


James Cook

James Cook was a British explorer who achieved the first European contact with the Hawaiian Islands and the eastern coastline of Australia. He also holds the record for being the first person to circumnavigate New Zealand.

915 Questions

Why do the crew trainer compared with a captain compass and a clock?

Why do you think you as a crew trainer are compared to a captain's compass and a clock?

Why should Captain James Cook be remembered?

Captain James Cook should be remembered for his significant contributions to exploration and mapping of the Pacific Ocean and Australia. He was one of the first Europeans to encounter and document many Pacific islands and their indigenous cultures. Cook's voyages played a crucial role in expanding European knowledge of the world and paved the way for future explorers and settlers in the region. His meticulous mapping and scientific observations also advanced the fields of geography, anthropology, and natural history.

How many children did Captain Cook have?

Captain Smith had a daughter named 'Helen Melville Smith'.

Helen led an adventurous life, she drove sports cars and became a pilot.

What was Captain Cook's favorite color?

No records exist which specifically name Captain Cook's favourite colour.

Does New Zealand have 2 islands?

Yes, New Zealand consists of two main islands: the North Island and the South Island. There are also many smaller islands that make up the country, but these two are the largest and most prominent.

What did James Cook contributed to science?

James Cook, a famous explorer, made significant contributions to science during his voyages in the 18th century. He helped advance knowledge in areas such as cartography, botany, anthropology, and zoology by documenting new species of plants and animals, mapping previously uncharted territories, and making detailed observations of the environments he encountered. Cook's scientific work laid the foundation for further exploration and study in these fields.

Who did Bon Appetit magazine name Cooking Teacher of the Year in 2004?

The Cooking Teacher of the Year in 2004, as named by Bon Appetit magazine, was Julia Child.

What is a captain's journal or diary of a voyage?

A captain's journal or diary of a voyage is a written record kept by the captain of a ship detailing important events, observations, navigational data, and personal reflections during a voyage. It serves as a historical document and a navigational aid for future reference.

When did captain cook see the transit of venus?

Captain Cook observed the transit of Venus on June 3, 1769. He and his crew embarked on the HMS Endeavour to observe the rare celestial event from the island of Tahiti in the South Pacific. This observation was part of a scientific expedition organized by the Royal Society in England.

Are there any monuments to Captain Cook?


There is a monument to Captain Cook in Hawaii. A white obelisk marks the point where he was killed by natives in 1779.

There is also a statue of Captain Cook in St Kilda, Melbourne, the capital of Victoria, Australia.

There are several monuments in the United Kingdom. One was built at The Vache in 1780, the year after Cook was killed. There is also a sizeable obelisk on Easby Moor which overlooks Cook's boyhood village of Great Ayton. In addition a plaque can be found on Free Trade Wharf in the Highway, Shadwell.

In addition, there are numerous places named are Cook, such as New Zealand's Mt Cook as well as a Mt Cook on the border between Alaska as the Yukon; the Cook Strait; various small islands named Cook Island as well as the Cook Islands themselves; a Captain Cook Museum in Martin, UK, the village where he was born; Cooktown in far North Queensland, Australia; there is even a Cook cater on the Moon: these are just a few of the ways in which Cook has been immortalised.

What US peninsula explored by Captain Cook experienced a tidal wave that destroyed its main port?

The US peninsula explored by Captain Cook that experienced a tidal wave that destroyed its main port is the Alaska Peninsula. In 1788, Cook sailed along the peninsula and encountered a massive tidal wave that devastated the main port of the area, which is now known as Cook Inlet.

Did Captain Cook kidnap someone at Cape Kidnapper?

No. However: st Tahiti, Cook was joined by a Tahitian chief named Tupaia, who wanted to travel, together with his boy-servant Tayeto. When Cook was circumnavigating New Zealand's North Island, a group of Māori in a canoe came alongside the Endeavour, and negotiated a trade of fresh fish. As Tayeto made his way to the canoe to accept the fish, he was grabbed by the Māori, who paddled off quickly with him. Cook's crew fired on the canoe, killing one Māori. Tayeto leapt overboard and was picked up by the Endeavour. Because of this event, Cook named the area Kidnapper's Bay.

Is captain cook alive?

No, Captain Cook, also known as James Cook, is not alive. He died in 1779 during his third voyage in the Pacific Ocean when he was killed by Hawaiian natives in a conflict.

Was captain cook's niece buried in Dubbo cemetry?

Captain Cook's niece (or great niece) is buried in Forbes Cemetery not far from Ben Hall and Ned Kelly's sister

Is Captain Cook's body found?

Captain James Cook's body was never lost.

After Cook was speared by natives in Hawaii, his body was prepared in an unusual ritual, which may have seemed like cannibalism to those of his crew who witnessed it. Because he had originally been regarded as a god by the natives, his heart was divided between tribal chiefs and eaten. his hands were stuffed with salt to preserve them, whilst many of his bones were placed around the island, given to other significant tribal chiefs. His remains were then returned to his crew in dignified fashion, with a cloak of white and black feathers, where they were placed in a small coffin and buried at sea.

What is the name of captain cook's ship which he sailed on to NZ it is also on the 50c coin?

The name of Captain Cook's ship that he sailed on to New Zealand is the HMS Endeavour. It is depicted on the 50-cent coin in New Zealand.

This man was a scientist on Captain Cook ship He came to study your plants and insects?

The scientist you are referring to is Sir Joseph Banks. He was a botanist and naturalist who joined Captain Cook on his expedition to the South Pacific on the HMS Endeavour from 1768 to 1771. Banks collected and studied numerous plant and insect specimens during the voyage, making significant contributions to the field of natural history.

Is James Cook plymoth argyle mascot?

No, James Cook is not the mascot for Plymouth Argyle. The official mascot for Plymouth Argyle is a green and white cockerel named "Pilgrim Pete."

What was on Captain Cook's ships?

James Cook had a number of important items.

  • He had cabbage, for cooking sauerkraut which was a good source of vitamin C, and lime juice to present scurvy.
  • He had navigational equipment such as a compass and sextant.
  • Cook kept meticulous logs, drawings and records of observations taken on his trips.
  • There were the usual crew members, plus scientists for different journeys.

What ship did Joseph banks sail on?

Joseph Banks sailed with Captain James Cook on HM Bark Endeavour from 1768 to 1771.

Can you give me a website in which you can name what ingredients you have on hand to cook with and it will tell you what you can cook with them?

There are many websites that a person can use to determine if they have enough interediends to cook a meal. Super Cook is one of them. You list the ingredients you have on hand, and they tell you what to make with it.

Are native Hawaiian women allowed to cook?

There is no restriction on native Hawaiian women cooking. Like women from any culture or ethnicity, they are free to cook and engage in domestic activities if they choose to do so. Cooking is a common practice that both men and women participate in, and it is not exclusive to any gender or ethnic group.