

Jefferson Davis

Jefferson Davis was the first and only president of the Confederate States of America.

417 Questions

How many times was Jefferson Davis court-martialed as a student at West Point?

Oh, dude, Jefferson Davis was court-martialed once at West Point. Just once, like, he must have really impressed them with his behavior, right? I mean, who wouldn't want to court-martial a future president of the Confederacy? Just once, man, just once.

What were the commanders under Jefferson Davis in his presidency?

During his presidency, Jefferson Davis had several commanders serving under him in the Confederate States of America. Some of the notable commanders included Robert E. Lee, Joseph E. Johnston, Braxton Bragg, and P.G.T. Beauregard. These commanders played crucial roles in leading Confederate forces during the American Civil War.

Why did Jefferson Davis support slavery?

Oh, dude, Jefferson Davis supported slavery because he was the president of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War, and slavery was a big deal for those guys. Like, they were all about that whole "owning people" thing back then. So yeah, Davis was all in on that whole slavery gig because, you know, that's just what they did back then.

What are some essential questions for Jefferson Davis?

  1. How did Jefferson Davis justify secession and the formation of the Confederacy?
  2. What were Davis's key priorities and strategies during the Civil War as President of the Confederacy?
  3. How did Davis's leadership and decision-making impact the outcome of the Confederacy's war effort?

What illnesses did Jefferson Davis have?

Jefferson Davis, the President of the Confederate States of America, suffered from a number of illnesses throughout his life. He experienced recurring bouts of malaria, as well as respiratory issues and chronic bronchitis. Additionally, he suffered from various gastrointestinal problems, including dysentery, hemorrhoids, and digestive issues.

What effects did Jefferson Davis have on the war?

As President of the Confederate States and Commander in Chief of its Armies, Jefferson Davis was one of the most influential men involved in the war.

As a President he attempted to centralize power and so gained many enemies from the "States Rights" proponants who alway opposed centralizing power. He also attempted to gain foreign recognition through the use of emmisaries and by refusing to sell Cotton, Tobacco and other such crops in the mistaken view that these were essential to British and French economies.

As Commander in Chief of the Confederate Armies his overall strategy was to defend all of the Confederate States at every point and to try to invade Union territory both in the East and West. He came up with the flawed system out west of using the Mississippi as a marker for the end of the Western Theater and the beginning of the Trans-Mississippi. He only had any real familiurallity with the Virginia Theater and only thought of the West and the Trans-Mississippi in passing.

He allientated many generals and politicians and crippled the Confederate Cause as a result. He treated any and all of his oposition as untrustworthy, unpatriotic and those who opposed him as being little better than Traitors.

Overall it is agreed by most that Jeff Davis was far more useful to the Confederate Cause as the Southern Martyr in Fort Monroe than he had ever been as the Confederate President in Richmond

What was Jefferson Davis contribution to history?

Davis was a romantic loser, now viewed as a symbol of the Lost Cause - a dream of the Old South as a place of chivalry and honour, a popular strand of mythology that survives to this day.

He did not actually start the Civil War, but he was elected President of the Confederacy because he looked the part, as a benevolent aristocrat (who treated his slaves so well, they didn't want their freedom) who had been a Colonel in the Mexican War and seemed to possess military credibility. All of this fell away under the test of national conflict, for which his talents were simply inadequate.

A well-educated man who lived on to an old age, he might have written some stirring memoirs to keep the flame alive, but all he gave us was a dry-as-dust legal argument in defence of the right of secession.

What a good paragraph on Jefferson Davis?

Jefferson Finis Davis (June 3, 1808 - December 6, 1889) was an American statesman and leader of the Confederacy during the American Civil War. Davis was born in Kentucky and grew up on plantations in Mississippi and Louisiana. He graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and fought in the Mexican-American War as the colonel of a volunteer regiment. He served as the United States Secretary of War underDemocratic President Franklin Pierce, and as a Democratic U.S. senator from Mississippi. His plantation in Mississippi depended on slave labor, like most Southern plantations. As a senator, he argued against secession, but did agree that each state was sovereign and had an unquestionable right to secede from the Union. Davis lost his first wife to malaria after three months of marriage, and the disease almost killed him as well. He had six children with his second wife, but only two of them survived him. He suffered from ill health for much of his life.

How did the leadership of Jefferson Davis change the north and south?

Lincoln was the President who fought and won the Civil War. The War was very expensive both in human lives and materiel costs. The South suffered the most destruction. Further, the absense of slave labor radically changed the economy and much of it was occupied by union solder, scalawags and carpetbaggers. The clause that was added to the Constitution that says anyone born in the US is a citizen has given thousands of illegal aliens American citizenship.

Did Jefferson Davis flee the US after the Civil War?

No. He was going to try to, but was caught before he could. There was even a rumor that when he was caught he was dressed in a woman's clothes, but that's not true. Davis was put in jail for a long time before bailed out by a Yankee newspaper journalist.

Was Jefferson Davis secretary of war?

Heavens, no.

He was Secretary of War in the administration of the 14th US president, Franklin Pierce, but not in Lincolns cabinet.

Did Jefferson Davis fight in the blackhawk war?

In 1824 Jefferson Davis entered West Point. After graduating from West Point he served at several different forts. In 1832 Jefferson Davis was at Fort Crawford where the Colonel made Jefferson his aide. That Colonel was Zachary Taylor, future president of the United States. During this time the US government ordered Chief Black Hawk to move his village to the other side of the Mississippi. Chief Black Hawk refused and the Black Hawk War began. Zachary Taylor asked for volunteers to serve for 30 days. One of those volunteers was Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln reenlisted for another 30 days. Lincoln said he did not see a single Indian during this 60 days. At the end of his 60 days, Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis found each other and reminisced about fishing together on Knob Creek.

Davis didn't see any action. He was responsible for escorting the captured Black Hawk and his people to Jefferson Barracks. Chief Black Hawk said Lieut. Jefferson Davis, " treated us all with much kindness. He is a good and brave young chief, with whose conduct I was much pleased".

Altogether Davis served 7 years in the military. Three years after the Black Hawk War, Davis quit the service because his lover, the daughter of Zachary Taylor, Sarah Knox, would not marry a soldier.

Jefferson Davis went on to become the secretary of War for the United States.

Was Jefferson Davis the son in law of Zachary Taylor?

Briefly. Davis married Sarah Knox Taylor on June 17, 1835 in Louisville, Kentucky. But it was a short-lived marriage because she died of malaria three months later.

Was Jefferson Davis an abolitionist?

Depending on how you look at it, he was an abolishionist. He spoke against slavery calling it a deplorable practice, yet he owned many slaves and even fathered children with some of them. In public, he was agaist slavery but in his personal life he benefited from it.

What were Jefferson Davis's allies?

John Adams was an ally, but it depends at what time. They had different view points and many times found themselves on opposing sides as rivals. Ben Franklin also served as an ally.

When was Jefferson Davis captured by union?

Yes, in Georgia.

He was more-or-less fantasising that he and his cabinet could continue the struggle from somewhere West of the Mississippi.

Hs two-year prison sentence earned him some sympathy, and he was allowed a dignified retirement.

How did president Jefferson Davis react to lincolns plans to resupply fort Sumter?

Confederate President Davis ignored the general consensus on sending troops to reinforce Vicksburg. General Lee convinced Davis that sending Southern troops from Virginia was not a good idea. Eager to avoid a propaganda victory for the Union, Davis asked General Braxton Bragg to send reinforcements to Johnston's forces.

What were Jefferson Davis prior occupations?

Davis was a US Congressman from Mississippi, a brigadier general in the US army, Secretary of War under Pierce and US Senator before he was president of the Confederate States. He also married President Taylor's daughter Sarah.

How did Jefferson Davis make a difference?

Jefferson Davis was the President of the Confederate States of America and the Commander in Chief of the Confederate armed forces. He had a fairly good understanding of overall strategy and logistics. Confederate solders did not have a whole lot of food but they had enough to eat until the very end. They had enough ammunition until the very end. Jefferson Davis had a problem with tactics. He liked to micromanage as much as possible from the capital in Richmond rather than let his generals on site run the battles. At the battle of Vicksburg, General Pemberton reported directly to Davis instead of to General Joe Johnson. Davis tried to run the Battles of Chattanoga and Atlanta from Richmond. He failed miserably. His mistrust of his generals on site led to his downfall.