either.

The reference to Genesis 9:4 where it says not to 'eat the blood' leads some feel that this simply means not to take blood into the mouth. If you were told not to eat sugar (possibly due to diabetes) would you then assume that you would be okay if you were to inject it directly into your veins? That would not be reasonable. Further, the command to the Christian congregation was to "abstain from blood," as Acts 15:29 clearly states.

ANSWER From Another Jehovah's Witness:Quite simply, because Jehovah God and Jesus' 'faithful and discreet slave' class tells us not to, and therefore we are obeying Jesus' direct commands as explained in our journals.

Watchtower 1959 1st May p269

''To hold to the headship of Christ, it is therefore necessary to obey the organization that he is personally directing. Doing what the organization says is to do what he says. Resisting the organization is to resist him.''

If the Society had 'new light' based on Biblical research and intense prayers, and stated that we could have blood transfusions if we so chose, then we follow their direction. The chances of that are about as slim as IF it was ever possible to discover that it's OK to steal; to commit adultery; then we would publish the new information, and we'd all go out and steal, and commit adultery. I would suppose that would never happen; emphasis on the word 'never'.

This is amply demonstrated in our beliefs on organ transplants. At one time we used to refuse organ transplants as they were considered to be cannibalism. (WT 67 15th Nov). Then in 1980, 15th March WT, Jesus and Jehovah saw fit to direct us that it was now ok to have an organ transplant, if one so chose.

Also, some witnesses' consciences may allow them to accept blood fractions, as long as these have been separated completely from any of the four main blood components.

Genesis 9:4

But flesh with its life, its blood, you shall not eat*.

Leviticus 17:14

For as to the life of all flesh, its blood is with its life: therefore I said to the children of Israel, "You shall not eat* the blood of any kind of flesh; for the life of all flesh is its blood. Whoever eats it shall be cut off (die)."

Acts 15:19-20

"Therefore my judgment is that we don't trouble those from among the Gentiles who turn to God, but that we write to them that they abstain from the pollution of idols, from sexual immorality, from what is strangled, and from blood.

(World English Bible - public domain)

* Note: Officially, transfusion is considered being 'fed' blood, which is why the commandment not to eat blood is thought to be relevant.

God's people worldwide show respect for blood. Jehovah (God's name) speaks about blood in Genesis 4:10 after Cain had killed Abel and thought that he would get away with it. In all reality Jehovah saw the whole thing. Jehovah says in that scripture, "Your brother's blood is crying out to me from the ground." When he said blood he was referring to Abel's life. This meant that Abel's life, or blood, was crying out for Jehovah to set things straight as it were.

Another instance was shown in Noah's day after the Flood. Did you know that before the Flood people only ate fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts? Well they did until the Flood came in about 2370 BC and shortly after the water had drained from the earth Jehovah had told Noah and his family, "Every moving animal that is alive may serve as food for you." This meant that they could not eat animals before 2370 BC. However, Jehovah was not done speaking. He went on to say "Only flesh with its soul [or, life] -it's blood- you must not eat. (Genesis 1:29, 9:3,4) In fact they were told that they could eat the meat of an animal but they had to pour the blood back into the ground, symbolically returning the animal's "life" to Jehovah.

Later in the Bible, Acts 15:28,29 and 21:25 tells us to keep abstaining from blood. In God's eyes, doing this is just as important as our avoiding idolatry and sexual immorality. And abstaining from blood means not taking it into our bodies AT ALL. Similar to if your doctor said you would die if you did not cut out alcohol from your life. Would you reply, 'well I can still have it injected and not drink it'?

I advise you to obtain a book (free of charge) which we publish that explains all of this information and more in greater detail. It's called "What Does the Bible Really Teach?"

You may obtain one in almost any language at your local congregation, or call and ask a Witness to bring one to you. All you have to do is ask and they can get you one.


First, let's be clear. Jehovah's Witnesses do NOT refuse the transfusion process, just the use of blood.

There are numerous non-blood substitutes that can be transfused into a patient, such as Ringers lactate, saline solution, or other blood volume expanders. Doctors will tell you - the amount or quantity of liquid cursing through one's veins is actually more important in saving one's life than adding blood cells.

The reason that we refuse blood is because of God's command which is repeated in several places in the scriptures. The Bible often states not to "eat" blood. We understand that means not take blood into the body at all. Acts 15:28,29 simply says to abstain from blood. Again we understand that in the same way that if a doctor told you to abstain from alcohol, he would mean simply not take it into your body at all through ANY means, whether through the mouth or intravenously.

Because of our stand on this issue, we have experienced many benefits. For example, my own father had triple bypass surgery a few years ago using non-blood medical management. He recovered faster than normally expected by patients having this type of surgery, and was back home several days before the prognosis would normally be.

The medical profession has made great strides in non-blood medicine, largely due to the refusal of Jehovah's Witnesses to accept blood. A growing number of hospitals are going "bloodless" because they are finding the the treatment is better. Patients are recovering faster with less chance for infection.

The part of the 'faithful and discreet' slave that make up our Organization's Governing Body help us to understand the Bible's command not to have blood transfusions, and thus obey Jehovah, as explained in the following quote:

Watchtower 1959 1st May p269

''To hold to the headship of Christ, it is therefore necessary to obey the organization that he is personally directing. Doing what the organization says is to do what he says. Resisting the organization is to resist him.''

So, in conclusion, Jehovah's Witnesses accept all kinds of different medical treatment but adroitly refuse blood transfusions because, according to the Bible, blood is sacred and absolutely not to be put into a human's body in any way.

Opinion:The command is clear in Acts chapter 15 verse 28 and 29 to "abstain from blood" so, although we accept non-blood alternative treatments, we refuse to be transfused with blood... Compare Genesis 9:3, 4; Leviticus 17:10-14.

This does not mean we are making a foolish or uninformed decision. We want quality medical care and for doctors to do whatever they can do to save us and care for for us. We want them to provide us with the best alternative treatments to blood transfusions, and there are many quality alternatives, which as it turns out are both safer AND often far more beneficial in other ways than treatment with blood.

Since the Bible makes no clear statement about the use of minor blood fractions or the immediate re-infusion (in a closed circuit) of a patient's own blood during surgery, a medical process known as blood salvaging, the use of such treatments is a matter of personal choice.

The answer below this containing the misapplied quote from the Watchtower 1959 1st May p269 is erroneous. Although we are to follow the instructions of the faithful and discreet slave, because that is who Jesus left to preside over his "household" according to Matthew 24:45-47, we do not do so blindly, nor in opposition to plain Scripture. Acts 15:28, 29 says "Abstain ... from blood" and nothing the faithful and discreet slave class says changes that. The faithful slave will NOT teach against the Bible. If certain ones of them did begin saying things that are out of harmony with Scripture, then they are part of the ones Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24:48-51. Notice, Jesus appointed one Slave, but the actions of that slave determine whether he is faithful or wicked.

Another AnswerMany JWs have needlessly died because the governing body considers blood transfusions to be "eating blood." Of course, their view on this has recently changed to allow some uses of blood fractions. But the governing body is careful to explain its new understandings on blood to its followers. Another OpinionThe exact stance taken by Watchtower has varied over the years. Transfusion (and also organ donation) were even branded as a form of cannibalism at one time in the past. They relaxed their position in 2000. Although whole blood, and the components thereof (red & white cells, plasma, platelets) are still considered forbidden, followers are advised to use their own discretion when accepting or rejecting treatments which make use of fractional parts of these components (such as hemoglobin, interferon, or albumin).

Indeed, many Jehovah's Witnesses choose not to follow Watchtower's interpretation of the above scriptures, and will in fact accept transfusions.

No, They are dead-set against it. this is extremely high risk as people have died from not having blood transfusions. They quote Bible passages out of context- as let"s face it Blood transfusions only became a medical practice- of a practical, everyday sort- in the twentieth century. the first Blood Bank was opened in l937 Specially modified buses rigged for donations of blood called Bloodmobiles came much later.

The Absolute point:

Most people in professed Christian faiths continually re-oath themselves over and over again on the issue of Jesus Sacrificial Blood, while they consider other sources of life saving measures or other sources of blood inconsequential in accepting these. A Jehovah's Witness holds the Blood of Christ so much in high esteem, they will not under any circumstances usurp that Oath. Meaning they will do the utmost to preserve lives including the one attached to keeping this Oath without marring it with other sources physical or otherwise of blood. You can call it "A lifelong commitment to keep ceremonially clean in the sight of God." Acts 20:26

It would be hard to do so accepting blood which are full of personal ills, not that they view that they are perfect, but rather as showing to God their will to continue on living as clean as possible. Some would argue since perfection is not an issue what would be the point? Giving in and giving up on the issue of cleanliness, is not an option for a Jehovah's Witness, he or she will continue to fight for it showing God the most high level of the will to live that that person has.

Side Note: The class of the opinion poles that spread and generate falsehoods and innuendos about the Jehovah's Witnesses are due to it's fickle attitudes tied to prejudice. Matthew 11:16-19 That said, it is strange to me that actual known dangerous cults some are and were using blood, now today the reverse holds true when they accuse Jehovah's Witnesses as a dangerous cult while these Jehovah's Witnesses fervently AVOID using blood in their lifestyle.


the bible plainly states to abstain from blood.

also many doctors are started to use alternative to blood because of the harm that it causes. this article is not even from a JW source:

More than half of blood transfusions may do more harm than good, with some patients facing a six-fold greater risk of dying following surgery because of transfusions, doctors warn today.

Fears over the safety of blood transfusions have prompted some physicians to recommend they are used only as a last resort, with hospitals urged to be more selective over which patients receive blood. According to a report in New Scientist today, the National Institutes of Health, the US government's largest medical funder, has launched a review into the safety of the procedure. Bruce Spiess, a cardiac anaesthetist at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, America, told the magazine: "Probably 40%-60% of blood transfusions are not good for the patients."

John Wallwork, professor of cardiothoracic surgery at Papworth hospital in Cambridge, said: "We are concerned about blood transfusions for a variety of reasons. We don't want to use blood unless we have to. In heart surgery around half receive blood transfusions, but often they are patients who are sicker or bleed significantly during the operation. It's always a case of balancing the risks."
Answer 1:

Firstly, the 'faithful and discreet' slave are the seven men in Brooklyn that make up Jehovah's Witnesses' Governing Body. This Governing Body of seven men tell Witnesses not to give blood, based on their understanding of Acts 15 and individual Jehovah's Witnesses believe they are obeying Jesus' direct commands as explained in the following quotes:

Watchtower 1959 1st May p269

''To hold to the headship of Christ, it is therefore necessary to obey the organization that he is personally directing. Doing what the organization says is to do what he says. Resisting the organization is to resist him.''

Watchtower 2009 15th Feb p27

''Since Jehovah God and Jesus Christ completely trust the faithful and discreet slave, should we not do the same?''

Although Jehovah's Witnesses do not give or donate blood, some Witnesses' consciences will allow them to accept transfusions of blood that non-Witnesses have donated as long as it has been split into smaller parts that they call fractions.

Answer 2:

If you want up to date and ACCURATE information it is good to ask one who is one of Jehovah's Witnesses rather than asking somene who may be out of touch, not up to date and biased. Jehovah's Winesses have a free public website that will answer any and all questions you may have about them. Check out the site and in particular at the bottom under LEARN; Answers to Bible Questions

What are Jehovah witnesses convention dates and events in Bristol area 2012?

Jersey 2012-06-08 English

Fort Regent Leisure Centre

St. Helier


Bournemouth 2012-06-15 English

AFC Bournemouth

Seward Stadium

Kings Park


Nottingham 2012-06-15 English

Nottingham Ice Centre

Bolero Square

The Lace Market


Coventry 2012-06-15 English

Ricoh Arena

Phoenix Way



Polish 2012-06-15 Polish

Ricoh Arena

Phoenix Way



Newcastle 2012-06-22 English

Metro Radio Arena Newcastle

Arena Way


Plymouth 2012-06-22 English

Plymouth Argyle Football Club

Home Park


Brighton 2012-06-29 English

Brighton & Hove Albion

American Express Community Stadium

Village Way


Colchester (A) 2012-06-29 English

Colchester United FC

Weston Homes Community Stadium

United Way


Gillingham 2012-06-29 English

Gillingham Football Club

Priestfield Stadium

Redfern Avenue


Italian 2012-06-29 Italian

North London Assembly Hall

174 Bowes Road


Greek 2012-06-30 Greek

London Edgware Kingdom Hall Complex

Avion Crescent

Grahame Park Way


Two-day abbreviated program

Colchester (B) 2012-07-06 English

Colchester United FC

Weston Homes Community Stadium

United Way


Manchester 2012-07-06 English

Manchester Evening News Arena

Victoria Station


London Twickenham 2012-07-06 English

Twickenham Stadium

Whitton Road


Portuguese 2012-07-06 Portuguese

Twickenham Stadium

Whitton Road


Russian 2012-07-06 Russian *

Selected talks

Twickenham Stadium

Whitton Road


Spanish 2012-07-06 Spanish

Twickenham Stadium

Whitton Road


Tamil 2012-07-06 Tamil *

Selected talks

Twickenham Stadium

Whitton Road


Lingala 2012-07-07 Lingala

London Edgware Kingdom Hall Complex

Avion Crescent

Grahame Park Way


Two-day abbreviated program

Mandarin 2012-07-13 Chinese (Mandarin) *

Selected talks

Britannia Stadium

Stanley Matthews Way


Stoke 2012-07-13 English

Britannia Stadium

Stanley Matthews Way


Cardiff 2012-07-13 English

Cardiff City Stadium

Leckwith Road


Leeds 2012-07-13 English

Leeds United Football Club

Elland Road


Perth 2012-07-13 English

St. Johnstone Football Club

McDiarmid Park

Crieff Road


Persian 2012-07-13 Persian *

Selected talks

Leeds United Football Club

Elland Road


Norwich 2012-07-20 English

Norwich City Football Club

Carrow Road


Milton Keynes 2012-07-20 English

Stadium Mk

Stadium Way


French 2012-07-20 French

North London Assembly Hall

174 Bowes Road


Twi 2012-07-28 Twi

North London Assembly Hall

174 Bowes Road


Two-day abbreviated program

Liverpool 2012-08-10 English

Arena and Convention Centre Liverpool

Kings Dock

Liverpool Waterfront


British Sign Language 2012-08-11 British Sign Language

Dudley Assembly Hall

22 Castle Hill


Two-day abbreviated program

Punjabi 2012-08-18 Punjabi

Dudley Assembly Hall

22 Castle Hill


Two-day abbreviated program