Honey, the Jackson 5 didn't need wigs, they had natural hair that was fabulous enough on its own. Those boys were too busy singing and dancing their hearts out to worry about fake hair. So, no, they did not wear wigs - they were too busy being the kings of Motown.
Are Jermaine and randy Jackson speaking to each other?
Oh, what a lovely question! Sometimes families have disagreements or misunderstandings, but it's important to remember that love and communication can help heal any rift. Perhaps Jermaine and Randy Jackson are taking some time to understand each other better, and with patience and kindness, they can find their way back to speaking again.
Who is older Jermaine or tito Jackson?
Tito is older.
It may appear that Jermaine is older during theyre mid/late career in j5 because he outgrew his older brother and ended up being before him in everything for some reason. Also there is a documentary on the 5 saying Jermaine is older than Tito witch is false Tito is a year older
What does Jaypan mean in the song Jackson?
In the song "Jackson," the term "Jaypan" is a colloquial pronunciation of the country Japan. The song tells the story of a couple planning to move to Jackson, Mississippi, but the woman decides to go to Japan instead. The mention of Japan adds a twist to the narrative and highlights the woman's independent decision-making.
Is Randy Jackson of American Idol the same Randy Jackson of the Jackson 5ive?
Oh, what a happy little question! You see, friend, Randy Jackson from American Idol is not the same Randy Jackson from the Jackson 5ive. They are two different talented individuals who have brought joy to many people in their own unique ways. Just like how every tree in the forest is special and adds beauty to the world in its own way.
Who played Marlon in 'The Jacksons an American Dream'?
From age 7-9 Floyd Roger Myers Jr
10-12 Jacen Wilkerson
Sorry I can't find anywhere who plays the adult Marlon. If you watch it it must be in the end credits.
Are the Jackson brothers rich?
yes Janet is extremely close to randy they did everything together growing up he was really protective of her.
Where were did the Jackson five come from?
It is from Norway but now form England but originally from Norway and Scandinavian
it is just a chain letter saying, "
On December 24,2006 at 8 o'clock in the morning, a young 14 year old boy by the name of Scott Jackson was found dead.Doctors couldn't come up with the cause of his death.His mother checked his emails to see if she could figure out what happened.Turns out he was still signed into myspace.She found he had gone to sleep after he read and didn't repost a chain letter.if you don't repost this to 6 videos a girl with no face will kill you tonight." that's all
Plus if his mum found that he had been reading the chain letter, she would have to of red it and from what i heard there aint no story bout his mum being dead so this is all MYTH
How much is the Jackson 5 victory album worth with picture on the record?
Around £3.00 but this figure could increase to a quite surprising £10.00- if you are lucky enough to find an avid Jackson 5 fan.
What music room did Michael Jackson practice at when he was in the Jackson 5?
The song was "They Dont Care About Us" from the HIStory album.
Was Jermaine Jackson ever in Jail?
yes he was in jail, he was known to be in trouble with the law a lot when he was younger.
Yes, they did numerous tours;
The Jackson 5 First National Tour
The Jackson 5 Second National Tour
The Jackson 5 U.S Tour
The Jackson 5 European Tour
The Jackson 5 World Tour
The Jackson 5 Final Tour
After they became The Jacksons;
European Tour
Interim Tour
Destiny Tour
Triumph Tour
Victory Tour
What happened to Randy Jackson?
According to reports "Little Randy" Jackson is in financial trouble and does odd jobs to make money by working in a friends garage in Los Angeles
Gary Coleman.
Which of the Jackson five are dead?
As of July 15, 2009 Michael Jackson is the only deceased member of the Jackson 5 or the Jacksons for that matter.
How much is a 2001 jazz festival poster worth?
Well, usually however much someone would like to pay, but I just saw one framed in the French Quarter (if it was real*) for $1900. There is one on ebay, current bid $725 with 3 days left. I believe there were 10,000 printed. Then there is the question of whether it was signed by hte artist which would increase its value, of course. Artists proofs can go for twice as much (or any amount really) if it is signed by the artist as well as the artist depicted ie. Fats Domino poster of 2006 which is currenty going for $2900. The unsigned version for $350.
*Just make sure they are authentic and not a photocopy, Jazz Festival authority should be able to authenticate
Why did Randy shave his head bald?
He never should have shaved his head unless their was a medical procedure done. He looks awdful bald. Put on a hairpiece or wear a hat. I cannot watch him on LMAD anymore because he is hard on the eyes. Sorry
How tall are all of the Jackson's?
Prince= 5.1
Blanket= i dont really know blankets height
Hope This Helps!
What does Steven Randall Randy Jackson do for a living?
Randy is probably best known as a bass player and a producer.
What were the Songs in the Victory Tour?
Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
Things I Do for You
Off the Wall
Human Nature (with Ben introduction)
This Place Hotel
She's out of My Life
Jermaine Jackson Medley;
Let's Get Serious
You Like Me, Don't You?
Tell Me I'm Not Dreamin' (Too Good to Be True) with Michael
Jackson 5 Medley;
I Want You Back
The Love You Save
I'll Be There
Rock with You
Lovely One
Workin' Day and Night
Beat It
Billie Jean
Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground)
What instruments does Jermaine Jackson play?
Piano, but he was mainly vocal.
Michael played guitar, drums, and piano. He is listed in the credits of his song "Morphine" as playing guitar along with Slash, and he solely performed the drums and other percussion in the song.
Is randy Jackson of the Jackson 5 married now?
Yes he has a daughter Taylor Born in 1995 from his 1st marriage and two children from his current marriage a daughter Zoe 14 and a son Jordan 12